Cut-Resistant Sleeves | Raptor Supplies Australia

Cut-Resistant Sleeves


Cut Resistant Sleeves

StyleModelAnsi/isea Cut LevelSizePrice (inc. GST)
A38AV612UniversalA$ 10.01
B4BC203One SizeA$ 21.14

Cut Resistant Sleeves

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
ASK-18A$ 14.71
ASK-22H-KSCA$ 29.82
ASK-18H-KSCA$ 24.74

Cut Resistant Sleeves

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A48-73-9031BA$ 438.7112
B48-73-9030BA$ 438.7112
A48-73-9031A$ 43.411
C48-73-9050BA$ 648.8312
D48-73-9051A$ 56.201
C48-73-9050A$ 56.201
D48-73-9051BA$ 648.8312
B48-73-9030A$ 40.711

Cut Resistant Sleeves

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
ASS2E-33A$ 57.532
BSS2E-03A$ 94.752

Cut Resistant Sleeves

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
ASL18CM3-04-LSleeveA$ 7.35
BSL18KV3SleevesA$ 12.76

Cut Resistant Sleeves

StyleModelAnsi/isea Abrasion LevelColorCuff StyleItemLengthSizePrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A333562---Sleeves--A$ 99.641
B135587---Sleeves--A$ 552.52100
C333564---Sleeves--A$ 106.031
D1353640Blue-Cut Resistant Sleeve-One SizeA$ 90.191
ESK-24-KSC2Yellow/GreenOveredgedCut Resistant Sleeve24"One SizeA$ 30.271
F3334775GrayKnitCut Resistant Sleeve10"UniversalA$ 57.061
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
ASKC-14A$ 13.32
ASKC-18A$ 17.85
ASKC-24A$ 23.68

Cut Resistant Sleeves

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A99-1-325-20A$ 26.93
B99-1-310-18A$ 26.36
C99-1-320-14A$ 19.54
D99-1-335-18A$ 32.64
E99-1-315-20A$ 29.27
E99-1-315-10A$ 20.38
E99-1-315-18A$ 28.02
D99-1-335-14A$ 29.20
D99-1-335-16A$ 31.00
B99-1-310-12A$ 20.14
B99-1-310-10A$ 18.73
B99-1-310-16A$ 23.58
B99-1-310-14A$ 22.12
E99-1-315-12A$ 22.27
A99-1-325-12A$ 20.12
E99-1-315-14A$ 24.05
E99-1-315-16A$ 24.74
C99-1-320-18A$ 23.02
C99-1-320-16A$ 20.96
C99-1-320-12A$ 18.09
C99-1-320-10A$ 16.35
C99-1-320-20A$ 25.11
A99-1-325-18A$ 24.82
A99-1-325-16A$ 23.06
A99-1-325-10A$ 18.36
StyleModelLengthPrice (inc. GST)
A3TKX310"A$ 16.80
A3NYZ714"A$ 18.66
A3NYZ818"A$ 26.48
A3NYZ924"A$ 33.17
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AAD-18HA$ 10.23
AAD-24HA$ 12.77
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AAD-18A$ 8.53
AAD-14A$ 5.87
AAD-24A$ 10.54

Metalguard Cut Resistant Sleeves

Whizard Kevlar cut-resistant sleeves are ideal for protection against cuts and abrasions. They are used in manufacturing, construction and other high-risk occupations to provide a reliable barrier, enhancing safety and minimising the risk of injuries due to cuts or abrasions.

StyleModelLengthPrice (inc. GST)
ASK-10-KSC10"A$ 13.20
ASK-14-KSC14"A$ 18.62
ASK-18-KSC18"A$ 22.37

70-718 Hyflex Cut Resistant Gloves

Ansell HyFlex 70-718 cut-resistant gloves are ideal for automotive and metal fabrication industries to provide superior protection against sharp objects, sparks and flames while ensuring comfort & flexibility. They are also used in press shops for assembly, inspection & maintenance tasks.

StyleModelLengthPrice (inc. GST)
A70-71812"A$ 25.99
A70-71818"A$ 36.43

Comfortable Cut Resistant Sleeves

Honeywell CTSS-2 Series cut-resistant sleeves are used in manufacturing, construction, metalworking and glass handling to protect workers from potential injuries caused by sharp objects and cutting hazards.

StyleModelLengthPrice (inc. GST)
ACTSS-2-1414"A$ 14.61
BCTSS-2-1818"A$ 14.96

59-408 Activarmr Cut Resistant Sleeves

Ansell ActivArmr 59-408 cut-resistant sleeves are designed to safeguard workers against sharp objects and materials during tasks, enhancing workplace safety and reducing the risk of injuries. These sleeves are ideal for manufacturing, metalworking, construction and mterial handling tasks.

StyleModelLengthPrice (inc. GST)
A59-40822"A$ 37.94
A59-40826"A$ 43.57
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
ASKC-18HA$ 18.58
ASKC-24HA$ 24.35
StyleModelLengthMaterialPrice (inc. GST)
ASK-10-KCL10"Kevlar(R)/CottonA$ 7.14
ASK-14-KCL14"Kevlar(R)A$ 8.62
ASK-18-KCL18"Kevlar(R)A$ 11.46

Cut Resistant Sleeves

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
A2044-L (9)SleeveA$ 43.80
BAG10009V-S (7)SleeveA$ 134.07
A2044-M (8)SleeveA$ 43.80
C1010-XL (10)SleeveA$ 174.30
C1010-S (7)SleeveA$ 133.62
C1010-XXL (11)SleeveA$ 191.12
D2041-S (7)SleeveA$ 41.87
D2041-M (8)SleeveA$ 41.87
E2042-M (8)SleeveA$ 35.55
E2042-S (7)SleeveA$ 35.55
D2041-XL (10)SleeveA$ 33.79
FAG10009S-L (9)SleeveA$ 150.50
FAG10009S-XS (6)SleeveA$ 150.50
FAG10009S-M (8)SleeveA$ 150.50
GAS019X-L (9)(L)SleeveA$ 338.62
FAG10009S-XXXL (12)SleeveA$ 214.68
FAG10009S-XXL (11)SleeveA$ 214.68
C1010-M (8)SleeveA$ 127.74
C1010-L (9)SleeveA$ 126.43
D2041-L (9)SleeveA$ 33.79
E2042-L (9)SleeveA$ 35.55
FAG10009S-XL (10)SleeveA$ 150.50
FAG10009S-S (7)SleeveA$ 150.50
GAS019X-S (7)(R)SleeveA$ 358.98
GAS019X-S (7)(L)SleeveA$ 338.62
StyleModelLengthSizePrice (inc. GST)
ASFX-DG28.75"SA$ 140.54
ASFX-DG29.25"MA$ 140.54
ASFX-DG210"LA$ 140.54
ASFX-DG210.5"XLA$ 140.54
StyleModelLengthSizePrice (inc. GST)
ASBL-DG212.25"MA$ 164.72
ASBL-DG213.25"LA$ 164.72
ASBL-DG214.125"XLA$ 164.72

Comfortable Cut Resistant Sleeves With Thumbhole

StyleModelLengthPrice (inc. GST)
ACTSS-2-14TH14"A$ 13.08
BCTSS-2-18TH18"A$ 15.25

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