Quantum Storage Systems short dividers are used either individually or with long dividers to divide the area within conductive dividable grid containers. They are ideal for effective organisation of items and protect against electromagnetic interference or built-up electrostatic charges. Choose from a wide range of these dividers, available in lengths & heights ranging from 5.25 to 17.5 inches & 10.875 to 22.5 inches, respectively. We also offer long dividersfor dividing the area within the conductive grid containers.
Divider box accessories including Box dividers from brands like Akro-Mils, Lewisbins and Quantum Storage Systems create custom-sized storage compartments to maximize the efficiency of divider boxes. They allow easy removal & installations and provide secure bin partitioning. These dividable grid container dividers have co-polymer polypropylene / HDPE / industrial-grade polymer construction for impact & corrosion resistance and durability. Long dividers segregate the bins along the length, whereas short dividers divide the bin along the width for maximising space utilisation in the bins. Raptor Supplies also offers ESD dividers to protect the boxes against electromagnetic interference or built-up electrostatic charges while segregating the items. Choose from a wide range of these black or grey coloured box dividers, available in heights ranging from 1.9 to 17.5 inches.