Hand Held Punches


Hand Held Hollow Punch

Hand-held hollow punches manufactured by Mayhew are ideal for cutting inner and outer diameters of gaskets, washers or sealing rings. These punches, in conjunction with a sleek striking mandrel, can be used to make precise cuts on a wide variety of materials, like foam, cardboard, leather, rubber fibre, plastic, lead or light gauge sheet metals. These Mayhew hollow punches are made from black-oxide alloy steel and feature dual cutting heads for punching concentric circles in a single strike. Raptor Supplies offers a wide variety of these hollow punches in different tip sizes and lengths.

StyleModelLengthTip SizePrice (inc. GST)
A505781 11/16"50mmA$ 81.61
A505771 11/16"48mmA$ 72.90
A505761 11/16"46mmA$ 76.52
B505741 11/16"42mmA$ 78.85
A505241 11/16"1-7/8"A$ 96.82
A505231 11/16"1-3/4"A$ 95.76
A505161.5"1-1/4"A$ 70.89
B505691.5"32mmA$ 56.46
A505181.5"1-3/8"A$ 75.37
A505191.5"1-7/16"A$ 78.63
B505711.5"36mmA$ 60.45
B505731.5"40mmA$ 61.95
B505141.25"1-1/8"A$ 60.11
B505121.25"1"A$ 57.71
B505111.25"7/8"A$ 60.76
B505681.25"30mmA$ 50.43
C505661.25"26mmA$ 53.62
C505651.25"24mmA$ 51.04
C505641.25"22mmA$ 48.48
D505591.125"12mmA$ 40.71
C505631.125"20mmA$ 41.14
C505621.125"18mmA$ 40.42
C505611.125"16mmA$ 38.78
D505601.125"14mmA$ 41.03
D505011.125"1/8"A$ 40.68

Solid Punch

StyleModelHexLengthTip SizePrice (inc. GST)
A5661/2"7"3/16"A$ 12.16
A5651/2"5.5"5/32"A$ 12.54
A5643/8"5"1/8"A$ 12.55

Roll Pin Punch

StyleModelHexLengthTip SizePrice (inc. GST)
A2531/4"4"1/8"A$ 13.30
A2545/16"4.5"5/32"A$ 15.64
A2565/16"5"7/32"A$ 18.34

Transfer Punch

StyleModelTip SizePrice (inc. GST)
A22N8461"A$ 27.93
B22N8141/2"A$ 5.71
C22N7971/4"A$ 3.27
D22N7891/8"A$ 2.48
E22N8303/4"A$ 12.83
C22N8063/8"A$ 3.93
D22N7933/16"A$ 2.82
D22N7873/32"A$ 2.54
B22N8225/8"A$ 9.56
C22N8025/16"A$ 3.50
D22N7915/32"A$ 2.54
A22N8387/8"A$ 18.34
C22N8107/16"A$ 4.75
D22N7957/32"A$ 2.80
D22N7887/64"A$ 2.54
B22N8189/16"A$ 7.33
C22N7999/32"A$ 3.25
D22N7909/64"A$ 2.54
E22N82611/16"A$ 10.60
C22N80411/32"A$ 3.83
D22N79211/64"A$ 2.54
E22N83413/16"A$ 14.39
C22N80813/32"A$ 4.34
D22N79413/64"A$ 2.80
A22N84215/16"A$ 22.10

Pilot Punches

Mayhew pilot punches are designed for driving in & removing hollow tension pins & roll pins for metalworking & manufacturing applications. Their patented design with rounded end precisely fits within the roll pin for ease of operation and the textured handle provides grip & prevents the punch from slipping while fastening / removing pins. They feature steel construction to minimise wear & prevent oxidation in abrasive conditions. Choose from a wide variety of these pilot punches, available in 3.25, 4, 4.5, 5.5 & 6 inch lengths.

StyleModelHexLengthTip SizePrice (inc. GST)
A250091/2"6"3/8"A$ 30.29
B250171/4"4"3mmA$ 22.57
C250191/4"4.5"4mmA$ 24.35
C250213/8"4.5"5mmA$ 28.77
D250013/16"3.25"5/64"A$ 18.07
E250153/16"3.25"2mmA$ 21.61
F250105/8"6"7/16"A$ 38.09
G250115/8"6"1/2"A$ 40.21
H250087/16"6"5/16"A$ 30.66
I250237/16"5.5"6mmA$ 30.98
I250277/16"6"7mmA$ 27.16

Pro Pin Punches

Mayhew pin punches are designed for removing / driving out loosened keys & pins for metalworking & machining applications. They feature one piece design & steel construction for withstanding impacts without bending / breaking and black oxide finish for high abrasion resistance. Choose from a wide range of these hex pin punches, available in 3/32 - 1/2 inch tip sizes.

StyleModelHexLengthTether CapableTip SizePrice (inc. GST)
A211001/26"Not Tether Capable3/16A$ 19.69
B215041/28"Not Tether Capable3/8A$ 25.01
C715041/27.875Not Tether Capable3/8A$ 18.70
D211051/26"Not Tether Capable3/8A$ 20.32
E211041/26"Not Tether Capable5/16A$ 19.54
F710001/44"Not Tether Capable1/16A$ 12.55
G214013/4"10"Standard Tool(Accessory Needed for Tethering)1/2"A$ 34.57
H710043/85.25"Not Tether Capable3/16A$ 13.55
I215023/88"Not Tether Capable1/4A$ 26.48
J215013/88"Not Tether Capable3/16A$ 22.94
K212193/86"Not Tether Capable7/32A$ 16.23
L710053/85.75"Not Tether Capable1/4A$ 13.28
M210053/85.75"Not Tether Capable1/4A$ 17.05
N210043/85.25"Not Tether Capable3/16A$ 15.55
C715023/87.875Not Tether Capable1/4A$ 20.69
O715013/87.875Not Tether Capable3/16A$ 19.63
P217073/84"Not Tether Capable1/4A$ 13.81
Q210035/165"Not Tether Capable5/32A$ 16.17
R210025/164.75"Not Tether Capable1/8A$ 17.95
S210015/164.5"Not Tether Capable3/32A$ 16.47
O715005/167.875Not Tether Capable1/8A$ 19.22
T710015/164.5"Not Tether Capable3/32A$ 13.16
U710025/164.75"Not Tether Capable1/8A$ 13.20
V215005/16"8"Standard Tool(Accessory Needed for Tethering)1/8"A$ 22.86
C715037/167.875Not Tether Capable5/16A$ 19.58

Round Pin Punch

StyleModelHexLengthTip SizePrice (inc. GST)
AP-51A-6"5/16"A$ 97.93
AP-48-4.187"1/16"A$ 231.87
AP-49-4.187"5/64"A$ 233.02
AP-50B-5"1/8"A$ 69.74
AP-50A-5"1/8"A$ 71.40
BP-503/8"5"1/8"A$ 59.23
BP-519/16"6"1/4"A$ 91.25
BP-529/16"7"3/8"A$ 98.83
BP-5311/16"8"1/2"A$ 122.93
BP-5413/16"9"5/8"A$ 167.94

Hand Punch

StyleModelConstructionLengthTip SizePrice (inc. GST)
AP-8507LAluminum Bronze6"9/32"A$ 119.74
AP-8509Aluminum Bronze6"3/8"A$ 123.77
AP-8507Aluminum Bronze4.75"9/32"A$ 113.83
AP-8514Aluminum Bronze6"9/16"A$ 159.34
AP-8516Aluminum Bronze7.75"5/8"A$ 184.96
AP-8502Aluminum Bronze4.75"5/64"A$ 113.99
AP-8504Aluminum Bronze4.75"5/32"A$ 108.85
AP-8508LAluminum Bronze6"5/16"A$ 119.41
AP-8508Aluminum Bronze4.75"5/16"A$ 113.01
AP-8518Aluminum Bronze7.75"45/64"A$ 220.04
AP-8501Aluminum Bronze4.75"3/64"A$ 101.30
AP-8513Aluminum Bronze6"1/2"A$ 167.71
AP-8505Aluminum Bronze4.75"3/16"A$ 109.57
AP-8510Aluminum Bronze6"25/64"A$ 118.33
AP-8520Aluminum Bronze7.75"25/32"A$ 270.55
AP-8512Aluminum Bronze6"15/32"A$ 123.30
AP-8505LAluminum Bronze6"13/64"A$ 117.31
AP-8503Aluminum Bronze4.75"1/8"A$ 112.74
AP-8506LAluminum Bronze6"1/4"A$ 118.57
AP-8506Aluminum Bronze4.75"1/4"A$ 114.87
BP-8522High Strength Nickel Aluminum Bronze7.75"1"A$ 263.35

Prick Punch

StyleModelHexLengthTip SizePrice (inc. GST)
A2AJF23/8"5.25"3/16"A$ 8.49
A2AJF15/16"5"5/32"A$ 7.61

Brass Drive Pin Punch with Knurled Grip

StyleModelConstructionDesignLengthTip SizePrice (inc. GST)
AB248BBrass Punch w/Black Steel Knurled Grip2-Piece8"3/16"A$ 36.41
BB248CBrass Punch w/Black Steel Knurled Grip2-Piece8"1/4"A$ 36.16
CB248DBrass Punch w/Black Steel Knurled Grip2-Piece8"5/16"A$ 38.76
DB248EBrass Punch w/Black Steel Knurled Grip2-Piece8"3/8"A$ 41.34
EB565ABrass Punch w/Knurled Grip1-piece4"1/16"A$ 30.80
EB565BBrass Punch w/Knurled Grip1-piece4"3/32"A$ 28.73
FB565CBrass Punch w/Knurled Grip1-piece4"1/8"A$ 28.73
GB565DBrass Punch w/Knurled Grip1-piece4"5/32"A$ 29.47
HB565EBrass Punch w/Knurled Grip1-piece4"3/16"A$ 28.86
IB565FBrass Punch w/Knurled Grip1-piece4"7/32"A$ 27.94
JB565GBrass Punch w/Knurled Grip1-piece4"1/4"A$ 28.00
KB565HBrass Punch w/Knurled Grip1-piece4"5/16"A$ 28.86

Solid/Starter Punches

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A9552A$ 11.51
B9553A$ 11.57
C9555A$ 16.30
D9556A$ 10.97
E9557A$ 10.97
F9558A$ 14.74

Pin Punch

StyleModelHexLengthTip SizePrice (inc. GST)
AJ49038S21/2"7.5"3/8"A$ 31.03
AJ49116S21/4"3.75"1/16"A$ 17.56
AJ49332S21/4"4.25"3/32"A$ 19.28
AJ49732S23/8"5.875"7/32"A$ 25.11
AJ49316S23/8"5.437"3/16"A$ 25.64
AJ49018S25/16"4.75"1/8"A$ 21.14
AJ49532S25/16"5.25"5/32"A$ 22.53
AJ49014S27/16"6.437"1/4"A$ 27.57
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A9M25075A$ 44.38
A9M25076A$ 25.09
A9M25077A$ 22.40

Standard Bull Pin

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A3252A$ 70.81
A3257A$ 69.45
B3259A$ 61.29

Broad Head Bull Pin

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A3256TTA$ 75.46
B3255A$ 79.75
B3256A$ 73.35
A3255TTA$ 78.18

Hand Punch

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AP028/07A$ 183.71
BP028/14A$ 311.10

Rivet Buster Punches

Texas Pneumatic Tools rivet buster punches are used for bridge demolition and concrete removal. These units feature a long piston stroke that delivers an effective blow. They are used after rivet heads have been cut, to pull out tight rivets.

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A9001-279A$ 50.69
B9001-281A$ 54.43
C9001-283A$ 54.43
D9001-280A$ 54.43
E9001-282A$ 54.43

Pin Punch Bull

StyleModelDesignHexLengthTip SizePrice (inc. GST)
A31MA181-Piece, Precision Machined, Ground1-3/16"12"7/16"A$ 56.81
B31MA131-Piece, Round, Forged1-1/4"13.75"5/16"A$ 71.12
C31MA141-Piece, Round, Forged1-1/4"10"1/4"A$ 53.07

Pin Punch Barrel

StyleModelHexTip SizePrice (inc. GST)
A31MA171-1/16"9/16"A$ 35.42
A31MA1513/16"7/16"A$ 25.23
A31MA1615/16"1/2"A$ 34.22

Line Punches

Mayhew line punches are designed for aligning holes to insert pins, rivets & bolts for various commercial and industrial applications. These punches are machined for accommodating tight tolerances and feature steel construction for impact strength & black oxide finish for high abrasion resistance. Choose from a broad range of these line punches, available in 3/32, 1/8 & 1/4 inch tip sizes.

StyleModelHexLengthTip SizePrice (inc. GST)
A220053/415"1/4A$ 62.25
B220105/168"1/8A$ 21.04
C220215/168"3/32A$ 21.63

Aligning Punch

StyleModelConstructionLengthTip SizePrice (inc. GST)
AJ96716HBBrass14"7/16"A$ 193.95
BJ9638HBBrass10"3/8"A$ 157.13
CJ155/8S2S2 Hardened Tool Steel16"3/16"A$ 59.96

Hand Held Punches

Hand held punches are designed to remove pins and bushings, as well as cut or split steel objects. Raptor Supplies offers a wide array of these hand-held punches, such as aligning, arc, bar, bull pin, bearing race, drive pin, drift, hollow and dovetail punches from brands like Allpax, Ampco, Proto, Stanley, General, Keysco Tools, Klein Tools and Westward. The dovetail punches are ideal for fabricating interlocked dove-tail joints when the outside diameter of the gasket is larger than the width of the material to be cut. These units feature high-strength steel construction and a padded rubber grip to offer maximum comfort during continuous operations. For quick and easy precision hole-punching on flange gaskets, hollow punches are an ideal option because of their unique design capable of making both single diameter holes (bolt holes) and dual-diameter rings (washers) in one operation. They have a hardened steel hollow cutting head that stays sharp for utmost performance.

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