Carriage Bolts


Carriage bolts are suitable for fastening wooden or metallic surfaces with each other in automotive, manufacturing, woodworking and maintenance & repair applications. Raptor Supplies offers a wide... Read More


Carriage Bolt Stainless Steel

StyleModelDrill SizeHead Dia.Head HeightSquare HeightSquare WidthThread SizePrice (inc. GST)
AU51500.025.01001/4"0.563 to 0.594"0.125 to 0.145"0.125 to 0.156"0.245 to 0.26"1/4-20A$ 22.08
BU51500.031.01005/16"0.688 to 0.719"0.156 to 0.176"0.156 to 0.187"0.307 to 0.324"5/16-18A$ 40.28

Carriage Bolts

StyleModelFinishLengthWidthPrice (inc. GST)
AGR-HCBDS-PUZinc1"-A$ 10.27
BSLFCBDS1Zinc Plated1"0.625"-
CSLFCBDS1SSZinc Plated1"0.625"-
CSLFCB58Zinc Plated1"0.3125"-
CSLFCB34Zinc Plated0.75"0.3125"-
CSLFCB1Zinc Plated1"0.3125"-
CSLFCB1SSZinc Plated1"0.3125"-

Carriage Bolts

StyleModelHex Bolt SizeMaterialFinish
A5003151/2-13 x 3-1/2"SteelPowder Coated Yellow
A5032931/2-13 x 3-1/2"Stainless Steel-
A5003203/8-16 x 2-1/2"SteelMill Finish
A5028195/16 -18 x 1-Powder Coated Yellow
A5099805/16 -18 x 1SteelMill Finish
A5119385/16 -18 x 1Stainless Steel-
A5003265/16 -18 x 1SteelGalvanized , Powder Coated Yellow
A5143335/16 x 3/4"SteelGalvanized
A5129855/16-18 x-1/2"SteelGalvanized
A5065025/16-18 x 2-1/4"-Powder Coated Yellow
A5069855/16-18 x 2-1/4"Stainless Steel-

Carriage Bolts

StyleModelDia./Thread SizeDrill SizeFastener LengthHead Dia.Head HeightLengthSquare HeightSquare WidthPrice (inc. GST)
AFBCB1215P101/2"-1317/32"1 1/21.094"0.27"1 1/2"0.250" to 0.281"0.515"A$ 60.76
AFBCB121P101/2"-1317/32"11.094"0.27"1 "0.250" to 0.281"0.515"A$ 60.76
AFBCB1225P101/2"-1317/32"2 1/21.094"0.27"2 1/2"0.250" to 0.281"0.515"A$ 80.14
AFBCB122P101/2"-1317/32"21.094"0.27"2 "0.250" to 0.281"0.515"A$ 94.63
AFBCB1235P51/2"-1317/32"3 1/21.094"0.27"3 1/2"0.250" to 0.281"0.515"A$ 63.93
AFBCB123P51/2"-1317/32"31.094"0.27"3 "0.250" to 0.281"0.515"A$ 56.65
BFBCB1245P51/2"-1317/32"4 1/21.094"0.27"4 1/2"0.250" to 0.281"0.515"A$ 69.36
BFBCB124P51/2"-1317/32"41.094"0.27"4 "0.250" to 0.281"0.515"A$ 60.21
BFBCB1255P51/2"-1317/32"5 1/21.094"0.27"5 1/2"0.250" to 0.281"0.515"A$ 85.56
BFBCB125P51/2"-1317/32"51.094"0.27"5 "0.250" to 0.281"0.515"A$ 67.15
CFBCB126P51/2"-1317/32"61.094"0.27"6 "0.250" to 0.281"0.515"A$ 86.49
DFBCB14206P101/4"-2017/64"60.594"0.145"6 "0.156"0.260"A$ 52.78
DFBCB14205P101/4"-2017/64"50.594"0.145"5 "0.156"0.260"A$ 42.38
DFBCB142055P101/4"-2017/64"5 1/20.594"0.145"5 1/2"0.156"0.260"A$ 51.45
DFBCB14204P101/4"-2017/64"40.594"0.145"4 "0.156"0.260"A$ 37.33
DFBCB142045P101/4"-2017/64"4 1/20.594"0.145"4 1/2"0.156"0.260"A$ 52.43
EFBCB14203P251/4"-2017/64"30.594"0.145"3 "0.156"0.260"A$ 70.97
EFBCB142035P251/4"-2017/64"3 1/20.594"0.145"3 1/2"0.156"0.260"A$ 92.36
EFBCB14202P251/4"-2017/64"20.594"0.145"2 "0.156"0.260"A$ 60.52
EFBCB142025P251/4"-2017/64"2 1/20.594"0.145"2 1/2"0.156"0.260"A$ 64.59
EFBCB14201P501/4"-2017/64"10.594"0.145"1 "0.156"0.260"A$ 88.23
EFBCB142015P501/4"-2017/64"1 1/20.594"0.145"1 1/2"0.156"0.260"A$ 96.64
AFBCB3815P253/8"-1625/64"1 1/20.844"0.208"1 1/2"0.219"0.388"A$ 107.63
AFBCB381P253/8"-1625/64"10.844"0.208"1 "0.219"0.388"A$ 96.27
AFBCB3825P253/8"-1625/64"2 1/20.844"0.208"2 1/2"0.219"0.388"A$ 124.22

Carriage Bolts

StyleModelBasic MaterialDia./Thread SizeDrill SizeFastener FinishFastener LengthFinishGradeHead Dia.Price (inc. GST)
AM51500.100.0025Stainless SteelM10x1.5-Plain25PlainA223.35 to 24.65mmA$ 89.86
AM51500.120.0030Stainless SteelM12x1.75-Plain30PlainA229.35 to 30.65mmA$ 58.31
BM51500.100.0045Stainless SteelM10x1.5-Plain45PlainA223.35 to 24.65mmA$ 86.24
BM51500.100.0050Stainless SteelM10x1.5-Plain50PlainA223.35 to 24.65mmA$ 62.26
BM51500.100.0060Stainless SteelM10x1.5-Plain60PlainA223.35 to 24.65mmA$ 83.70
BM51500.100.0070Stainless SteelM10x1.5-Plain70PlainA223.35 to 24.65mmA$ 28.53
CM51500.100.0080Stainless SteelM10x1.5-Plain80PlainA223.35 to 24.65mmA$ 37.78
CM51500.100.0090Stainless SteelM10x1.5-Plain90PlainA223.35 to 24.65mmA$ 35.47
CM51500.100.0100Stainless SteelM10x1.5-Plain100PlainA223.35 to 24.65mmA$ 52.23
CM51500.100.0120Stainless SteelM10x1.5-Plain120PlainA223.35 to 24.65mmA$ 43.88
DM51500.120.0040Stainless SteelM12x1.75-Plain40PlainA229.35 to 30.65mmA$ 31.93
BM51500.100.0035Stainless SteelM10x1.5-Plain35PlainA223.35 to 24.65mmA$ 64.36
EB51500.025.0062Stainless Steel1/4"-2017/64"Plain5/8Plain18-80.594"A$ 1344.97
FB51500.025.0100Stainless Steel1/4"-201/4"Plain1Plain18-80.563" to 0.594"A$ 444.40
GB51500.025.0150Stainless Steel1/4"-201/4"Plain1 1/2Plain18-80.563" to 0.594"-
FB51500.025.0200Stainless Steel1/4"-201/4"Plain2Plain18-80.563" to 0.594"A$ 371.62
FB51500.025.0250Stainless Steel1/4"-201/4"Plain2 1/2Plain18-80.563" to 0.594"A$ 390.17
HB51500.025.0300Stainless Steel1/4"-201/4"Plain3Plain18-80.563" to 0.594"A$ 517.48
EB51500.031.0075Stainless Steel5/16"-185/16"Plain3/4Plain18-80.688" to 0.719"A$ 380.97
IB51500.031.0175Stainless Steel5/16"-185/16"Plain1 3/4Plain18-80.688" to 0.719"A$ 417.25
IB51500.031.0200Stainless Steel5/16"-185/16"Plain2Plain18-80.688" to 0.719"A$ 377.39
BM51500.100.0040Stainless SteelM10x1.5-Plain40PlainA223.35 to 24.65mmA$ 21.96
BM51500.100.0030Stainless SteelM10x1.5-Plain30PlainA223.35 to 24.65mmA$ 79.32
JB51500.031.0300Stainless Steel5/16"-185/16"Plain3Plain18-80.688" to 0.719"A$ 390.90
KM51500.060.0025Stainless SteelM6x1-Plain25PlainA215.45 to 16.55mmA$ 45.98

Carriage Bolts

StyleModelDrill SizeGradeHead Dia.Head HeightLengthMaterialSquare HeightSquare WidthPrice (inc. GST)
AU08300.025.007517/64"80.594"0.145"3/4"Alloy Steel0.156"0.26"A$ 9.25
AU08300.025.010017/64"80.594"0.145"1"Alloy Steel0.156"0.26"A$ 14.39
BU08300.025.015017/64"80.594"0.145"1.5"Alloy Steel0.156"0.26"A$ 11.01
C215118G17/64"80.594"0.145"1.75"Alloy Steel0.156"0.26"A$ 175.92
DU08300.025.020017/64"80.594"0.145"2"Alloy Steel0.156"0.26"A$ 12.24
DU08300.025.025017/64"80.594"0.145"2.5"Alloy Steel0.156"0.26"A$ 15.35
BU08300.031.020021/64"80.719"0.176"2"Alloy Steel0.187"0.324"A$ 61.80
E215238G21/64"80.719"0.176"3/4"Alloy Steel0.187"0.324"A$ 122.07
BU08300.031.010021/64"80.719"0.176"1"Alloy Steel0.187"0.324"A$ 42.98
BU08300.031.012521/64"80.719"0.176"1.25"Alloy Steel0.187"0.324"A$ 48.01
BU08300.031.015021/64"80.719"0.176"1.5"Alloy Steel0.187"0.324"A$ 30.66
C215318G21/64"80.719"0.176"1.75"Alloy Steel0.187"0.324"A$ 191.49
BU08300.031.025021/64"80.719"0.176"2.5"Alloy Steel0.187"0.324"A$ 76.09
C215538G25/64"80.844"0.208"2"Alloy Steel0.219"0.388"A$ 287.25
F215578G25/64"80.844"0.208"3"Alloy Steel0.219"0.388"A$ 488.42
G215658G25/64"80.844"0.208"5"Alloy Steel0.219"0.388"A$ 132.18
HU08300.037.040025/64"80.844"0.208"4"Alloy Steel0.219"0.388"A$ 23.62
C215558G25/64"80.844"0.208"2.5"Alloy Steel0.219"0.388"A$ 318.38
I215518G25/64"80.844"0.208"1.75"Alloy Steel0.219"0.388"A$ 212.16
BU08300.037.015025/64"80.844"0.208"1.5"Alloy Steel0.219"0.388"A$ 71.63
E215438G25/64"80.844"0.208"3/4"Alloy Steel0.219"0.388"A$ 234.69
AU08300.037.010025/64"80.844"0.208"1"Alloy Steel0.219"0.388"A$ 37.70
DU08300.050.015033/64"81.094"0.27"1.5"Alloy Steel0.281"0.515"A$ 26.01
I216138G33/64"81.094"0.27"2"Alloy Steel0.281"0.515"A$ 167.86
J216278G33/64"81.094"0.27"5.5"Alloy Steel0.281"0.515"A$ 55.75
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A8005-009A$ 0.51
A8005-016A$ 0.38

Carriage Bolt, 18-8 Stainless Steel

StyleModelDrill SizeHead Dia.Head HeightLengthSquare HeightSquare WidthThread SizePrice (inc. GST)
AU51500.050.01251/2"1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"1.25"0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"1/2-13A$ 77.60
BU51500.050.01501/2"1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"1.5"0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"1/2-13A$ 68.17
CU51500.050.03501/2"1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"3.5"0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"1/2-13A$ 25.29
DU51500.037.02003/8"0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"2"0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"3/8-16A$ 42.89
DU51500.031.01255/16"0.688 to 0.719"0.156 to 0.176"1.25"0.156 to 0.187"0.307 to 0.324"5/16-18A$ 50.30
DU51500.031.02255/16"0.688 to 0.719"0.156 to 0.176"2.25"0.156 to 0.187"0.307 to 0.324"5/16-18A$ 54.31

Carriage Bolt, Low Carbon Steel

StyleModelDrill SizeFinishGradeHead Dia.Head HeightLengthSquare HeightSquare WidthPrice (inc. GST)
AU08305.025.04501/4"Zinc-PlatedA0.563 to 0.594"0.125 to 0.145"4.5"0.125 to 0.156"0.245 to 0.26"A$ 26.75
BU08307.025.05001/4"Hot Dipped GalvanizedA0.563 to 0.594"0.125 to 0.145"5"0.125 to 0.156"0.245 to 0.26"A$ 23.88
CU08305.075.06003/4"Zinc-PlatedA1.469 to 1.594"0.375 to 0.406"6"0.375 to 0.406"0.741 to 0.768"A$ 73.53
CU08305.075.07003/4"Zinc-Plated21.469 to 1.594"0.375 to 0.406"7"0.375 to 0.406"0.741 to 0.768"A$ 42.55
CU08305.075.08003/4"Zinc-PlatedA1.469 to 1.594"0.375 to 0.406"8"0.375 to 0.406"0.741 to 0.768"A$ 47.68
AU08305.037.05503/8"Zinc-PlatedA0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"5.5"0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"A$ 11.93
DB08305.037.01503/8"Zinc-PlatedA0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"1.5"0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"A$ 170.30
EU08305.062.02505/8"Zinc-PlatedA1.219 to 1.344"0.313 to 0.344"2.5"0.313 to 0.344"0.616 to 0.642"A$ 27.12
FU08305.062.03005/8"Zinc-PlatedA1.219 to 1.344"0.313 to 0.344"3"0.313 to 0.344"0.616 to 0.642"A$ 29.86
GU08307.062.02505/8"Hot Dipped GalvanizedA1.219 to 1.344"0.313 to 0.344"2.5"0.313 to 0.344"0.616 to 0.642"A$ 55.62
GU08307.062.03005/8"Hot Dipped GalvanizedA1.219 to 1.344"0.313 to 0.344"3"0.313 to 0.344"0.616 to 0.642"A$ 57.24
HU08307.062.05005/8"Hot Dipped GalvanizedA1.219 to 1.344"0.313 to 0.344"5"0.313 to 0.344"0.616 to 0.642"A$ 32.54
IU08305.031.02755/16"Zinc-PlatedA0.688 to 0.719"0.156 to 0.176"2.75"0.156 to 0.187"0.307 to 0.324"A$ 40.77
JU08305.043.01007/16"Zinc-PlatedA0.907 to 0.969"0.219 to 0.239"1"0.219 to 0.25"0.431 to 0.452"A$ 17.44
FU08305.043.03007/16"Zinc-PlatedA0.907 to 0.969"0.219 to 0.239"3"0.219 to 0.25"0.431 to 0.452"A$ 56.77
AU08305.043.04507/16"Zinc-PlatedA0.907 to 0.969"0.219 to 0.239"4.5"0.219 to 0.25"0.431 to 0.452"A$ 61.87

Carriage Bt 5/16-18 Inch Low Carbon Steel Zinc

StyleModelLengthPrice (inc. GST)
AB08305.031.01501.5"A$ 168.37
AB08305.031.01251.25"A$ 189.16
AB08305.031.02502.5"A$ 125.53
BB08305.031.02252.25"A$ 259.49
DB08305.031.04504.5"A$ 252.60
EB08305.031.05505.5"A$ 259.58
StyleModelLengthPrice (inc. GST)
AB08305.025.01501.5"A$ 126.63
AB08305.025.01251.25"A$ 151.89

Carriage Bolt Zinc

StyleModelDrill SizeHead Dia.Head HeightLengthSquare HeightSquare WidthThread SizePrice (inc. GST)
AU08305.050.09001/2"1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"9"0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"1/2-13A$ 26.32
BU08305.050.02001/2"1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"2"0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"1/2-13A$ 16.04
CU08305.050.03001/2"1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"3"0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"1/2-13A$ 21.49
AU08305.050.10001/2"1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"10"0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"1/2-13A$ 22.84
DU08305.050.06001/2"1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"6"0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"1/2-13A$ 16.31
CU08305.050.04001/2"1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"4"0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"1/2-13A$ 12.12
EU08305.050.08001/2"1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"8"0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"1/2-13A$ 21.45
FU08305.050.05001/2"1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"5"0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"1/2-13A$ 22.41
CU08305.025.04001/4"0.563 to 0.594"0.125 to 0.145"4"0.125 to 0.156"0.245 to 0.26"1/4-20A$ 13.00
GU08305.025.05001/4"0.563 to 0.594"0.125 to 0.145"5"0.125 to 0.156"0.245 to 0.26"1/4-20A$ 25.72
CU08305.025.03001/4"0.563 to 0.594"0.125 to 0.145"3"0.125 to 0.156"0.245 to 0.26"1/4-20A$ 11.34
EU08305.037.07003/8"0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"7"0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"3/8-16A$ 12.28
DU08305.037.05003/8"0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"5"0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"3/8-16A$ 7.61
CU08305.037.03003/8"0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"3"0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"3/8-16A$ 11.26
BU08305.037.02003/8"0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"2"0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"3/8-16A$ 20.85
CU08305.037.04003/8"0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"4"0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"3/8-16A$ 16.13
DU08305.037.06003/8"0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"6"0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"3/8-16A$ 8.68
EU08305.037.08003/8"0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"8"0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"3/8-16A$ 10.46
FU08305.062.04005/8"1.219 to 1.344"0.313 to 0.344"4"0.313 to 0.344"0.616 to 0.642"5/8-11A$ 41.34
FU08305.062.05005/8"1.219 to 1.344"0.313 to 0.344"5"0.313 to 0.344"0.616 to 0.642"5/8-11A$ 38.92
CU08305.031.03005/16"0.688 to 0.719"0.156 to 0.176"3"0.156 to 0.187"0.307 to 0.324"5/16-18A$ 16.17

Carriage Bolt Square

StyleModelDrill SizeFinishHead Dia.Head HeightLengthMaterialSquare HeightSquare WidthPrice (inc. GST)
AU51500.050.06001/2"Plain1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"6"18-8 Stainless Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 35.16
BU08307.050.06001/2"Hot Dipped Galvanized1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"6"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 16.31
AU51500.050.05001/2"Plain1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"5"18-8 Stainless Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 30.64
CU51500.050.04001/2"Plain1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"4"18-8 Stainless Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 28.75
CU51500.050.03001/2"Plain1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"3"18-8 Stainless Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 43.45
DU51500.050.02001/2"Plain1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"2"18-8 Stainless Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 70.93
EU08307.050.02001/2"Hot Dipped Galvanized1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"2"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 17.13
FU08307.050.03001/2"Hot Dipped Galvanized1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"3"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 25.66
FU08307.050.04001/2"Hot Dipped Galvanized1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"4"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 11.77
GU08307.050.05001/2"Hot Dipped Galvanized1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"5"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 15.47
HU51500.025.04001/4"Plain0.563 to 0.594"0.125 to 0.145"4"18-8 Stainless Steel0.125 to 0.156"0.245 to 0.26"A$ 40.73
HU51500.025.03001/4"Plain0.563 to 0.594"0.125 to 0.145"3"18-8 Stainless Steel0.125 to 0.156"0.245 to 0.26"A$ 30.15
IU08307.025.03001/4"Hot Dipped Galvanized0.563 to 0.594"0.125 to 0.145"3"Low Carbon Steel0.125 to 0.156"0.245 to 0.26"A$ 60.84
JU08307.025.04001/4"Hot Dipped Galvanized0.563 to 0.594"0.125 to 0.145"4"Low Carbon Steel0.125 to 0.156"0.245 to 0.26"A$ 39.83
KU51500.025.02001/4"Plain0.563 to 0.594"0.125 to 0.145"2"18-8 Stainless Steel0.125 to 0.156"0.245 to 0.26"A$ 35.32
BU08307.037.06003/8"Hot Dipped Galvanized0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"6"Low Carbon Steel0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"A$ 9.25
BU08307.037.05003/8"Hot Dipped Galvanized0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"5"Low Carbon Steel0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"A$ 7.67
LU51500.037.01003/8"Plain0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"1"18-8 Stainless Steel0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"A$ 53.88
MU51500.037.03003/8"Plain0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"3"18-8 Stainless Steel0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"A$ 28.57
MU51500.037.04003/8"Plain0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"4"18-8 Stainless Steel0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"A$ 43.10
AU51500.037.06003/8"Plain0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"6"18-8 Stainless Steel0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"A$ 23.58
FU08307.037.04003/8"Hot Dipped Galvanized0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"4"Low Carbon Steel0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"A$ 18.19
FU08307.037.03003/8"Hot Dipped Galvanized0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"3"Low Carbon Steel0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"A$ 12.59
NU08307.037.02003/8"Hot Dipped Galvanized0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"2"Low Carbon Steel0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"A$ 62.32
OU51500.031.02005/16"Plain0.688 to 0.719"0.156 to 0.176"2"18-8 Stainless Steel0.156 to 0.187"0.307 to 0.324"A$ 51.92

Carriage Bolt Grade A

StyleModelDrill SizeHead Dia.Head HeightLengthSquare HeightSquare WidthThread SizePrice (inc. GST)
AU08307.050.02501/2"1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"2.5"0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"1/2-13A$ 22.47
BU08307.025.03501/4"0.563 to 0.594"0.125 to 0.145"3.5"0.125 to 0.156"0.245 to 0.26"1/4-20A$ 33.97
CU08307.037.03503/8"0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"3.5"0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"3/8-16A$ 15.51
DU08307.037.01253/8"0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"1.25"0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"3/8-16A$ 114.40

Carriage Bolt 7/16-14 Inch

StyleModelFinishLengthPrice (inc. GST)
AU08300.043.0125Plain1.25"A$ 44.94
AU08300.043.0150Plain1.5"A$ 52.17
AU08300.043.0200Plain2"A$ 70.11
AU08300.043.0250Plain2.5"A$ 31.29
BU08305.043.0400Zinc-Plated4"A$ 28.36
CB08305.043.0200Zinc-Plated2"A$ 222.46

Carriage Bolt 18-8 Inch

StyleModelDrill SizeHead Dia.Head HeightLengthSquare HeightSquare WidthThread SizePrice (inc. GST)
AU51500.025.02501/4"0.563 to 0.594"0.125 to 0.145"2.5"0.125 to 0.156"0.245 to 0.26"1/4-20A$ 42.28
BU51500.025.03501/4"0.563 to 0.594"0.125 to 0.145"3.5"0.125 to 0.156"0.245 to 0.26"1/4-20A$ 37.64
CU51500.037.01253/8"0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"1.25"0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"3/8-16A$ 57.73
CU51500.037.01503/8"0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"1.5"0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"3/8-16A$ 70.67
CU51500.037.02503/8"0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"2.5"0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"3/8-16A$ 50.65
DU51500.037.03503/8"0.782 to 0.844"0.188 to 0.208"3.5"0.188 to 0.219"0.368 to 0.388"3/8-16A$ 48.50
CU51500.031.01755/16"0.688 to 0.719"0.156 to 0.176"1.75"0.156 to 0.187"0.307 to 0.324"5/16-18A$ 52.98
CU51500.031.02505/16"0.688 to 0.719"0.156 to 0.176"2.5"0.156 to 0.187"0.307 to 0.324"5/16-18A$ 34.71

Carriage Bolt

StyleModelDrill SizeFinishHead Dia.Head HeightLengthMaterialSquare HeightSquare WidthPrice (inc. GST)
AU08305.050.02501/2"Zinc-Plated1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"2.5"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 29.82
BB08300.050.01501/2"Plain1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"1.5"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 99.04
CB08300.050.02001/2"Plain1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"2"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 284.24
DB08300.050.03001/2"Plain1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"3"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 162.18
DB08300.050.04001/2"Plain1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"4"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"-
EB08305.050.02001/2"Zinc-Plated1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"2"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"-
FB08305.050.03001/2"Zinc-Plated1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"3"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 148.15
GB08305.050.04001/2"Zinc-Plated1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"4"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 136.79
HB08305.050.05001/2"Zinc-Plated1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"5"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 257.20
CB08300.050.02501/2"Plain1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"2.5"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 376.99
CU08300.050.02001/2"Plain1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"2"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 33.24
CU08300.050.01751/2"Plain1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"1.75"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 29.70
BU08300.050.01251/2"Plain1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"1.25"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 63.73
IB08305.050.08001/2"Zinc-Plated1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"8"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 141.88
JB08305.050.09001/2"Zinc-Plated1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"9"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 141.13
JB08305.050.10001/2"Zinc-Plated1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"10"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 146.37
KB08305.050.06001/2"Zinc-Plated1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"6"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 147.49
LU51500.050.01751/2"Plain1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"1.75"18-8 Stainless Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 64.92
EU08305.050.01001/2"Zinc-Plated1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"1"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 27.96
MB08307.050.03001/2"Hot Dipped Galvanized1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"3"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 163.44
NB08307.050.05001/2"Hot Dipped Galvanized1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"5"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 155.15
OB08307.050.06001/2"Hot Dipped Galvanized1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"6"Low Carbon Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 182.41
LU51500.050.02501/2"Plain1.032 to 1.094"0.25 to 0.27"2.5"18-8 Stainless Steel0.25 to 0.281"0.492 to 0.515"A$ 52.74
PU51500.025.01251/4"Plain0.563 to 0.594"0.125 to 0.145"1.25"18-8 Stainless Steel0.125 to 0.156"0.245 to 0.26"A$ 25.38
QB08305.025.02001/4"Zinc-Plated0.563 to 0.594"0.125 to 0.145"2"Low Carbon Steel0.125 to 0.156"0.245 to 0.26"A$ 152.90

Carriage Blt 5/8-11 Inch Low Carbon Steel Zinc

StyleModelLengthPrice (inc. GST)
AU08305.062.01501.5"A$ 23.66
BU08305.062.03503.5"A$ 45.02

Carriage Blt 3/8-16 Inch Low Carbon Steel Zinc

StyleModelLengthPrice (inc. GST)
AB08305.037.01251.25"A$ 153.26
BB08305.037.01751.75"A$ 238.02
CB08305.037.03503.5"A$ 174.04
CB08305.037.04504.5"A$ 156.53
DB08305.037.05505.5"A$ 244.97

Carriage Blt 1/4-20 Inch Low Carbon Steel Zinc

StyleModelLengthPrice (inc. GST)
AB08305.025.00501/2"A$ 155.86
BB08305.025.02502.5"A$ 225.52
CB08305.025.02252.25"A$ 280.48
DB08305.025.03503.5"A$ 188.47
BB08305.025.00753/4"A$ 164.65
EB08305.025.04504.5"A$ 331.74
AU08305.025.00625/8"A$ 14.69

Carriage Blt 1/2-13 Inch Low Carbon Steel Zinc

StyleModelLengthPrice (inc. GST)
AB08305.050.01501.5"A$ 148.96
BU08305.050.01251.25"A$ 48.13
CU08305.050.01751.75"A$ 31.15
CU08305.050.02252.25"A$ 60.04
CU08305.050.02752.75"A$ 68.99

Carriage Bolts

Carriage bolts are suitable for fastening wooden or metallic surfaces with each other in automotive, manufacturing, woodworking and maintenance & repair applications. Raptor Supplies offers a wide array of carriage bolts from brands like Fabory, Snap-Loc, Earnest, B & P Manufacturing, and more. They usually feature a domed head without a drive and hence, require a nut & washer to pull them into the material.


  • Carriage bolts are divided into 2 main parts: the head and the threaded portion.
  • The head is domed or rounded for easy identification & an appealing look.
  • The bolt head also has a square neck for preventing accidental opening due to vibration or other factors and preventing it from spinning when screwed into a surface.
  • The threaded portion / shank generally starts just below the small square neck for easy threading into the workpiece and ensuring a secure grip on the material.
  • Carriage bolts have a flat tip for easy installation and can only be inserted into a pre-drilled hole.
  • Selected carriage bolts have a partially threaded shank with a shoulder instead of a fully threaded shank, for preventing loosening, breakage & bending due to friction-induced overheating or sideway forces.
  • Fabory carriage bolts are made of steel or stainless steel and feature right hand coarse threads of UNC or metric type.
  • Earnest carriage bolts are made of alloy steel or medium carbon steel and have Grade 5 / 8 strength. They are available in fully threaded & partially threaded variants and have a maximum tensile strength of 150000 psi for handling stress.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between carriage bolts & hex head lag screws?

  • Carriage bolts have a flat end, whereas hex head lag bolts feature a pointed tip.
  • The flat end of carriage bolts can accept a washer & nut for secure installation.
  • Lag bolts have wide threads and are screwed directly into wood, without requiring nuts to complete the assembly.

What is the difference between carriage bolts and plow bolts?

  • Carriage bolts are generally used in smaller equipment like snowplows attached to pick-up trucks, whereas plow bolts are used in larger plow equipment like excavators.
  • Carriage bolts have a flat profile across the bottom of the head, while plow bolts have an angled head for fitting onto countersunk holes.

Why are carriage bolts named so?

Carriage bolts became popular when they started getting used in the manufacturing of carriages & carriage wheels. Thus, they got named 'carriage bolts'.

What does the strength grades / classes mean in carriage bolts?

  • The grade or class of a fastener indicates its strength & compatibility with the respective nut / threaded rod / screw / bolt / washer.
  • Generally, the higher the grade, the higher the strength of the fastener.
  • SAE specifies grades for Imperial-sized carriage bolts. Carriage bolts having the same SAE strength grade as a nut should be used together.
  • ISO rates Metric-sized carriage bolts. Carriage bolts having the same first digit as a nut are meant to be used together.
  • ASTM grades carriage bolts based on factors like strength, high-pressure & high-temperature application.

How to install a carriage bolt?

  • Drill a hole of the appropriate bolt size (diameter) into the surface for sliding the bolt.
  • Place the washer & nut on the back side of the bolt (opposite side of the head).
  • Tighten the nut to pull the bolt's square shoulder into the surface.
  • When the underside of the bolt head rests against the surface, the carriage bolt is completely installed.

How to remove a carriage bolt?

  • Twist the nut loose to the end of the bolt. Do not take the nut out of the bolt as it is required to move the bolt.
  • Hit the nut using a hammer to move the bolt's square shoulder out of the surface. After some time, the nut would get closer to the surface.
  • Repeat the process till the nut no longer grips the bolt or when the bolt can be removed by hand.
  • Users can pry the bolt out of the hole using the nail remover attached to a hammer, if the bolt gets stuck in the hole.

Do carriage bolts need washers?

It is highly recommended to use washers with carriage bolts. Using a washer under the screw head increases the surface area and distributes the load. This decreases damage when pulling the bolt through the material using the nut and prevents the bolt from sticking / digging into the surface.

What are some standards that carriage bolts abide by?

Carriage bolts may adhere to international standards like ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), ISO (International Organization for Standardization), SAE International (Society of Automotive Engineers) & DIN (German Institute for Standardization) for meeting performance, safety, dimensional & material requirements.

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