Parker front ferrules create a mechanical seal when compressed between two mating components, ideal for applications like instrumentation, process, control panels and analytical installations. These units feature brass construction to withstand high pressures (up to 5400 psi) and temperatures (up to 400 degrees F). They further provide a firm grip on tube fittings without reducing the wall thickness and are available in 3/16, 1/16 and 5/16 inch tube sizes.
Compression tube fittings are suitable for fluid & gas flow applications in compressors, pumps, purification systems, machine tools and dispensing machines. Raptor Supplies offers a wide array of Furon, Grainger, Anderson Metals, Ham-Let, Parkerand Legris tube fittings featuring durable carbon steel / brass / plastic / stainless steel construction for protection against damage from accidental blows with complete resistance against corrosive fluids & gases. Selected fittings from Parker come equipped with a long nut for reducing the damages caused by vibrations and an acetal sleeve for ease-of-use with thermoplastic tubing while ensuring a leak-tight seal.