Drum Pump Motors
Drum pump motors are electric- or air-powered equipment suitable for drawing fluids like acids, alkalies, hazardous chemicals and mineral oils out of a container. Raptor Supplies offers a wide array of Dayton and Finish Thompson pump motors offered in polypropylene, 316 stainless steel, PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride), CPVC (chlorinated polyvinyl chloride) and aluminium material options. Drum pump motors by Dayton feature a threaded connection on the base for connecting an immersion tube and complete the pump assembly. These units draw power directly from an electrical outlet or an internal rechargeable battery for driving the impeller to pump the non-flammable fluids. The 110 / 220 V motors, with 1 hp power rating, are available in ODF (open drip-proof) and TEFC (Totally enclosed fan cooled) type enclosures to prevent the motor from overheating, caused by continuous processes. Finish Thompson drum pump motors are suitable for pumping fuel and other flammable / combustible fluids like diesel, gasoline, kerosene and fuel oils. These units feature an explosion-proof enclosure which prevents the generation of sparks that can ignite vapours or gases from flammable media. They provide continuous workflow with a full-load amperage rating of 5.7 amps and a maximum rotational speed of 10000 RPM.