IRONCLAD Cut-Resistant Gloves

Protect hands from cuts and abrasions. Ideal for applications where sharp objects are present, like food processing and glass handling. Feature foam nitrile palm coating or PVC coating.


Kong Cut Resistant Gloves

Ironclad SDXC Series KONG cut resistant gloves are useful for workers in the construction, manufacturing, automotive and oil & gas industries. They cover the entire arm and protect it from cuts.

StyleModelLengthSizePrice (inc. GST)
ASDXC-03-M1 1/64"MA$ 47.17
ASDXC-04-L1 3/64"LA$ 47.17
ASDXC-06-XXL1.125"2XLA$ 47.17
ASDXC-02-S63/64"SA$ 47.17

Insulated Winter Gloves

StyleModelColorSizePrice (inc. GST)
AKC1LW-04-LBlack/BlueLA$ 8.82
AKC1LW-03-MBlack/BlueMA$ 8.82
AKC1LW-01-XSBlack/BlueXSA$ 8.82
BSKC4LW-06-XXLGray/Orange2XLA$ 15.14

Knit Cut Resistant Gloves

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
AKKC3KV-02-SGloveA$ 22.922
BKKC4N-03-MGloveA$ 28.772
CKCHA5-04-LGloveA$ 60.901
AKKC3KV-01-XSGloveA$ 22.922
DKKC4FN-04-LGloveA$ 31.291
EKKC3FN-01-XSGloveA$ 30.532
FG-IKC3-04-LGloveA$ 15.082
BKKC4N-01-XSGloveA$ 29.742
CKCHA5-03-MGloveA$ 60.902
GKKC4PU-01-XSGloveA$ 26.132
AKKC3KV-03-MGloveA$ 22.922
HKKC4-01-XSGloveA$ 21.002
FG-IKC3-01-XSGloveA$ 15.082
IG-IKC5-BAS-05-XLGloveA$ 18.851
GKKC4PU-03-MGloveA$ 26.132
JKKC5KV-03-MGloveA$ 26.032
KKKC2PU-03-MGloveA$ 24.071
HKKC4-02-SGloveA$ 21.002
LKKC2PU-Y-03-MGloveA$ 26.871
HKKC4-03-MGloveA$ 21.002
IG-IKC5-BAS-03-MGloveA$ 18.252
FG-IKC3-03-MGloveA$ 15.081
MG-IKC3HSY-03-MGloveA$ 16.741
NKKC2FN-02-SGloveA$ 29.432
FG-IKC3-05-XLGloveA$ 14.592

Leather Cut Resistant Gloves

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
AG-ILD-IMPC5-06-XXLLeather GlovesA$ 82.502
BULD-C5-06-XXLLeather GlovesA$ 75.701
BULD-C5-07-XXXLLeather GlovesA$ 75.701
AG-ILD-IMPC5-04-LLeather GlovesA$ 82.501
BULD-C5-04-LLeather GlovesA$ 75.702
AG-ILD-IMPC5-03-MLeather GlovesA$ 82.502
BULD-C5-03-MLeather GlovesA$ 75.702
AG-ILD-IMPC5-02-SLeather GlovesA$ 76.951
BULD-C5-02-SLeather GlovesA$ 75.701
AG-ILD-IMPC5-05-XLLeather GlovesA$ 76.951
BULD-C5-05-XLLeather GlovesA$ 75.702
AG-ILD-IMPC5-07-XXXLMechanics GlovesA$ 88.652

Riggers Style Cut Resistant Gloves

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
AIEX-MIGR5-05-XLLeather GlovesA$ 71.912
AIEX-MIGR5-02-SLeather GlovesA$ 71.911
AIEX-MIGR5-03-MLeather GlovesA$ 71.912
AIEX-MIGR5-04-LLeather GlovesA$ 71.912
AIEX-MIGR5-06-XXLLeather GlovesA$ 66.702
BKCCP-05-XLMechanics Gloves-2
CIEX-HVP-03-MMechanics GlovesA$ 37.041
DIEX-HSO-03-MMechanics GlovesA$ 31.661
EIEX-MPG-03-MMechanics GlovesA$ 37.041
FIEX-HSY-03-MMechanics GlovesA$ 31.662
GIEX-MPRE-03-MMechanics GlovesA$ 48.832
HIEX-PUG-03-MMechanics GlovesA$ 31.642
IIEX-HZiL1-03-MMechanics GlovesA$ 60.762
JIEX-PIG-03-MMechanics GlovesA$ 61.482
KIEX-HZI-03-MMechanics GlovesA$ 61.482
LIEX-MIG-03-MMechanics GlovesA$ 61.482
MSDX2P-05-XLMechanics GlovesA$ 87.981
BKCCP-03-MMechanics GlovesA$ 45.662
NINDI-RIG-05-XLMechanics GlovesA$ 69.602
OIEX-MUG-03-MMechanics GlovesA$ 31.661
PIEX-MWR-03-MMechanics GlovesA$ 36.651
NINDI-RIG-03-MMechanics GlovesA$ 69.622
KIEX-HZI-04-LMechanics GlovesA$ 61.482
QKCCPW-04-LMechanics GlovesA$ 55.072
RIEX-PPG-04-LMechanics GlovesA$ 37.041

Cut-Resistant Gloves, XL Size /10, Black/Gray

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
SKC6FN-05-XLCF2KDUA$ 13.11

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