Jet Pump Motors | Raptor Supplies Australia

LEESON Jet Pump Motors

CSA certified & UL recognized motors designed for industrial & commercial pumping applications; feature 416 stainless steel threaded shafts & terminal board with quick-connects. Available with drip cover kits and in single- & three-phase motor designs


Leeson jet pump motors are non-submersible pumps that can be mounted above the ground. They extract water from a well using a suction pipe to produce potable water or water pressure and are designed for industrial & commercial pumping applications.


Centrifugal Pump Motors, Three Phase, Totally Enclosed, C Face Footed, 56J

StyleModelFull Load AmpsHPHzItemVoltagePrice (inc. GST)
A056T34F99029-160Jet Pump Motor208-230/460A$ 1092.64
B056T34F53433-3.2/1.63/460Pump Motor208-230/460A$ 906.07
C056T34F990184.0/2.01.550/60Jet Pump Motor230/460A$ 1353.85

Jet Pump Motors, Single Phase, Totally Enclosed Threaded Shaft, C Face With Base

StyleModelDesignFull Load AmpsHPInsulation ClasskWMotor Thermal ProtectionPower FactorService FactorPrice (inc. GST)
A113959L20 / 11.4-102F1.49BRJ42DV871.0A$ 1580.31
B113958L17 / 8.51.5F1.12CEJ38CV801.0A$ 1297.33
C113637N7.6 / 4-3.81/2B0.37CEJ65CV701.6A$ 835.36
D113957N12 / 6.2-61B0.75CEJ53CY761.25A$ 936.55
E113638N10 / 5.2-53/4B0.56CEJ53CV761.5-

Jet Pump Motors, Single Phase, Totally Enclosed Threaded Shaft, C Face Less Base

StyleModelDesignFull Load AmpsHPInsulation ClasskWMotor Thermal ProtectionPower FactorService FactorPrice (inc. GST)
A113641L20 / 11.4-102F1.49BRJ42DV871.0A$ 1561.80
B113640L17 / 8.51.5F1.12CEJ38CV801.0A$ 1045.89
C113955N7.6 / 4-3.81/2B.37CEJ65CV701.6A$ 931.63

Washguard Jet Pump Motors, Three Phase, TEFC Threaded Shaft, C Face With Base

StyleModelFull Load AmpsHPkWPower FactorPrice (inc. GST)
A1167792.5-2.4 / 1.23/4 / 1/20.56 / 0.3778 / 77.5A$ 1297.81
B1167803.4-3.2 / 1.61 / 3/4.75 / .5680 / 77.9A$ 1453.36
C1194615.2-4.8 / 2.42 / 1 1/21.49 / 1.1288A$ 1964.38
D1194638.8-8 / 43 / 22.24 / 1.4986 / 65.8A$ 2064.64

JM Pump Motors, Three Phase, TEFC, C Face With Base

StyleModelFrameFull Load AmpsHPkWPower FactorPrice (inc. GST)
A122086143JM4 / 21 1/2 / 11.12 / .7583.5 / 79A$ 334.52
B122090145JMV5 / 2.52 / 1 1/21.49 / 1.1286 / 85A$ 454.81

Centrifugal Pump Motors, Single Phase, Dripproof, C Face Footless, 56C/56J

StyleModelBody Dia.EnclosureFull Load AmpsHPItemMotor Mounting PositionOverall LengthRotationPrice (inc. GST)
A5KC37FN65X-DP6.4/3.0-3.21/3Pump Motor--ClockwiseA$ 502.58
B5KC36JN269X5.66"Open Dripproof3.7-3.81/2Jet Pump MotorHorizontal10.875"CCWSEA$ 553.89
C5KC39QN3219X5.66"Open Dripproof5.3-5.63/4Jet Pump MotorHorizontal12.375"CCWSEA$ 641.36
D5KC39RN45X5.66"Open Dripproof6.5/6.61Jet Pump MotorHorizontal13.125"CCWSEA$ 716.00
E5KC49NN2167X6.42"Open Dripproof18.4/9.21.5Jet Pump MotorAll Angle11.875"CCWSEA$ 1435.47
F5KCR48TN2174T6.42"Open Dripproof29.4/14.73Jet Pump MotorAll Angle13.187"CCWSEA$ 1964.89

Centrifugal Pump Motors, Three Phase, Dripproof, C Face Footless, 56C/56J

StyleModelEnclosureFull Load AmpsItemService FactorPrice (inc. GST)
A5K37MN38DP2.6-2.6/1.3Pump Motor1.50A$ 756.79
B5K46KN4141Open Dripproof3.3-3.0/1.5Jet Pump Motor1.25A$ 1452.96

Jet Pump Motors, Two-Compartment, C Face Footled, 56C/56J

StyleModelFull Load AmpsHPMotor DesignMotor TypeOverall LengthService FactorVoltagePrice (inc. GST)
A5KH39EN2887X6.21/3Split-PhaseSplit-Phase11.5"1.75115A$ 356.90
B5KC39SN2890X14.2/7.11Capacitor-StartCapacitor-Start14"1.4115/230A$ 278.31

Jet Pump Motors, Two-Compartment, C Face Footless, 56C/56J

StyleModelFull Load AmpsVoltagePrice (inc. GST)
A5KH39EN2552X6.2115A$ 172.36

General Purpose Pump Motor, 0.33 HP, 1 Phase, 60 Hz, 115/230V, 3600 RPM

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
5KC33FN4180XAE6JJHA$ 876.90

General Purpose Pump Motor, 0.50 HP, 3 Phase, 60 Hz, 208-230/460V, 1800 RPM

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
5K42HN4133AD8VWLA$ 1252.39

General Purpose Pump Motor, 1 HP, 1 Phase, 60 Hz, 115/208-230V, 3600 RPM

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
056C34D2121AJ2LNAA$ 728.82

Jet Pump Motor, 0.50 HP, 1 Phase, 60 Hz, 115/230V, 3600 RPM

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
5KC36MN2508XAJ2NCAA$ 257.31

Jet Pump Motor, 5 and 3 HP, 3 Phase, 60/50 Hz, 230/460 and 190/380V, 3600 and 3000 RPM

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
116698AJ2QUHA$ 1249.16

Jet Pump Motor, 5 HP, 3 Phase, 60 Hz, 230/460V, 3600 RPM

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
116699AJ2QUJA$ 1401.38

Jet Pump Motor, 1.50/1 HP, 3 Phase, 60/50 Hz, 230/460 and 190/380V, 3600 and 3000 RPM

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
119453AJ2RCDA$ 1084.60

Jet Pump Motor, 2/1.50 HP, 3 Phase, 60/50 Hz, 230/460 and 190/380V, 3600 and 3000 RPM

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
119460AJ2RCGA$ 1988.50


  • Leeson jet pump motors feature 416 stainless steel threaded shafts & terminal boards with quick connects.
  • They feature durable steel frame construction for structural rigidity and Polyrex EM / verified lubrication to resist oil & water leakage at temperatures up to 40 degrees Celsius.
  • These single & triple-phase units offer premium Class B / F insulation for temperature control.
  • They are either equipped with a TEFC enclosure to permit the cooling air to flow through the motor, thereby preventing overheating or a dripproof enclosure to ensure protection from dust, water and air-borne contaminants.
  • These models come with a drip-proof enclosure to ensure protection from dust, water and air-borne contaminants.
  • They have either a C-Face endshield with / without a base or a rigid base for quick installation.
  • These units include easy-to-read nameplates for quick identification and high-quality ball bearings to deliver continuous duty operation at speeds up to 3490 rpm.
  • They are available in counter-clockwise, clockwise or REV shaft rotation variants.

Working Mechanism

  • Electric motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy for generating motion.
  • Force is produced within the motor through the interaction between a winding alternating (AC) or direct (DC) current and the magnetic field.

Standards and Approvals

  • CSA
  • UL

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between TEBC and TEFC motors?

Totally enclosed blower-cooled (TEBC) motors are virtually identical to TEFC motors with the exception that the motor body is cooled by a separate "blower" positioned on the body rather than by a shaft-mounted fan while the motor is working at a high speed.

What is the purpose of a shaft in a motor?

A shaft is a cylindrical component extruding out from the housing and motor. It converts energy from the motor into end-use applications.

What do you mean by Class B and F insulation?

These motors have Class B or F insulation for temperature control. The Class B insulated motors can handle temperatures up to 130 degrees C and Class F can withstand a maximum temperature of 105 degrees C.

What is the difference between single, double and triple-phase motors?

  • Single-phase motor: Current flows through a single conductor.
  • Double-phase motor: Current flows through 4-wire conductors (2 for each phase).
  • Triple-phase motor: Current flows through 3 separate conductors.

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