Duct Pressure Switches | Raptor Supplies Australia

Duct Pressure Switches


Switch Air Sensing

StyleModelDepthFunctionHeightSwitch TypeTypePrice (inc. GST)
ARSS-495-112-1/8"Sense Positive, Negative or Differential Air Pressure4"SPDTH VAC OEMA$ 49.53
ARSS-498-132-1/8"Sense Positive, Negative or Differential Air Pressure4"SPDTH VAC OEMA$ 54.31
BAFS-2223-1/4"Senses Positive, Negative or Differential Air Pressure or When Extreme Low Temperature or Pressure is a Critical Factor6.125"SPDTH VAC/General PurposeA$ 71.70
BAFS-4053-1/4"Senses Positive, Negative or Differential Air Pressure6.125"SPDTGold ContactA$ 101.89
CAFS-4603-5/8"Senses Positive, Negative or Differential Air Pressure6.125"SPST NCManual ResetA$ 100.97

2374 Series Air Pressure Sensing Switches

StyleModelDepthHeightOperating Temp. RangeSwitch TypeTypeWidthPrice (inc. GST)
A2374-4952-1/8"4"-40 TO 190 FSPDTH VAC/General Purpose3.25"A$ 77.75
B2374-4982-1/8"4"-40 TO 190 FSPDTH VAC/General Purpose3.25"A$ 68.76
C2374-5092-3/4"4 3/32"-40 to 180 FSPDTH VAC/General Purpose4.62"A$ 98.48
D2374-5022-7/8"5 13/16"-40 to 180 FSPDTH VAC/General Purpose3.25"A$ 98.48
E2374-5083"4 3/32"-40 to 180 FSPDTH VAC/General Purpose4.62"A$ 98.48
F2374-4993-1/4"6.125"-40 to 180 FSPDTH VAC/General Purpose3 11/32"A$ 98.89
F2374-5003-1/4"6.125"-40 to 180 FSPDTH VAC/General Purpose3 11/32"A$ 68.05
F2374-5033-1/4"6.125"-40 to 180 FSPDTGold Contacts3.25"A$ 174.10
G2374-5043-1/4"6.125"-40 to 180 FSPST NCManual Reset3.25"A$ 174.10
H2374-5063-1/4"6.125"-40 to 180 FSPDTH VAC/General Purpose3.25"A$ 98.48
I2374-5073-1/4"6.125"-40 to 180 F(2) SPST NCH VAC/General Purpose3.25"A$ 339.02
StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
A69HAU3BPressure SwitchA$ 1369.89
A69WB5WPressure SwitchA$ 1780.65
A69JF7LY2CSwitchA$ 486.50

Air Sensing Switches

StyleModelDepthHeightTypeWidthPrice (inc. GST)
ARFS-41502-3/4"4.25"H VAC/General Purpose3.75"A$ 63.99
BNS2-0000-053-1/16"1 11/16"H VAC OEM3.437"A$ 43.14
CDFS-221-112-3956-1/8"2 15/16"H VAC/General Purpose4.38"A$ 59.18
StyleModelTypePrice (inc. GST)
AADPS-08-2-NAirA$ 68.56
AADPS-04-2-NDifferentialA$ 64.40
AADPS-03-2-NDifferentialA$ 68.33
AADPS-05-2-NDifferentialA$ 49.08
AADPS-06-2-NDifferentialA$ 59.32
AADPS-07-2-NDifferentialA$ 56.38

Air Flow Switches

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
AAFS-222Air Flow SwitchA$ 103.14
BAFS-262Air Flow SwitchA$ 88.33
CAFS-145Air Flow SwitchA$ 83.83
DAFS-405Air Flow SwitchA$ 186.68
EAFS-460-137ResetA$ 309.90
FAFS-460SwitchA$ 222.74

Duct Pressure Switches

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
AG20-4051Pressure ControlA$ 157.95
B016-585Pressure SwitchA$ 275.17
B016-107Pressure SwitchA$ 230.11

Duct Pressure Switches

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
ANS2-1110-02Air Sensing SwitchA$ 210.10
BAFS-262-112Air SwitchA$ 100.65
CAFS-271Air SwitchA$ 109.39
DRSS-498-13Air SwitchA$ 66.31
EAFS-460-DSSAir SwitchA$ 256.14
FAFS-460-137Air SwitchA$ 272.04
GAFS-460-112Air SwitchA$ 128.36
DRSS-495-11Air SwitchA$ 59.21
HNS2-0000-00Air SwitchA$ 59.98
HNS2-0000-01Air SwitchA$ 58.20
IAFS-262-121Air SwitchA$ 128.75
JAFS-275-112Air SwitchA$ 94.28
IAFS-262Air SwitchA$ 106.99
KAFS-952Air SwitchA$ 1243.36
AAFS-442Air SwitchA$ 128.15
LAFS-145Air SwitchA$ 106.17
MAFS-227-161Air SwitchA$ 172.46
NAFS-222-136Air SwitchA$ 233.92
BAFS-222-112Air SwitchA$ 104.04
OAFS-952-1Air SwitchA$ 2757.96
PAFS-228Air SwitchA$ 94.28
QAFS-AAir SwitchA$ 112.76
KAFS-953Air SwitchA$ 1328.96
JAFS-298-112-147Air SwitchA$ 127.05
RDFS-448-112Air SwitchA$ 90.68

Duct Pressure Switches

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
A0130M00132High Pressure SwitchA$ 83.09
BB1370208Pressure SwitchA$ 182.98
C20197311Pressure SwitchA$ 92.34
A0130F00002PPressure SwitchA$ 85.03
A0130F00070Pressure SwitchA$ 59.25
D0130F00068Pressure SwitchA$ 65.34

Air Sensing Switches

StyleModelTypePrice (inc. GST)
APS1503Duct Pressure SwitchA$ 137.57
BPS1505Flue Exhaust ProvingA$ 190.55

Pressure Sensing Switches

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
ARSS495011A$ 50.63
BNS2000031A$ 43.40
StyleModelDepthHeightItemOperating Temp. RangeTypeWidthPrice (inc. GST)
AP32AC-2C2 1/8"5 5/8"Differential Air Pressure Switch-40° to 165° FHVAC/General Purpose3 1/4"A$ 234.75
AP32AC-1C2-1/8"5.625"Differential Air Pressure Switch-40 to 165 FH VAC/General Purpose3.25"A$ 221.43
AP32AC-8C2-1/8"5.625"Differential Air Pressure Switch-40 to 165 FH VAC/General Purpose3.25"A$ 248.94
AP32AF-1C2-1/8"5.625"Differential Air Pressure Switch-40 to 165 FH VAC/General Purpose3.25"A$ 263.47
AP32AF-2C2-1/8"5.625"Differential Air Pressure Switch-40 to 165 FH VAC/General Purpose3.25"A$ 240.95
AP32AF-13C2.15"5.62"Pressure Switch-40 to 167 FDifferential568654"A$ 246.53

Differential Pressure Switch

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
DPA-7033-153-61CP3YDPA$ 3789.20

Adjustable Air Pressure, SW .1-4 Inch WC

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
RSS498013CV4KQYA$ 50.63

Air Sensing Switch

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
141-0575CU2REJA$ 191.16

Controls Air Sensing Switch

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
141-0518CT7WTGA$ 158.73

Pressure Switch100/400N. 36 Inch Sizecap.Spst

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
P70AA-205CR6BAHA$ 384.11

Pressure 120V-277V 15Amp Fanspeed

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
706-123SCCR4BNHA$ 274.17

Airflow Switch Auto Reset Spdt

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
141-0574AC2HMLA$ 178.17

Pressure Sensing Switch Adjustable

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
PS2501AA6TBJA$ 228.06

Duct Pressure Switches

Duct pressure switches are designed to utilise differential air pressure to actuate electric switches at a pre-set actuation point. Raptor Supplies offers an array of duct pressure switches from brands like Cleveland Controls, Columbus Electric, Dwyer Instruments, Johnson Controls, Robertshaw, Siemens and Tjernlund. These switches can automatically start and stop auxiliary devices like electronic air cleaners, duct heaters, humidifiers, exhaust fans and duct booster fans. Dwyer Instrumentsduct pressure switches are compatible for use with vacuum and differential pressure supply and have dual scaled adjustment knobs in inch, water column and pascal units which facilitate making changes in the switching pressure without a pressure gage. The ADPS / EDPS variants are offered in settings ranging from 0.08 inch W.C. (20 Pa) to 20 inch W.C. (5000 Pa). The silicone diaphragm and PA 6.6 cobstruction of these switches make them suitable for use with air and other noncombustible gases at extreme temperatures. Johnson Controlsdifferential air pressure switches are used to sense the flow of air in ducts. When these air pressure switches are used with electric strip heaters, they can be wired to open the circuit and de-energise the heaters when the air flow stops. These switches have a small and compact.design with easy-to-read set point scale and are available in SPST NC, SPDT, SPST and SPST NC switch types on Raptor Supplies.

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