BLICKLE Plate Casters

Stainless-steel casters featuring brackets and a noise-absorbing nylon / polyurethane wheel with a rubber damping ring. Capable of delivering a smooth running performance on even floors with high abrasion resistance


Swivel Plate Caster

StyleModelCaster Load Rating RangeCaster Wheel MaterialCore ColorCore MaterialDurometerFrame FinishFrame MaterialInside Bolt Hole SpacingPrice (inc. GST)
ALPXA-TPA 75G0 to 299 lb.Thermoplastic RubberGrayPolypropylene85 Shore AStainless SteelStainless Steel1-1/2 x 1-1/2"A$ 78.91
BLPXA-VPA 75G0 to 299 lb.RubberGrayNylon80 Shore AStainless SteelStainless Steel1-1/2 x 1-1/2"A$ 79.86
CLPA-VSTH 35K0 to 299 lb.PolyurethaneSilverPolyurethane92 Shore AZinc PlatedSteel1-1/2 x 1-1/2"A$ 33.14
DL-POEV 101K-12-SB-FK300 to 999 lb.RubberBlackNylon65 Shore AZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 55.01
EL-PATH 100K-12-FK300 to 999 lb.PolyurethaneGrayNylon94 Shore AZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 46.29
FL-PATH 125K-12-FK300 to 999 lb.PolyurethaneGrayNylon94 Shore AZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 52.82
GL-ALTH 100K-12300 to 999 lb.PolyurethaneGrayAluminum92 Shore AZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 99.83
HL-ALTH 125K-12300 to 999 lb.PolyurethaneGrayAluminum92 Shore AZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 111.39
IL-POG 89G-12300 to 999 lb.NylonGrayNylon70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 47.29
JLE-POW 100K-FK300 to 999 lb.NylonWhiteNylon70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel2-1/8 x 3"A$ 72.75
IL-POG 89K-12-FK300 to 999 lb.NylonGrayNylon70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 50.00
KLH-SPO 75K300 to 999 lb.NylonWhiteNylon80 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel2-1/8 x 3"A$ 123.32
LL-PO 100G-12300 to 999 lb.NylonWhiteNylon70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 40.60
ML-PO 100K-12-FK300 to 999 lb.NylonWhiteNylon70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 47.42
NL-PO 125G-12300 to 999 lb.NylonWhiteNylon70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 44.10
LL-PO 125K-12-FK300 to 999 lb.NylonWhiteNylon70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 50.63
OL-POW 100K-12-FK300 to 999 lb.NylonRedRubber70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 66.16
PL-POEV 89K-12-SG-FK300 to 999 lb.RubberGrayNylon65 Shore AZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 48.44
QLO-SE 125K300 to 999 lb.RubberGraySteel65 Shore AZinc PlatedSteel3-1/16 x 4-1/8"A$ 334.24
RLK-ALST 125K-1300 to 999 lb.PolyurethaneSilverAluminum75 Shore AZinc PlatedSteel2-1/8 x 3"A$ 142.56
SLK-GSPO 65K300 to 999 lb.NylonWhiteNylon80 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel2-1/8 x 3"A$ 184.66
JLE-POW 125K-FK300 to 999 lb.NylonWhiteNylon70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel2-1/8 x 3"A$ 83.62
TLK-ALST 100K-1300 to 999 lb.PolyurethaneSilverAluminum75 Shore AZinc PlatedSteel2-1/8 x 3"A$ 126.11
ULI-POHI 200G300 to 999 lb.Glass Filled NylonGrayGlass Filled Nylon85 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel3-1/16 x 4-1/8"A$ 282.73
VLI-POHI 150G300 to 999 lb.Glass Filled NylonGrayGlass Filled Nylon85 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel3-1/16 x 4-1/8"A$ 227.55

Swivel Plate Caster w/ Total-Lock

StyleModelBrake TypeCaster Load Rating RangeCaster Wheel MaterialCore ColorCore MaterialDurometerFrame FinishFrame MaterialPrice (inc. GST)
ALO-SE 125K-STTotal Lock300 to 999 lb.RubberGraySteel65 Shore AZinc PlatedSteelA$ 482.81
BL-PATH 125K-12-FI-FKTotal Lock300 to 999 lb.PolyurethaneGrayNylon94 Shore AZinc PlatedSteelA$ 61.72
CLH-SPO 75K-FITotal Lock300 to 999 lb.NylonWhiteNylon80 Shore DZinc PlatedSteelA$ 204.24
DLK-ALST 125K-1-FITotal Lock300 to 999 lb.PolyurethaneSilverAluminum75 Shore AZinc PlatedSteelA$ 174.08
EL-POEV 89K-12-FI-SG-FKTotal Lock300 to 999 lb.RubberGrayNylon65 Shore AZinc PlatedSteelA$ 61.72
FL-POW 125K-12-FI-FKTotal Lock300 to 999 lb.NylonRedRubber70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteelA$ 101.22
FL-POW 100K-12-FI-FKTotal Lock300 to 999 lb.NylonRedRubber70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteelA$ 88.18
GL-PO 125K-12-FI-FKTotal Lock300 to 999 lb.NylonWhiteNylon70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteelA$ 69.44
GL-PO 125G-12-FITotal Lock300 to 999 lb.NylonWhiteNylon70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteelA$ 58.06
GL-PO 100K-12-FI-FKTotal Lock300 to 999 lb.NylonWhiteNylon70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteelA$ 57.34
GL-PO 100G-12-FITotal Lock300 to 999 lb.NylonWhiteNylon70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteelA$ 51.04
HL-POG 89K-12-FI-FKTotal Lock300 to 999 lb.NylonGrayNylon70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteelA$ 62.54
HL-POG 89G-12-FITotal Lock300 to 999 lb.NylonGrayNylon70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteelA$ 47.81
IL-ALTH 125K-12-FITotal Lock300 to 999 lb.PolyurethaneGrayAluminum92 Shore AZinc PlatedSteelA$ 118.75
JL-ALTH 100K-12-FITotal Lock300 to 999 lb.PolyurethaneGrayAluminum92 Shore AZinc PlatedSteelA$ 111.39
KL-ALST 100K-12-FITotal Lock300 to 999 lb.PolyurethaneGrayAluminum75 Shore AZinc PlatedSteelA$ 115.32
BL-PATH 100K-12-FI-FKTotal Lock300 to 999 lb.PolyurethaneGrayNylon94 Shore AZinc PlatedSteelA$ 76.70
LLPXA-VPA 50G-FITotal Lock1000 to 2999 lb.RubberGrayNylon80 Shore AStainless SteelStainless SteelA$ 102.16
MLH-GSPO 80K-STTotal Lock1000 to 2999 lb.NylonWhiteNylon80 Shore DZinc PlatedSteelA$ 236.07
NLK-ALST 100K-1-FITotal Lock300 to 999 lb.PolyurethaneSilverAluminum75 Shore AZinc PlatedSteelA$ 158.11
OLI-POHI 200G-FITotal Lock300 to 999 lb.Glass Filled NylonGrayGlass Filled Nylon85 Shore DZinc PlatedSteelA$ 332.64
OLI-POHI 150G-FITotal Lock300 to 999 lb.Glass Filled NylonGrayGlass Filled Nylon85 Shore DZinc PlatedSteelA$ 281.76
PLIK-POHI 125G-1-FITotal Lock300 to 999 lb.Glass Filled NylonGrayGlass Filled Nylon62 Shore DZinc PlatedSteelA$ 187.60
OLIX-POHI 100G-FITotal Lock300 to 999 lb.Glass Filled NylonGrayGlass Filled Nylon85 Shore DStainless SteelStainless SteelA$ 148.29
QLPXA-VPA 75G-FITotal Lock0 to 299 lb.RubberGrayNylon80 Shore AStainless SteelStainless SteelA$ 96.25

Rigid Plate Caster

StyleModelCaster Load Rating RangeCaster Wheel MaterialCore ColorCore MaterialDurometerFrame FinishFrame MaterialInside Bolt Hole SpacingPrice (inc. GST)
ABPXA-TPA 75G0 to 299 lb.Thermoplastic RubberGrayPolypropylene85 Shore AStainless SteelStainless Steel1-1/2 x 1-1/2"A$ 49.96
BBPXA-VPA 75G0 to 299 lb.RubberGrayNylon80 Shore AStainless SteelStainless Steel1-1/2 x 1-1/2"A$ 59.96
CB-POG 89K-12-FK300 to 999 lb.NylonGrayNylon70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 34.65
DB-POEV 101K-12-SB-FK300 to 999 lb.RubberBlackNylon65 Shore AZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 42.47
EB-PATH 100K-12-FK300 to 999 lb.PolyurethaneGrayNylon94 Shore AZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 33.05
FB-PATH 125K-12-FK300 to 999 lb.PolyurethaneGrayNylon94 Shore AZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 39.70
GB-ALTH 100K-12300 to 999 lb.PolyurethaneGrayAluminum92 Shore AZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 85.44
CB-POG 89G-12300 to 999 lb.NylonGrayNylon70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 29.96
HB-POW 100K-FK300 to 999 lb.NylonWhiteNylon70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel2-1/8 x 3"A$ 63.81
IBO-SE 125K300 to 999 lb.RubberGraySteel65 Shore AZinc PlatedSteel3-1/16 x 4-1/8"A$ 206.53
JB-PO 100G-12300 to 999 lb.NylonWhiteNylon70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 35.26
KB-PO 100K-12-FK300 to 999 lb.NylonWhiteNylon70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 37.94
JB-PO 125G-12300 to 999 lb.NylonWhiteNylon70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 32.27
JB-PO 125K-12-FK300 to 999 lb.NylonWhiteNylon70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 37.94
LB-POW 100K-12-FK300 to 999 lb.NylonRedRubber70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 63.81
LB-POW 125K-12-FK300 to 999 lb.NylonRedRubber70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 77.05
MB-ALTH 125K-12300 to 999 lb.PolyurethaneGrayAluminum92 Shore AZinc PlatedSteel1-3/4 x 2-13/16"A$ 85.14
NBK-ALST 125K-1300 to 999 lb.PolyurethaneSilverAluminum75 Shore AZinc PlatedSteel2-1/8 x 3"A$ 134.64
OBH-SPO 75K300 to 999 lb.NylonWhiteNylon80 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel2-1/8 x 3"A$ 64.51
HB-POW 125K-FK300 to 999 lb.NylonWhiteNylon70 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel2-1/8 x 3"A$ 81.39
NBK-ALST 100K-1300 to 999 lb.PolyurethaneSilverAluminum75 Shore AZinc PlatedSteel2-1/8 x 3"A$ 139.57
PB-POHI 200G300 to 999 lb.Glass Filled NylonGrayGlass Filled Nylon85 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel3-1/16 x 4-1/8"A$ 239.54
PB-POHI 150G300 to 999 lb.Glass Filled NylonGrayGlass Filled Nylon85 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel3-1/16 x 4-1/8"A$ 174.04
QBK-POHI 125G-1300 to 999 lb.Glass Filled NylonGrayGlass Filled Nylon85 Shore DZinc PlatedSteel2-1/8 x 3"A$ 111.39
PBX-POHI 100G300 to 999 lb.Glass Filled NylonGrayGlass Filled Nylon85 Shore DStainless SteelStainless Steel2-1/8 x 3"A$ 105.31

Rigid Plate Caster, Steel Frame

StyleModelInside Bolt Hole SpacingLoad RatingOutside Bolt Hole SpacingOverall HeightTreadWheel DiameterPrice (inc. GST)
AB-VW 260K3 x 7-1/2"440 lb.8-5/8 x 4-3/412.125"Smooth10.25"A$ 634.21
BB-VLE 250K5-1/2 x 5-1/2"1000 lb.5-1/2 x 5-1/2"11.625"Ribbed9.875"A$ 802.23

Swivel Solid Rubber Wheel Caster

StyleModelLoad RatingOutside Bolt Hole SpacingOverall HeightTreadWheel DiameterPrice (inc. GST)
AL-VW 260K440 lb.6-7/8 x 6-7/812.125"Smooth10.25"A$ 688.53
BL-VLE 250K1000 lb.5-1/2 x 5-1/2"11.625"Ribbed9.875"A$ 934.64

Swivel Solid Rubber Caster w/ Total-Lock

StyleModelLoad RatingOutside Bolt Hole SpacingOverall HeightTreadWheel DiameterPrice (inc. GST)
AL-VW 260K-ST440 lb.6-7/8 x 6-7/812.125"Smooth10.25"A$ 939.86
BL-VLE 250K-ST1000 lb.5-1/2 x 5-1/2"11.625"Ribbed9.875"A$ 1079.47

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