Grooved Pins | Raptor Supplies Australia

Grooved Pins


Grooved pins are solid press fit fasteners that are ideal for keying collars, sprockets, gears & levers to shafts. They are used as linkage pins for yoke ends & T-handles for valves. Raptor Supplies... Read More

StyleModelOverall LengthPin Dia.Price (inc. GST)
AM39700.015.00044 mm1.5 mmA$ 44.67
AM39700.020.00055 mm2 mmA$ 71.14
AM39700.020.00066 mm2 mmA$ 82.59
AM39700.015.00066 mm1.5 mmA$ 80.93
AM39700.015.00088 mm1.5 mmA$ 34.03
AM39700.020.00088 mm2 mmA$ 33.35
AM39700.040.00088 mm4 mmA$ 48.60
AM39700.030.001010 mm3 mmA$ 44.34
AM39700.015.001010 mm1.5 mmA$ 64.85
AM39700.060.001010 mm6 mmA$ 45.27
AM39700.020.001010 mm2 mmA$ 41.24
AM39700.025.001010 mm2.5 mmA$ 43.51
AM39700.040.001010 mm4 mmA$ 49.04
AM39700.050.001212 mm5 mmA$ 56.76
AM39700.040.001212 mm4 mmA$ 50.14
AM39700.030.001212 mm3 mmA$ 28.80
AM39700.080.001212 mm8 mmA$ 56.85
AM39700.025.001212 mm2.5 mmA$ 27.82
AM39700.040.001616 mm4 mmA$ 51.51
AM39700.020.001616 mm2 mmA$ 92.65
AM39700.025.001616 mm2.5 mmA$ 41.18
AM39700.060.001616 mm6 mmA$ 43.92
AM39700.080.001616 mm8 mmA$ 66.86
AM39700.015.001616 mm1.5 mmA$ 39.64
AM39700.030.001616 mm3 mmA$ 45.71
StyleModelFastener FinishFinishLarge End Dia.Overall LengthPin Dia.Small End Dia.System of MeasurementPrice (inc. GST)
AM39710.015.0004PlainPlain-4 mm1.5 mm-MetricA$ 34.35
AM39710.060.0016PlainPlain-16 mm6 mm-MetricA$ 41.29
AM39710.040.0030PlainPlain-30 mm4 mm-MetricA$ 50.53
AM39710.040.0036PlainPlain-36 mm4 mm-MetricA$ 38.88
AM39710.040.0040PlainPlain-40 mm4 mm-MetricA$ 30.42
AM39710.050.0010PlainPlain-10 mm5 mm-MetricA$ 82.51
AM39710.050.0012PlainPlain-12 mm5 mm-MetricA$ 50.26
AM39710.015.0005PlainPlain-5 mm1.5 mm-MetricA$ 34.64
AM39710.050.0020PlainPlain-20 mm5 mm-MetricA$ 28.09
AM39710.050.0024PlainPlain-24 mm5 mm-MetricA$ 39.25
AM39710.050.0030PlainPlain-30 mm5 mm-MetricA$ 40.54
AM39710.050.0036PlainPlain-36 mm5 mm-MetricA$ 36.24
AM39710.050.0040PlainPlain-40 mm5 mm-MetricA$ 44.67
AM39710.060.0010PlainPlain-10 mm6 mm-MetricA$ 40.27
AM39710.060.0012PlainPlain-12 mm6 mm-MetricA$ 40.72
AM39710.060.0020PlainPlain-20 mm6 mm-MetricA$ 34.57
AM39710.040.0020PlainPlain-20 mm4 mm-MetricA$ 47.35
AM39710.060.0024PlainPlain-24 mm6 mm-MetricA$ 33.18
AM39710.060.0030PlainPlain-30 mm6 mm-MetricA$ 45.44
AM39710.060.0040PlainPlain-40 mm6 mm-MetricA$ 53.40
AM39710.060.0050PlainPlain-50 mm6 mm-MetricA$ 62.54
AM39710.060.0060PlainPlain-60 mm6 mm-MetricA$ 62.81
AM39710.080.0012PlainPlain-12 mm8 mm-MetricA$ 59.88
AM39710.080.0016PlainPlain-16 mm8 mm-MetricA$ 54.96
AM39710.080.0020PlainPlain-20 mm8 mm-MetricA$ 57.55
StyleModelOverall LengthPin Dia.Price (inc. GST)
AM39720.015.00044 mm1.5 mmA$ 35.34
AM39720.020.00066 mm2 mmA$ 39.06
AM39720.015.00066 mm1.5 mmA$ 35.47
AM39720.025.00066 mm2.5 mmA$ 50.22
AM39720.050.00088 mm5 mmA$ 49.01
AM39720.030.00088 mm3 mmA$ 28.36
AM39720.020.00088 mm2 mmA$ 36.49
AM39720.015.00088 mm1.5 mmA$ 35.14
AM39720.030.001010 mm3 mmA$ 25.58
AM39720.040.001010 mm4 mmA$ 33.81
AM39720.060.001010 mm6 mmA$ 40.52
AM39720.020.001010 mm2 mmA$ 37.03
AM39720.050.001010 mm5 mmA$ 47.04
AM39720.025.001010 mm2.5 mmA$ 38.02
AM39720.025.001212 mm2.5 mmA$ 35.03
AM39720.015.001212 mm1.5 mmA$ 35.51
AM39720.030.001212 mm3 mmA$ 40.39
AM39720.060.001212 mm6 mmA$ 39.93
AM39720.080.001212 mm8 mmA$ 75.09
AM39720.040.001212 mm4 mmA$ 27.61
AM39720.020.001212 mm2 mmA$ 37.36
AM39720.015.001616 mm1.5 mmA$ 66.09
AM39720.060.001616 mm6 mmA$ 31.48
AM39720.020.001616 mm2 mmA$ 29.53
AM39720.040.001616 mm4 mmA$ 29.98
StyleModelOverall LengthPin Dia.Price (inc. GST)
AM39740.015.00055 mm1.5 mmA$ 35.47
AM39740.020.00055 mm2 mmA$ 36.40
AM39740.030.00066 mm3 mmA$ 40.35
AM39740.020.00066 mm2 mmA$ 36.22
AM39740.015.00066 mm1.5 mmA$ 34.91
AM39740.025.00066 mm2.5 mmA$ 39.77
AM39740.015.00088 mm1.5 mmA$ 34.64
AM39740.050.00088 mm5 mmA$ 49.51
AM39740.020.00088 mm2 mmA$ 36.76
AM39740.040.00088 mm4 mmA$ 43.84
AM39740.025.00088 mm2.5 mmA$ 39.02
AM39740.050.001010 mm5 mmA$ 41.66
AM39740.030.001010 mm3 mmA$ 38.34
AM39740.040.001010 mm4 mmA$ 43.72
AM39740.025.001010 mm2.5 mmA$ 42.91
AM39740.015.001010 mm1.5 mmA$ 35.53
AM39740.020.001010 mm2 mmA$ 36.92
AM39740.025.001212 mm2.5 mmA$ 47.08
AM39740.080.001212 mm8 mmA$ 61.09
AM39740.060.001212 mm6 mmA$ 40.37
AM39740.050.001212 mm5 mmA$ 50.57
AM39740.040.001212 mm4 mmA$ 34.51
AM39740.015.001212 mm1.5 mmA$ 35.22
AM39740.020.001212 mm2 mmA$ 39.89
AM39740.030.001212 mm3 mmA$ 39.46
StyleModelOverall LengthPin Dia.Price (inc. GST)
AM39750.030.00066 mm3 mmA$ 44.34
AM39750.020.00066 mm2 mmA$ 36.47
AM39750.015.00088 mm1.5 mmA$ 34.70
AM39750.025.00088 mm2.5 mmA$ 48.87
AM39750.030.00088 mm3 mmA$ 74.68
AM39750.020.001010 mm2 mmA$ 37.05
AM39750.015.001010 mm1.5 mmA$ 45.32
AM39750.050.001010 mm5 mmA$ 48.95
AM39750.025.001010 mm2.5 mmA$ 39.50
AM39750.030.001010 mm3 mmA$ 43.53
AM39750.050.001212 mm5 mmA$ 72.95
AM39750.040.001212 mm4 mmA$ 46.25
AM39750.030.001212 mm3 mmA$ 26.55
AM39750.060.001212 mm6 mmA$ 32.33
AM39750.020.001212 mm2 mmA$ 36.92
AM39750.025.001212 mm2.5 mmA$ 39.87
AM39750.060.001616 mm6 mmA$ 25.43
AM39750.030.001616 mm3 mmA$ 40.64
AM39750.020.001616 mm2 mmA$ 36.96
AM39750.040.001616 mm4 mmA$ 45.54
AM39750.015.001616 mm1.5 mmA$ 96.62
AM39750.050.001616 mm5 mmA$ 52.21
AM39750.040.002020 mm4 mmA$ 46.44
AM39750.020.002020 mm2 mmA$ 39.42
AM39750.060.002020 mm6 mmA$ 43.09
StyleModelOverall LengthPin Dia.Price (inc. GST)
AM39760.026.00033 mm2.6 mmA$ 29.73
AM39760.020.00033 mm2 mmA$ 18.14
AM39760.014.00033 mm1.4 mmA$ 17.02
AM39760.017.00033 mm1.7 mmA$ 26.28
AM39760.030.00044 mm3 mmA$ 14.96
AM39760.026.00044 mm2.6 mmA$ 29.92
AM39760.014.00044 mm1.4 mmA$ 25.68
AM39760.020.00044 mm2 mmA$ 12.34
AM39760.017.00044 mm1.7 mmA$ 25.91
AM39760.026.00055 mm2.6 mmA$ 16.50
AM39760.030.00055 mm3 mmA$ 17.45
AM39760.020.00055 mm2 mmA$ 13.51
AM39760.017.00055 mm1.7 mmA$ 28.71
AM39760.040.00066 mm4 mmA$ 35.82
AM39760.030.00066 mm3 mmA$ 14.75
AM39760.026.00066 mm2.6 mmA$ 12.99
AM39760.020.00066 mm2 mmA$ 12.80
AM39760.017.00066 mm1.7 mmA$ 29.40
AM39760.014.00066 mm1.4 mmA$ 28.74
AM39760.026.00088 mm2.6 mmA$ 17.45
AM39760.040.00088 mm4 mmA$ 26.22
AM39760.050.00088 mm5 mmA$ 43.67
AM39760.030.00088 mm3 mmA$ 16.12
AM39760.020.00088 mm2 mmA$ 28.55
AM39760.040.001010 mm4 mmA$ 29.67

Half Length Grooved Center Pins

StyleModelLarge End Dia.Overall LengthPin Dia.Small End Dia.Price (inc. GST)
AU39750.009.00500.094"1/2"3/32"0.094"A$ 8.14
AU39750.009.00250.094"1/4"3/32"0.094"A$ 7.90
AU39750.025.01000.25"1"1/4"0.25"A$ 21.63
BU39750.025.00750.25"3/4"1/4"0.25"A$ 20.24
AU39750.025.01250.25"1 1/4"1/4"0.25"A$ 25.04
AU39750.012.00750.125"3/4"1/8"0.125"A$ 9.77
CU39750.012.00500.125"1/2"1/8"0.125"A$ 9.37
AU39750.012.01000.125"1"1/8"0.125"A$ 10.26
AU39750.015.00750.156"3/4"5/32"0.156"A$ 12.82
AU39750.015.01000.156"1"5/32"0.156"A$ 13.48
AU39750.015.00500.156"1/2"5/32"0.156"A$ 12.01
AU39750.018.01000.187"1"3/16"0.187"A$ 16.25
AU39750.018.00500.187"1/2"3/16"0.187"A$ 15.08
AU39750.018.00750.187"3/4"3/16"0.187"A$ 15.83
AU39750.031.00750.313"3/4"5/16"0.313"A$ 28.38
AU39750.031.01250.313"1 1/4"5/16"0.313"A$ 36.26
DU39750.037.01000.375"1"3/8"0.375"A$ 44.82

Grooved Pins

StyleModelDouble Shear Strength (Lbs.)Large End Dia.Large End Dia. ToleranceOverall LengthSmall End Dia.Small End Dia. ToleranceTypePrice (inc. GST)
AU39710.018.0150-0.198"+/-0.0025"1.5"0.187"+/-0.003"Type AA$ 16.14
BGA3121000G2ZN-0.329"+/-0.0025"1"0.312"+/-0.004"Type AA$ 59.99
AU39710.025.0150-0.263"+/-0.0025"1.5"0.250"+/-0.003"Type AA$ 20.84
CGG0940250G2ZN8900.101"+/-0.0015"1/4"0.093"+/-0.002"Type GA$ 32.18
CGG0940500G2ZN8900.101"+/-0.0015"1/2"0.938"+/-0.002"Type GA$ 35.57
CGG1251000G2ZN16000.133"+/-0.0015"1"0.125"+/-0.002"Type GA$ 21.73
CGG1250500G2ZN16000.134"+/-0.0015"1/2"0.125"+/-0.002"Type GA$ 35.78
CGG1250750G2ZN16000.134"+/-0.0015"3/4"0.125"+/-0.002"Type GA$ 20.30
CGG1560750G2ZN23000.166"+/-0.0015"3/4"0.156"+/-0.002"Type GA$ 26.24
CGG1561000G2ZN23000.165"+/-0.0015"1"0.156"+/-0.002"Type GA$ 26.76
CGG1560500G2ZN23000.166"+/-0.0015"1/2"0.156"+/-0.002"Type GA$ 24.54
DU39750.018.015033100.197"+/-0.0025"1.5"0.187"+/-0.003"Type EA$ 16.14
CGG1870500G2ZN33100.198"+/-0.0025"1/2"0.187"+/-0.003"Type GA$ 36.55
CGG1870750G2ZN33100.198"+/-0.0025"3/4"0.187"+/-0.003"Type GA$ 41.49
CGG1871000G2ZN33100.198"+/-0.0025"1"0.187"+/-0.003"Type GA$ 31.33
DU39750.025.015058800.262"+/-0.0025"1.5"0.250"+/-0.003"Type EA$ 20.84
CGG2500750G2ZN58800.263"+/-0.0025"3/4"0.250"+/-0.003"Type GA$ 42.93
CGG2501000G2ZN58800.263"+/-0.0025"1"0.250"+/-0.003"Type GA$ 44.63
CGG2501250G2ZN58800.263"+/-0.0025"1.25"0.250"+/-0.003"Type GA$ 52.61
CGG2501500G2ZN58800.262"+/-0.0025"1.5"0.250"+/-0.003"Type GA$ 26.93
CGG3120750G2ZN76600.329"+/-0.0025"3/4"0.312"+/-0.004"Type GA$ 55.41
CGG3121250G2ZN76600.329"+/-0.0025"1.25"0.312"+/-0.004"Type GA$ 72.31
EGE3121000G2ZN76600.329"+/-0.0025"1"0.312"+/-0.004"Type EA$ 56.10
CGG3751000G2ZN110000.394"+/-0.0025"1"0.375"+/-0.005"Type GA$ 103.06

Grooved Pins

StyleModelOverall LengthPin Dia.Price (inc. GST)
AM39730.015.00055 mm1.5 mmA$ 31.79
AM39730.020.00055 mm2 mmA$ 33.02
AM39730.020.00066 mm2 mmA$ 36.47
AM39730.030.00066 mm3 mmA$ 41.93
AM39730.015.00066 mm1.5 mmA$ 35.09
AM39730.030.00088 mm3 mmA$ 23.00
AM39730.020.00088 mm2 mmA$ 36.05
AM39730.040.00088 mm4 mmA$ 43.53
AM39730.050.00088 mm5 mmA$ 49.22
AM39730.060.001010 mm6 mmA$ 39.98
AM39730.040.001010 mm4 mmA$ 43.11
AM39730.030.001010 mm3 mmA$ 29.77
AM39730.015.001010 mm1.5 mmA$ 35.47
AM39730.020.001010 mm2 mmA$ 36.98
AM39730.025.001010 mm2.5 mmA$ 46.31
AM39730.050.001010 mm5 mmA$ 58.09
AM39730.060.001212 mm6 mmA$ 40.68
AM39730.080.001212 mm8 mmA$ 39.62
AM39730.050.001212 mm5 mmA$ 49.64
AM39730.015.001212 mm1.5 mmA$ 38.61
AM39730.030.001212 mm3 mmA$ 40.58
AM39730.020.001212 mm2 mmA$ 37.52
AM39730.040.001212 mm4 mmA$ 41.12
AM39730.025.001616 mm2.5 mmA$ 40.64
AM39730.030.001616 mm3 mmA$ 40.95

Grooved Pins

Grooved pins are solid press fit fasteners that are ideal for keying collars, sprockets, gears & levers to shafts. They are used as linkage pins for yoke ends & T-handles for valves. Raptor Supplies offers a wide array of grooved pins from brands like Driv-Lok and Fabory. They can also be used as levers, pivots, locking devices or locating elements.


  • The grooves in grooved pins are formed by swaging, which displaces the material without removing it.
  • Generally, these pins have 3 grooves at an equal distance around the pin's circumference.
  • The grooves may run over the entire length for locking the pin.
  • Pins having grooves that run part-length at one end or in the middle, provide clearance around the ungrooved section for allowing a component to rotate around the pin.
  • Some grooved pins have a pilot at their ends before the grooves start. This section allows aligning the pin with the hole before installation.
  • The hole drilled for installation should have a size equal to or slightly larger than the pin's diameter.
  • These pins have steel construction for withstanding heavy loads without bending / breaking.
  • Selected models feature an annular groove / notch for securely anchoring tension springs.
  • Driv-Lok grooved pins are available in Type A, E & G for diverse applications.
  • Fabory grooved pins are available in multiple groove types, such as full length, half-length reverse, half-length tapered, full-length tapered, third-length centre-grooved, round head grooved, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do these grooved pins work?

When these pins are driven into a hole having an appropriate diameter, their grooves compress & close up. This causes the generated radial forces to produce outward pressure on the hole's walls and securely lock the pin.

Can we reuse grooved pins after removing them?

When users remove these pins, their grooves recover their shape / form with minimal pull-out performance reduction. Therefore, these groove pins can be reused multiple times.

What are the advantages of grooved pins over other types of pins?

  • Simple Hole Preparation: They don't require reaming or threading of the hole before installation.
  • Shock & Vibration Resistance: Since these pins are compressed over their whole length, they resist shocks / vibrations in harsh environments.
  • Reusablity: These grooved pins can be reused many times, unlike other pins.
  • Simple Installation: They can installed easily, without requiring any sophisticated equipment.
  • Strength: These grooved pins have high shear strength and good wear resistance.

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