Molded case circuit breakers from General Electric are electrically operated switches used to protect circuits from overcurrent, typically resulting from a short circuit or overload. They feature microEntelliGuard trip unit, which is a digital, solid state, RMS sensing trip system and offers flexible system protection, metring and communication options. These compact circuit breakers meet or exceed UL, CSA & CE standards and are equipped with interchangeable plugs to easily change the LT rating. They have a reduced energy let-through feature for enhanced protection. Spectra Series circuit breakers are available in current ratings ranging from 7A to 250A on Raptor Supplies.
General Electric THQB Series circuit breakers are suitable for protecting electrical circuits and machinery against current overloads and short circuits. These devices feature thermal-magnetic trip mechanisms that deliver both long-time and instantaneous current limiting functions against faulty currents. They are integrated with a bolt-on mounting facility for reducing the installation downtime in reverse-feed applications. These UL-listed circuit breakers are rated at 240V and calibrated at an ambient temperature of 40 degrees C. Choose from a wide range of these circuit breakers available in 15A, 20A, 25A, 30A and 100A current rating options on Raptor Supplies.
General Electric TKM Series circuit breakers are designed to provide feeder and branch circuit protection in motor load centres, busbars and panelboards. The molded case of these breakers holds the current-carrying components, trip devices and mechanisms within a very small space. These UL-listed circuit breakers feature a thermal-magnetic, non-interchangeable trip unit capable of overriding mild overloads but instantly reacting to severe current spikes for maximum current limiting protection. They further come equipped with line- and load-side lug terminals with a feed-thru connection for reducing the installation downtime. Choose from a wide range of these circuit breakers, available in amperage ratings of 300, 350, 400, 450 and 500A on Raptor Supplies.