Band Saw Blades | Raptor Supplies Australia

Band Saw Blades


M42 Band Saw Blades, 0.035 Inch Blade Thickness

Lenox band saw blades are ideal for cutting metal pieces in maintenance shops and manufacturing industries by using a single cutting edge. They have M-42 bi-metal construction for heat & wear resistance and durability. These saw blades feature variable / wavy teeth to cut common metals like mild steel, stainless steel, aluminium and brass. Choose from a wide array of these band saw blades, available in lengths ranging from 10 feet 10 inches to 25 feet 2-3/8 inches.

StyleModelLengthTeeth Per InchTooth TypeWidthPrice (inc. GST)
A47834CLB10330010' 10"6/8Variable1"A$ 167.24
A79690CLB15472515' 6"10/14Variable1"A$ 222.99
B176758325' 2-3/8"18Wavy3/4"A$ 311.13


StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A5782951A$ 213.19
B5711151A$ 172.83


StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
A29BGaugeA$ 374.12
B186GaugeA$ 241.41
CS229FZGauge SetA$ 412.47

Band Saw Blade Coil Stock

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
ABS5618-6WA$ 22.16
BBS9312-4FA$ 34.42
CBS6412-24MA$ 41.89

Narrow Metal Cutting Band Saw Blades

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A99186-10-01A$ 153.49
B91380-07-05A$ 40.21
C91430-07-09A$ 41.01
D91401-07-09A$ 40.95
E99186-07-08-1/2A$ 122.50
F99188-07-08-1/2A$ 119.00
G99186-07-08A$ 121.66
H99143-07-08A$ 121.69
I99190-07-08A$ 108.47
J99186-07-07A$ 122.54
K91380-07-06A$ 39.99
L91401-07-06A$ 39.99
M91420-07-06A$ 39.99
N99186-07-06A$ 127.76
O91401-07-05-1/2A$ 39.76
P99186-07-05-1/2A$ 112.80
Q99178-07-05A$ 136.11
I99151-07-09A$ 119.60
R99186-06-10A$ 106.56
S99186-06-01A$ 102.63
T91401-06-08A$ 38.04
U99186-06-08A$ 107.93
V91340-06-08A$ 37.55
W91380-06-08A$ 38.31
X99186-06-09A$ 108.51

Band Saw Blades for Cutting Food

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A94357-199WA$ 51.781
B93590-154WA$ 34.481
A94316-112WA$ 24.641
A94317-112WA$ 24.641
B93590-112WA$ 26.751
A94325-112WA$ 24.501
A94326-112WA$ 24.641
B93590-118WA$ 27.961
A94316-118WA$ 25.441
A94317-118WA$ 25.321
A94326-118WA$ 25.561
A94325-118WA$ 25.421
C94321-154WA$ 71.5924
A94316-154WA$ 31.291
A94317-154WA$ 31.291
A94325-154WA$ 31.661
A94326-135WA$ 28.511
A94326-154WA$ 30.981
A94317-098WA$ 23.781
B93590-098WA$ 24.761
A94326-098WA$ 23.961
A94325-098WA$ 23.491
A94316-129-1/2WA$ 30.411
B93590-124WA$ 29.041
A94316-098WA$ 23.231

Standard Width Metal Cutting Band Saw Blades

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A99334-10-01A$ 186.89
B99902-08-02-1/2A$ 155.74
A99234-12-05A$ 189.26
C99222-10-05A$ 165.87
B99318-12-09-1/2A$ 253.44
D91450-08-02-1/2A$ 53.13
E91471-08-02-1/2A$ 51.24
F91450-08-02A$ 53.60
G91471-07-09A$ 51.06
H91450-08-10A$ 55.19
I91471-08-10A$ 54.23
A99234-08-03A$ 136.71
J99206-08-02-1/2A$ 170.43
K91570-08-02-1/2A$ 56.26
A99234-08-02-1/2A$ 133.92
A99234-08-02A$ 129.93
L99907-11-06A$ 247.63
A99234-08-01A$ 136.22
C99222-08-01A$ 136.60
A99234-08A$ 128.32
M99206-07-11A$ 157.56
F91510-07-11A$ 53.41
C99222-07-10A$ 126.04
A99234-07-10A$ 128.52
A99234-07-09-1/2A$ 121.40

Wide Metal Cutting Band Saw Blades

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A99915-15-09A$ 352.43
B99500-12-06A$ 316.66
C99913-12-06A$ 280.37
A99912-12-06A$ 285.10
D99914-12-06A$ 316.66
A99914-12-06-1/2A$ 290.69
A99913-12-06-1/2A$ 290.69
A99914-12-09A$ 290.69
E99497-12-09A$ 293.53
F99500-12A$ 270.10
G99915-12-06A$ 316.66
E99498-12A$ 276.34
H99915-12A$ 270.10
I99913-12A$ 294.43
J99914-12A$ 294.43
K99914-13-11A$ 351.75
E99496-13-11A$ 313.22
L99912-13-11A$ 351.75
E99495-12-06A$ 286.68
E99496-12-06A$ 286.72
M99913-13-05A$ 340.07
E99519-22-02A$ 622.12
E99518-20-06A$ 569.26
A99926-20-06A$ 533.08
A99927-20A$ 520.67

Wood Cutting Band Saw Blades

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A6644142630A$ 97.86
A6655142970A$ 136.65

Band Saw Blade Coil Stock

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
A707203BladeA$ 74.74
B579039TeeA$ 1140.38
B579038TeeA$ 1182.93

Standard Width Metal Cutting Band Saw Blades

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A46TX80A$ 79.53
A46TX78A$ 70.28
A46TX71A$ 95.39
A46TX67A$ 76.44
A46TX76A$ 73.55
A46TX75A$ 76.66
A46TX63A$ 67.68
B46TX82A$ 52.53
B46TX81A$ 54.91
B46TX83A$ 69.11
B46TX79A$ 51.24
B46TX59A$ 49.05
B46TX64A$ 49.05
B46TX60A$ 47.79
B46TX72A$ 49.05
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A46TX74A$ 41.16
A46TX61A$ 47.07
A46TX62A$ 47.07
A46TX66A$ 44.70
A46TX69A$ 33.99
A46TX77A$ 58.82
A46TX73A$ 59.47
A46TX70A$ 47.07

Band Saw Blade Coil Stock

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A93126-184WA$ 26.40
B99297-14-06A$ 242.80
CBM18A$ 38.33
D99331-11-06A$ 155.45

Standard Width Metal Cutting Band Saw Blades

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
A22' ZWEQ063C34MAVPRBand Saw BladeA$ 493.84
A15' ZWEG083C34MAVPRBand Saw BladeA$ 177.94
A12'6" ZWEG083C34MAVPRBand Saw BladeA$ 153.73
A12' ZWEG083C34MAVPRBand Saw BladeA$ 158.15
A13'4" ZWEG083C34MAVPRBand Saw BladeA$ 162.88
A13'6" ZWEG083C34MAVPRBand Saw BladeA$ 162.88
A14'10" ZWEG083C34MAVPRBand Saw BladeA$ 176.47
B14'6" ZWEG083C811SBand Saw BladeA$ 160.45
A14'6" ZWEG083C34MAVPRBand Saw BladeA$ 171.95
A14'8" ZWEG083C34MAVPRBand Saw BladeA$ 177.94
B7'9" ZWEG083C811SBand Saw BladeA$ 117.53
A12'5" ZWEG083C34MAVPRBand Saw BladeA$ 151.44
A26'9" ZWEQ063C34MAVPRBand Saw BladeA$ 603.68
B10'10" ZWEFC811SBand Saw BladeA$ 114.77
B10' ZWEFC811SBand Saw BladeA$ 105.23
B11'6" ZWEFC811SBand Saw BladeA$ 126.92
B9'6" ZWEFC811SBand Saw BladeA$ 99.50
B14'6" ZWEFC811SBand Saw BladeA$ 143.38
A15'6" ZWEG083C34MAVPRBand Saw BladeA$ 183.20
A21'10" ZWEQ063C343MAVPRBand Saw BladeA$ 496.30
B12'6" ZWEG083C811SBand Saw BladeA$ 144.85
A12'3" ZWEG083C34MAVPRBand Saw BladeA$ 151.44
A23'11" ZWEQ063C34MAVPRBand Saw BladeA$ 539.21
B14'3" ZWEG083C811SBand Saw BladeA$ 161.39
A27'6" ZWEQ063C34MAVPRBand Saw BladeA$ 1190.97

QXP Bi-Metal Band Saw Blades

Lenox band saw blades are ideal for maintenance shops and manufacturing industries to cut steel alloys, aluminium and non-ferrous metal pieces using a single cutting edge by rotating through the workpieces in a continuous loop. They have bi-metal construction for heat & wear resistance and durability. The QXP tooth design features a positive rake or variable teeth to cut metal pieces quickly and deep gullets to remove chips efficiently. Choose from a wide array of these band saw blades, available in lengths ranging from 11 feet to 20 feet 6 inches.

StyleModelLengthTeeth Per InchThicknessTooth TypeWidthPrice (inc. GST)
A177065510' 10-1/2"5/80.035"Variable1"A$ 180.30
A92889QPB11343011' 3"2/30.035"Variable1"A$ 186.15
A95377QPB11350511' 6"4/60.035"Variable1"A$ 178.39
A94038QPB11350511' 6"5/80.035"Variable1"A$ 178.39
A94743QPB11350511' 6"2/30.042"Variable1.25"A$ 223.30
A94803QPB11350511' 6"4/60.042"Variable1.25"A$ 220.39
A89554QPB11350511' 6"3/40.042"Variable1.25"A$ 220.39
A95378QPB11350511' 6"3/40.035"Variable1"A$ 178.39
A94741QPB11335511ft.4/60.035"Variable1"A$ 175.08
A95653QPB11335511ft.5/80.035"Variable1"A$ 177.86
A89452QPB12381012' 6"3/40.042"Variable1.25"A$ 257.16
A89972QPB12381012' 6"4/60.035"Variable1"A$ 199.21
A94884QPB12381012' 6"2/30.042"Variable1.25"A$ 240.59
A177233412' 6"5/80.035"Variable1"A$ 202.60
A94330QPB12381012' 6"4/60.042"Variable1.25"A$ 257.16
A95557QPB12391012' 10"4/60.035"Variable1"A$ 200.66
A94077QPB12391012' 10"2/30.035"Variable1"A$ 200.66
A95556QPB12391012' 10"3/40.035"Variable1"A$ 200.66
A95571QPB12366012ft.4/60.042"Variable1.25"A$ 234.08
A89322QPB12366012ft.5/80.035"Variable1"A$ 195.87
A89436QPB12366012ft.3/40.035"Variable1"A$ 195.22
A89736QPB12366012ft.2/30.042"Variable1.25"A$ 234.08
A89437QPB12366012ft.4/60.035"Variable1"A$ 195.87
A95570QPB12366012ft.3/40.042"Variable1.25"A$ 234.08
A97447QPB13401513' 2"4/60.035"Variable1"A$ 230.33

Band Saw Blade 1/2 Inch Width Bimetal

StyleModelLengthTeeth Per InchThicknessTooth TypePrice (inc. GST)
AZWED035C1014MAT-7' 9"7' 9"10/140.035"VariableA$ 64.75
BZWEDH04MAT-7' 9-1/2"7' 9-1/2"40.025"HookA$ 61.58

Tri-Master Carbide Band Saw Blades

Lenox Tri-Master band saw blades cut wood, steel alloys, aluminium and non-ferrous metal pieces using a single cutting edge by rotating through the workpieces in a continuous loop in maintenance shops and manufacturing industries. These blades provide precise triple chip grinding for smooth cuts with an excellent finish. They have carbide construction with a steel backing for durability. These blades have wear-resistant, carbide-tipped teeth with regular & variable design for general purpose cutting and minimising vibration & noise while cutting, respectively. Choose from a wide array of these band saw blades, available in lengths ranging from 11 feet 6 inches to 19 feet 6 inches.

StyleModelLengthTeeth Per InchThicknessTooth TypeWidthPrice (inc. GST)
A49789TRB11350511' 6"3/40.042"Variable1.25"A$ 826.07
A45126TRB11350511' 6"30.042"Regular1.25"A$ 669.50
A89721TRB12381012' 6"30.025"Regular1/2"A$ 662.91
A45019TRB12381012' 6"30.035"Regular1"A$ 718.76
A49502TRB13411513' 6"2/30.035"Variable1"A$ 733.49
A45058TRB13411513' 6"30.035"Regular1"A$ 726.45
A49585TRB13411513' 6"3/40.035"Variable1"A$ 870.52
A89537TRB13411513' 6"3/40.042"Variable1.25"A$ 962.37
A49507TRB14432014' 2"2/30.035"Variable1"A$ 788.15
A49590TRB14442014' 6"3/40.035"Variable1"A$ 933.54
A89510TRB14442014' 6"30.042"Regular1.25"A$ 834.16
A49129TRB14442014' 6"30.025"Regular1/2"A$ 768.89
A89460TRB14442014' 6"2/30.035"Variable1"A$ 788.60
A99705TRB14426514ft.2/30.035"Variable1"A$ 743.17
A70631TRB15457015ft.2/30.035"Variable1"A$ 803.32
A35694TRB15457015ft.3/40.035"Variable1"A$ 971.70
A89540TRB15457015ft.3/40.042"Variable1.25"A$ 1080.74
A48001TRB15457015ft.2/30.05"Variable1.5"A$ 863.98
A49397TRB19594519' 6"30.032"Regular3/8"A$ 1397.97
A89419TRB19594519' 6"30.035"Regular3/4"A$ 1060.67
A89464TRB19594519' 6"30.035"Regular1"A$ 1060.67
StyleModelLengthTeeth Per InchThicknessWidthPrice (inc. GST)
AZWEG083C46A-11' 6"11ft.4/60.035"1"A$ 138.53
AZWEG083C58A-11' 0"11ft.5/80.035"1"A$ 137.50
AZWEG083C46A-13' 6"13' 6"4/60.035"1"A$ 132.98
AZWEG083C58A-13' 6"13' 6"5/80.035"1"A$ 158.95
AZWEG360C46A-15' 0"15ft.4/60.042"1.25"A$ 201.87
StyleModelLengthTeeth Per InchThicknessWidthPrice (inc. GST)
A11'6" ZCTHGP3411' 6"3/40.042"1.25"A$ 483.55
A13'6" ZCTGGP2313' 6"2/30.035"1"A$ 545.13
A13'6" ZCTGGP3413' 6"3/40.035"1"A$ 661.25
A13'6" ZCTHGP3413' 6"3/40.042"1.25"A$ 656.25
A14'6" ZCTGGP2314' 6"2/30.035"1"A$ 592.55
A14'6" ZCTGGP3414' 6"3/40.035"1"A$ 693.66
A14'6" ZCTHGP2314' 6"2/30.042"1.25"A$ 603.09
A14' ZCTGGP2314ft.2/30.035"1"A$ 584.54
A15' ZCTGGP2315ft.2/30.035"1"A$ 624.62
A15' ZCTHGP3415ft.3/40.042"1.25"A$ 748.55
A15' ZCTGGP3415ft.3/40.035"1"A$ 714.89
A15' ZCTNGP2315ft.2/30.05"1.5"A$ 666.32
StyleModelTeeth Per InchThicknessPrice (inc. GST)
AZWED025C812M42-7' 8-1/2"8/120.025"A$ 75.35
AZWED035C1014M42-7' 8-1/2"10/140.035"A$ 76.68

Band Saw Blade 9 Feet Inch Length

StyleModelGradeLengthTeeth Per InchThicknessWidthPrice (inc. GST)
AZWED035C1014M42-9' 3"M429' 3"10/140.035"1/2"A$ 79.90
AZWED035C1014M42-9' 6"M429' 6"10/140.035"1/2"A$ 88.37
AZWED025C812M42-9' 3"M429' 3"8/120.025"1/2"A$ 86.65
AZWED025C812M42-9' 6"M429' 6"8/120.025"1/2"A$ 79.90
AZWEFC1014M42-9' 3"M429' 3"10/140.035"3/4"A$ 80.80
AZWEFC812M42-9' 11-1/2"M429' 11-1/2"8/120.035"3/4"A$ 84.42
BZWEFC812MAT-9' 11-1/2"Matrix II9' 11-1/2"8/120.035"3/4"A$ 76.95

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