Liquid Level Switches | Raptor Supplies Australia

Liquid Level Switches


Liquid level switches are used to detect and control the level of liquids in tanks, reservoirs & pipelines to monitor and maintain desired liquid levels. They work on the principle of buoyancy to... Read More


Open On Rise Liquid Level Switch

StyleModelBody MaterialConduit SizeElectrical ConnectionsFloat Dia.Float MaterialHeightMax. PressureMountingPrice (inc. GST)
AM3827-2316 Stainless Steel1/2"22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads1.54"316 SS-50 psiHorizontalA$ 247.94
BM3827-3316 Stainless Steel1/8"22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads1.54"316 SS-50 psiHorizontalA$ 289.23
CM3782Brass/PBT-20 ft. 22 AWG, HALAR Jacketed 2-conductor Cable With Watertight Connector1"Buna N4.06"50 psiVerticalA$ 263.94
DM3326Polypropylene3/8-16"22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads0.58"Polypropylene1.85"50 psiVerticalA$ 60.05
EM3326-NPTPolypropylene1/8"22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads0.58"Polypropylene1.68"50 psiVerticalA$ 79.50
FM8800-PRPolypropylene1/4"22 ga. MTW Coated 24" Leads1.5"Polypropylene3.38"100 psiVerticalA$ 230.34
GM8000-CPolypropylene and PVC3/4"22 ga. MTW Coated 24" Leads0.875"Polypropylene2.25"50 psiVerticalA$ 53.77
HM4035Stainless Steel1/8"22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads0.78"Polypropylene1.44"100 psiVerticalA$ 98.80

Liquid Level Switches

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A9037HG34Z20A$ 487.65
A9037HG35RA$ 428.17
B9037HR32A$ 1278.91
C9037HW32A$ 1328.68
D9038CW36A$ 2685.28
A9037HG38Z20A$ 502.61
E9049EF2A$ 252.60
F9998PC338A$ 47.77
G9049ER2A$ 50.78
G9049ER7A$ 51.34
H9049A6AA$ 435.81

Selectable Liquid Level Switch

StyleModelBody MaterialConduit SizeElectrical ConnectionsFloat Dia.Float MaterialHeightMax. PressureMountingPrice (inc. GST)
AM4065304 Stainless Steel1.5"22 ga. MTW 24"1.5"304 SS10.25"100 psiHorizontalA$ 1327.22
BM5600316 Stainless Steel1/4"22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads2.13"316 SS3.52"200 psiVerticalA$ 165.68
CM3326-SMPolypropylene3/8-16"PTFE Jacketed Wire Leads0.78"Polypropylene1.85"50 psiHorizontalA$ 50.16
DM8790-14/4184Polypropylene5/8-11"22 ga. MTW Coated 24" Leads1"Polypropylene-100 psiHorizontalA$ 60.69
EM3727Stainless Steel1/2" x 1/4"22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads0.65"Stainless Steel-300 psiHorizontalA$ 287.56
FMS8010Stainless Steel1/8"22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads1"Polypropylene2.96"100 psiHorizontalA$ 133.16

Close On Rise Ultra Low Level Liquid Switch

StyleModelBody MaterialElectrical ConnectionsFloat MaterialStem MaterialPrice (inc. GST)
AM4400-ULL-NO316 Stainless Steel22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" LeadsBuna N316 SSA$ 134.08
BM8020-ULL-NO316 Stainless Steel22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" LeadsPolypropylene316 SSA$ 123.05
CM4400-PBT-ULL-NO316 Stainless Steel22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" LeadsPBT316 SSA$ 107.36
DM4500-ULL-NOBrass22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" LeadsBuna NBrassA$ 143.51
EM9000-ULL-NOKynar22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" LeadsKynarKynarA$ 143.72
FM7000-PBT-ULL-NOPBT22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" LeadsPBTPBTA$ 109.98
FM7000-ULL-NOPBT22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" LeadsBuna NPBTA$ 139.86
GM8000-ULL-NOPolypropylene22 ga. MTW Coated 24" LeadsPolypropylenePolypropyleneA$ 104.89

Plastic Single-Point Liquid Level Switches

StyleModelBody MaterialConduit SizeContact FormElectrical ConnectionsFloat Dia.Float MaterialHeightMax. PressurePrice (inc. GST)
AM5910316 Stainless Steel1/4" x 1/2"SPDT22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads0.63"316 SS-300 psiA$ 345.24
BM5900316 Stainless Steel1/2" x 1"SPDT22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads0.63"316 SS-300 psiA$ 342.52
CM5917316 Stainless Steel1/4"SPST18 ga.PTFE Coated 24" Leads2.13"316 SS3.38"200 psiA$ 194.56
DM5970316 Stainless Steel1/2"SPST22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads1"316 SS-100 psiA$ 219.06
EM4300Brass1/4"SPST22 ga. MTW Coated 24" Leads1.25"Buna N3.38"150 psiA$ 122.19
FM4010Brass3/8-20"SPST22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads1"Buna N2.96"100 psiA$ 117.10
GM9700Kynar1/2" x 1/2"SPST22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads0.65"Kynar-100 psiA$ 61.38
HM9705Kynar1/2" x 1"SPST22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads0.65"Kynar-100 psiA$ 163.63
IM9000Kynar1/8"SPST22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads1"Kynar2.25"15 psiA$ 57.72
JM7740PBT3/4-16" x 7/8-14"SPST22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads0.65"PBT-100 psiA$ 48.60
KM7725PBT1/2"SPST22 ga. MTW Coated 24" Leads0.65"PBT-100 psiA$ 46.44
LM7000PBT1/8"SPST22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads1"Buna N2.25"150 psiA$ 35.01
MM7750PBT1/2"SPST22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads0.65"PBT-100 psiA$ 49.68
NM7790PBT5/8-11"SPST22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads0.65"PBT-100 psiA$ 50.45
OM7700PBT1/2" x 1/2"SPST22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads0.65"PBT-100 psiA$ 34.99
PMSB8800Polypropylene-SPST1.8m PP Cable1.5"Polypropylene3.89"100 psiA$ 248.40
QM8790Polypropylene5/8-11"SPST22 ga. MTW Coated 24" Leads1"Polypropylene-100 psiA$ 31.21
RM8800Polypropylene1/4"SPST22 ga. MTW Coated 24" Leads1.5"Polypropylene3.41"100 psiA$ 138.01
SM8710Polypropylene1/4" x 1/2"SPST22 ga. MTW 24"1"Polypropylene-100 psiA$ 87.87
TM8750Polypropylene1/2"SPST22 ga. MTW Coated 24" Leads1"Polypropylene-100 psiA$ 37.48
UM8700-CPolypropylene1/2"SPST22 ga. MTW Coated 24" Leads0.5"Polypropylene-100 psiA$ 33.83
VM8705Polypropylene1/2" x 1"SPST22 ga. MTW Coated 24" Leads1"Polypropylene-100 psiA$ 77.21
WM8700Polypropylene1/2" x 1/2"SPST22 ga. MTW Coated 24" Leads0.65"Polypropylene-100 psiA$ 32.81
XM8000Polypropylene1/8"SPST22 ga. MTW Coated 24" Leads1"Polypropylene2.25"100 psiA$ 29.92
YM8000BPolypropylene3/8-16"SPST22 ga. MTW Coated 24" Leads1"Polypropylene-100 psiA$ 74.09

Stainless Steel Single-Point Liquid Level Switches

StyleModelBody MaterialConduit SizeElectrical ConnectionsFloat Dia.Float MaterialHeightMax. PressureMountingPrice (inc. GST)
AM4190304 Stainless Steel1"22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads1"304 SS-150 psiHorizontalA$ 697.53
BM4190-HP304 Stainless Steel1"22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads2.04"304 SS-900 psiHorizontalA$ 584.98
CM4190-BU304 Stainless Steel1"22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads0.92"Buna N-100 psiHorizontalA$ 728.22
DMS5917316 Stainless Steel1/4"18 ga.PTFE Coated 24" Leads2.13"316 SS3.38"200 psiVerticalA$ 207.07
EM5600-PR316 Stainless Steel1/4"22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads2"316 SS3.52"500 psiVerticalA$ 224.59
FMS5010316 Stainless Steel3/8-24"22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads1.13"316 SS1.61"300 psiHorizontalA$ 181.68
GMSB5600316 Stainless Steel-1.8m PTFE Cable2.13"316 SS3.64"85 psiVerticalA$ 424.78
HM5000316 Stainless Steel1/8"22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads1.13"316 SS2.25"300 psiVerticalA$ 118.68
IM5010316 Stainless Steel3/8-24"22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads1.13"316 SS2.96"300 psiHorizontalA$ 127.08
JM5920316 Stainless Steel1/2" x 1/2"22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads0.13"316 SS-300 psiHorizontalA$ 308.07
KMS9000Kynar1/8"22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads1"Kynar2.25"15 psiVerticalA$ 83.46
LMS7000PBT1/8"22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads1"Buna N2.25"150 psiVerticalA$ 55.06
MMS8000Polypropylene1/8"22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads1"Polypropylene2.25"100 psiVerticalA$ 53.48
NMS8800Polypropylene1/4"22 ga. MTW Coated 24" Leads1.5"Polypropylene3.38"100 psiVerticalA$ 148.77

Adjustable-Level Liquid Level Switches

StyleModelBody MaterialFloat Dia.Float MaterialHeightMax. PressureOperating Temp. RangeOverall LengthStem LengthPrice (inc. GST)
AM5602-7808-1316 Stainless Steel2.13"316 SS12"200 psi392 Degrees F Max.12"10.5"A$ 690.51
BM5602-7808-6316 Stainless Steel2.13"316 SS72"200 psi392 Degrees F Max.72"70.5"A$ 589.67
CM4302-7807-6Brass1.25"Buna N72"150 psi221 Degrees F Max.72"70.5"A$ 338.32

Close On Rise Liquid Level Switch

StyleModelBody MaterialConduit SizeFloat Dia.HeightHp @ 1 Phase - 120vHp @ 1 Phase - 230vHp @ 1 Phase - 240vHp @ 3 Phase - 230vPrice (inc. GST)
A9038CW33Aluminum2.75"2.5"5.94"2-3-A$ 3049.82
B9037HW35Aluminum2.75"2.58"6.22"2335A$ 1423.38
B9037HW34Aluminum2.75"2.58"4.78"2335A$ 1583.27
B9037HW30Aluminum2.75"2.58"6.22"2335A$ 1474.79
C9037EW9Aluminum2.75"3.63"7.6"2335A$ 1779.99
D9036FG30Steel2.875"7"4.5"2335A$ 69.13
E9037HG30Steel3.5"2.58"5.98"2335A$ 504.24
E9037HG32Steel3.5"2.58"5.98"2335A$ 497.81
E9037HG33Steel3.5"2.58"4.44"2335A$ 406.29
F9036DR31CSteel2.75"7"5.25"2335A$ 947.38
G9037EG10Steel3.5"3.63"7.6"2335A$ 770.67
F9036GR1Steel2.75"7"8.25"2335A$ 1722.54
F9036GG2Steel3.5"7"5.56"2335A$ 250.48
E9037HG30Z20Steel3.5"2.58"5.98"2335A$ 509.62
H9037HG32LZ20Steel3.5"2.58"5.98"2335A$ 404.67
H9037HG32Z20Steel3.5"2.58"5.98"2335A$ 434.69
E9037HG33F3Z20Steel3.5"2.58"4.44"2335A$ 470.93
E9037HG33Z20Steel3.5"2.58"4.44"2335A$ 477.66
I9037HG36F3LZ20Steel3.5"2.58"5.98"2335A$ 338.08
E9037HG36Z20Steel3.5"2.58"5.98"2335A$ 510.82
G9037EG8Steel3.5"3.63"5.56"2335A$ 607.71
J9036DW31Steel2.75"7"4.27"2335A$ 997.13
F9036DR31Steel2.75"7"4.27"2335A$ 955.80
E9037HW33Steel2.75"2.58"4.44"2335A$ 1496.06
E9037HG31Steel3.5"2.58"5.98"2335A$ 478.47

Open On Rise Liquid Level Switch

StyleModelConduit SizeFloat Dia.HeightMax. VoltageMountingNema RatingOverall LengthStem LengthPrice (inc. GST)
A9036DG2CR1/2", 3/4"7"4.5"600Vertical Open Tank14.38"-A$ 199.34
A9036DW31R2.75"7"4.27"575Vertical Open Tank47.1"-A$ 965.11
A9036GW1R2.75"7"8.25"600Vertical Open Tank45.55"-A$ 2010.27
B9037HG33R3.5"2.58"5.98"600Horizontal116.06"5.07"A$ 440.80
B9037HG30R3.5"2.58"5.98"600Horizontal116.06"4.37"A$ 436.13
A9036DG2R3.5"7"4.27"575Vertical Open Tank17.1"-A$ 159.70
A9036GG2R3.5"7"5.56"575Vertical Open Tank17.1"-A$ 291.10
B9037HG31R3.5"2.58"5.98"600Horizontal116.06"4.37"A$ 475.64
B9037HG34R3.5"2.58"4.44"600Horizontal114.66"3.89"A$ 488.46

Close On Rise Alternator Liquid Level Switch

StyleModelBody MaterialConduit SizeCurrent RatingFloat Dia.HeightHp @ 1 Phase - 120vHp @ 1 Phase - 240vHp @ 3 Phase - 240vPrice (inc. GST)
A9038DW8Aluminum2.75"-3.63"6.31"235A$ 3492.29
B9038AW1Aluminum2.75"-7"4.5"235A$ 1629.68
C9038DR8Aluminum2.75"-3.63"6.31"235A$ 4331.13
D9038CW31Aluminum2.75"-2.5"5.94"235A$ 2826.75
B9038AW1N5Aluminum2.75"-7"6.86"235A$ 2121.97
B9038AR1Aluminum2.75"-7"6.86"235A$ 1740.01
E9038CG36Z20Steel8-1/2", 8-3/4"-2.5"5.94"235A$ 1259.28
F9038CG33F3Steel8-1/2", 8-3/4"-2.5"5.94"235A$ 1249.12
G9038CG32Z20Steel8-1/2", 8-3/4"-2.5"5.94"235A$ 1183.98
G9038CG32N5Steel8-1/2", 8-3/4"-2.5"5.94"235A$ 1537.04
F9038CG31F3Steel8-1/2", 8-3/4"-2.5"5.94"235A$ 1173.28
H9038AG1S6Steel4-1/2", 4-3/4"-7"4.5"235A$ 621.07
H9038AG1N5Steel4-1/2", 4-3/4"-7"4.5"235A$ 830.97
H9038AG1Steel4 1/2", 4 3/4"10A , 600A7"4.5"2 hp3 hp5 hpA$ 459.73
G9038CG34Z20Steel8-1/2", 8-3/4"-2.5"5.94"235A$ 1137.52
G9038CG34Steel8-1/2", 8-3/4"-2.5"5.94"235A$ 1274.24
G9038CG33Z20Steel8-1/2", 8-3/4"-2.5"5.94"235A$ 1194.78
I9038DG9Steel8-1/2", 8-3/4"-3.63"4.87"235A$ 1499.76
I9038DG8Steel8-1/2", 8-3/4"-3.63"9.82"235A$ 1429.18
I9038DG7Steel8-1/2", 8-3/4"-3.63"9.82"235A$ 1624.34
J9038CW32Steel2.75"-2.5"5.94"235A$ 2614.88
E9038CG36Steel8-1/2", 8-3/4"-2.5"7.22"235A$ 1374.30
G9038CG33Steel8-1/2", 8-3/4"-2.5"7.22"235A$ 1213.01
G9038CG32Steel8-1/2", 8-3/4"-2.5"7.22"235A$ 1305.90
G9038CG31Steel8-1/2", 8-3/4"-2.5"7.22"235A$ 1057.19

Selectable Drum Liquid Level Switch

StyleModelBody MaterialFloat MaterialMax. PressureOperating Temp. RangeStem MaterialPrice (inc. GST)
AM4169-3316 Stainless Steel316 SS250 psi302 Degrees F Max.316 SSA$ 628.32
BM4168-3BrassBuna N150 psi221 Degrees F Max.BrassA$ 415.80

Selectable Multi-level Liquid Level Switch

StyleModelBody MaterialElectrical ConnectionsFloat Dia.Float MaterialMax. PressureOperating Temp. RangeStem MaterialWidthPrice (inc. GST)
AML5555316 Stainless Steel22 ga. PTFE2.125"316 SS200 psi392 Degrees F Max.316 SS43.19"A$ 1142.84
BML8888Polypropylene23 ga. PTFE1.5"Polypropylene100 psi221 Degrees F Max.Polypropylene-A$ 670.58
CML4444Polypropylene22 ga. PTFE1.25"Buna N150 psi221 Degrees F Max.Brass18"A$ 727.87

Open On Rise Drum Liquid Level Switch

StyleModelBody MaterialFloat MaterialMax. PressureOperating Temp. RangeStem MaterialPrice (inc. GST)
AM4169-2316 Stainless Steel316 SS250 psi302 Degrees F Max.316 SSA$ 442.26
BM4168-2BrassBuna N150 psi221 Degrees F Max.BrassA$ 349.86

Open On Rise Ultra Low Level Liquid Switch

StyleModelBody MaterialElectrical ConnectionsFloat MaterialStem MaterialPrice (inc. GST)
AM4400-ULL-NC316 Stainless Steel22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" LeadsBuna N316 SSA$ 160.51
BM8020-ULL-NC316 Stainless Steel22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" LeadsPolypropylene316 SSA$ 122.63
CM9000-ULL-NCKynar22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" LeadsKynarKynarA$ 118.04
DM8000-ULL-NCPolypropylene22 ga. MTW Coated 24" LeadsPolypropylenePolypropyleneA$ 109.94

Close On Rise Drum Liquid Level Switch

StyleModelBody MaterialFloat MaterialMax. PressureOperating Temp. RangeStem MaterialPrice (inc. GST)
AM4169-1316 Stainless Steel316 SS250 psi302 Degrees F Max.316 SSA$ 370.11
BM4168-1BrassBuna N150 psi221 Degrees F Max.BrassA$ 285.57

Close On Rise Liquid Level Switch

StyleModelBody MaterialConduit SizeElectrical ConnectionsFloat Dia.Float MaterialHeightMax. PressureMountingPrice (inc. GST)
AM3827-2NO316 Stainless Steel1/2"22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads1.54"316 SS-50 psiHorizontalA$ 248.92
AM3827-3NO316 Stainless Steel1/8"22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads1.54"316 SS-50 psiHorizontalA$ 278.34
BM3326-NOPolypropylene3/8-16"22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads0.58"Polypropylene1.85"50 psiVerticalA$ 53.11
CM3326-NPT-NOPolypropylene1/8"22 ga. PTFE Coated 24" Leads0.58"Polypropylene1.68"50 psiVerticalA$ 77.79
DM8000-NOPolypropylene1/8"22 ga. MTW Coated 24" Leads1"Polypropylene2.25"100 psiVerticalA$ 35.97

Open On Rise Multi-level Liquid Level Switch

StyleModelBody MaterialConduit SizeFloat Dia.Float MaterialMax. PressureOperating Temp. RangeOverall LengthStem LengthPrice (inc. GST)
AM5605316 Stainless Steel1/2"2.13"316 SS200 psi392 Degrees F Max.8.25"7.25"A$ 463.37
BM8085Polypropylene1/4"1"Polypropylene100 psi221 Degrees F Max.7.5"6.75"A$ 171.42

Close On Rise Liquid 2-Level Switch

StyleModelConduit SizeFloat Dia.HeightMountingOperating Temp. RangeOverall LengthWidthPrice (inc. GST)
A9038AG1N44-1/2", 4-3/4"7"4.5"Vertical Open Tank-22 Degrees to 220 Degrees F10.32"4.69"A$ 595.08
B9038CG36N4LZ208-1/2", 8-3/4"2.5"5.94"Horizontal250 Degrees F Max6.840"6.84"A$ 1402.00
C9038CG36N48-1/2", 8-3/4"2.5"5.94"Horizontal-22 Degrees to 220 Degrees F17.81"6.84"A$ 1502.30

Liquid Level Switches

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
B0111-510A$ 638.47

Liquid Level Switch, 316L Stainless Steel, Peek Wetted Parts

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)

Rotating Paddle Bulk Solids Level Switch, 200mm Insertion Length

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
PLS-4P-2-115-HAZCV8CCEA$ 870.40

Working Mechanism

  • Mount the level switch at the desired level in the container or tank.
  • Make sure the float can move up and down as the liquid level changes.
  • As the liquid level rises, the float will also rise, activating the switch mechanism.
  • The switch can be connected to a control system or pump to perform the desired action, such as stopping or starting a process.


Madison Single-Point Liquid Level Switches:

  • These switches are made of polypropylene / 304 stainless steel to ensure long-lasting performance and resistance to corrosion.
  • They have SPST (single pole, single throw) configuration for a simple and reliable circuit configuration.
  • They can handle pressures up to 900 psi and temperatures up to 300 degrees F.

Square D Liquid 2-Level Switches:

  • They can operate effectively within a temperature range of -22 to 220 degrees F.
  • These switches operate on a 'Close On Rise' function, meaning that they close the electrical circuit when the liquid rises to the desired level.
  • They include a stainless steel float, ensuring durability and resistance to corrosion, even in harsh liquid environments.
  • These level switches have the float positioned below the liquid level, enabling them to rise and trigger when the liquid reaches the desired level.

Parker Level Switches:

  • They can withstand temperatures ranging from 0 to 60 degrees C.
  • These switches are extremely sensitive and have built-in springs that can be adjusted to four different levels.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a normally open (NO) and normally closed (NC) liquid level switch?

A normally open (NO) liquid level switch stays in the open state when the liquid level is below the set threshold and closes the circuit when the liquid level rises to the desired level. A normally closed (NC) switch operates oppositely, being in a closed state when the liquid level is below the threshold and opening the circuit when the liquid level reaches the set level.

Why do some people use multiple liquid level switches in the same tank?

Utilising multiple liquid level switches in the same tank provides redundancy and more precise level control. They can be wired in parallel or series, depending on the desired functionality.

How do I troubleshoot a liquid level switch that is not functioning properly?

Troubleshooting measures include checking electrical connections, verifying power supply, inspecting for damage or debris affecting switch operation and ensuring proper switch calibration.

We are here to help!

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