Refrigeration Access Valves | Raptor Supplies Australia
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Refrigeration Access Valves


Refrigeration access valves provide access to the HVAC system for charging, recovery and evacuation of the refrigerant, as well as for testing and servicing the system. They are installed on the... Read More


Refrigeration Fitting

StyleModelConnectionConnection SizeInside Dia.LengthMaterialProd. DescriptionTypePrice (inc. GST)
AA 050531/21/2"1/2"13/16"BrassShort Forged NutsShort Forged NutsA$ 7.72
BA 047801/21/4" SAE M x 1/2 MPT1/2"1 13/16"BrassHalf Union Flare to NPTFEHalf UnionA$ 8.19
CA 157271/21/2" x 1/2"-1 15/16"Brass/CopperInternal Flare to Extension SolderSwivel AdaptorA$ 15.68
AA 050511/41/4"1/4"1/2"BrassShort Forged NutsShort Forged NutsA$ 3.85
DA 004141/41/4"---Copper Flare Seal BonnetSeal BonnetA$ 1.96
EA 045441/41/4"-1/2"BrassFlare Seal CapSeal CapA$ 2.03
FA 004011/41/4"3/16"-CopperCopper Flare GasketGasketA$ 1.04
GA 045851/4 x 1/41/4" SAE M x 1/4 MPT1/4"1.25"BrassHalf Union Flare to NPTFEHalf UnionA$ 4.67
HA 157251/4 x 1/41/4" x 1/4"-1.625"Brass/CopperInternal Flare to Extension SolderSwivel AdaptorA$ 6.94
IA 003251/4 x 1/41/4" SAE M x 1/4 SAE M-1.187"BrassFlare to FlareCouplingA$ 5.40
JA 003351/4 x 1/81/4" SAE x 1/8" NPT--BrassHalf Union Flare to NPTFE90 Degrees ElbowA$ 10.38
KA 003301/4 x 1/81/4" SAE M x 1/8 MPT-1"BrassHalf Union Flare to NPTFEHalf UnionA$ 4.46
AA 050523/83/8"3/8"11/16"BrassShort Forged NutsShort Forged NutsA$ 5.14
LA 157263/83/8" x 3/8"-1 11/16"Brass/CopperInternal Flare to Extension SolderSwivel AdaptorA$ 13.96
IA 003273/8 x 3/83/8" SAE M x 3/8 SAE M-1.5"-Union Flare to FlareCouplingA$ 4.67
MA 004023/8 x 3/8 x 3/83/8"--CopperThree WayTeeA$ 1.60
AA 051575/85/8"5/8"15/16"BrassShort Forged NutsShort Forged NutsA$ 10.97
NA 07813NL5/8 x 1/45/8" x 1/4"---Flush BushingBushingA$ 26.26
OA 07812NL5/8 x 1/85/8" x 1/8"---Flush BushingFlush BushingA$ 24.19

Automotive Service Connector

StyleModelConnectionConnection SizeProd. DescriptionTypePrice (inc. GST)
A6AWR17/16-20 Male Side Port7/16"-20 Male Side PortQuick Coupler with Male Side Port and Red Control KnobHigh SideA$ 61.56
B6AWR07/16-20 Male Side Port7/16"-20 Male Side PortQuick Coupler with Male Side Port and Blue Control KnobLow SideA$ 64.24
C6AWR314 mm Female Side Port14mm Female Side PortQuick Coupler with Female Side Port and Red Control KnobHigh SideA$ 49.81
D6AWR214 mm Female Side Port14mm Female Side PortQuick Coupler with Female Side Port and Blue Control KnobLow SideA$ 63.11
StyleModelConnectionConnection SizeLengthPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
AA311481-1/8 ODS1-1/8" ODS 3 13/16"A$ 36.881
AA311381/2 OD1/2" ODS2.125"A$ 39.173
AA311341/4 OD1/4" ODS x 5/16" ODF 2.125"A$ 39.583
AA311551/4 OD1/4" ODS x 5/16" ODF 4"A$ 30.332
AA311423/4 ODS3/4" ODS3"A$ 23.061
AA311363/8 OD3/8" ODS x 1/2" ODF 2.125"A$ 37.743
AA311405/8 OD5/8" ODS2.5"A$ 20.301
AA311355/16 OD5/16" ODS x 3/8" ODF 2.125"A$ 39.523
AA311447/8 ODS7/8" ODS3.5"A$ 29.451

Refrigeration Access Valves

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A13145A$ 56.10
B18561A$ 173.59
StyleModelConnectionConnection SizeProd. DescriptionTypePrice (inc. GST)
AQC-S41/4 x 1/41/4" Male x 1/4" FemaleStraight Coupler, 1/4 QC x 1/4 SAEStraight Coupler, 1/4 QC X 1/4 SAEA$ 15.33
AQC-S643/8 x 1/41/4" Male x 3/8" FemaleStraight Coupler, 3/8 QC x 1/4 SAE without DepressorStraight Coupler, 3/8 QC x 1/4 SAE without DepressorA$ 29.72
AQC-S55/16 x 1/41/4" Male x 5/16" FemaleStraight Coupler, 5/16 QC x 1/4 SAEStraight Coupler, 5/16 QC x 1/4 SAEA$ 26.63
AQC-S5S5/16 x 1/41/4" Male x 5/16" FemaleStraight Coupler, 5/16 QC x 1/4 SAE Coupler with CoreStraight Coupler, 5/16 QC x 1/4 SAE Coupler with CoreA$ 18.48

Quick Coupler Elbows

StyleModelConnectionConnection SizeProd. DescriptionTypePrice (inc. GST)
AQC-E41/4 x 1/41/4" QC x 1/4" SAE Elbow, 1/4 Quick Coupler x 1/4 SAEElbow, 1/4 QC x 1/4 SAEA$ 16.72
AQC-E55/16 x 1/45/16 QC x 1/4 SAE Elbow, 5/16 QC x 1/4 SAEElbow, 5/16 QC x 1/4 SAEA$ 22.14
StyleModelConnectionConnection SizePrice (inc. GST)
ALT-8101/2, 5/8 OD1/2" - 5/8"A$ 25.70
ALT-4561/4, 5/16, 3/8, OD1/4" - 3/8"A$ 17.31
StyleModelConnectionConnection SizePrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
AA329081/2 OD1/2" ODA$ 99.853
AA329041/4 OD1/4" ODA$ 96.415
AA329123/4 OD3/4" ODA$ 95.922
AA329063/8 OD3/8" ODA$ 78.345
AA329105/8 OD5/8" ODA$ 99.913
AA329055/16 OD5/16" ODA$ 66.575
AA329147/8 OD7/8" ODA$ 114.172

Access Valves, Multi-Step

StyleModelConnectionConnection SizePrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
AA31720-G1/4, 3/8 ODS3/16" ODS x 1/4" or 3/8" ODFA$ 25.015
BA317361/8, 3/16, 1/4, 5/161/8" ODS x 3/16", 1/4" or 5/16" ODF A$ 20.203
CA317293/16, 1/4, 5/16, 1/23/16", 1/4", 5/16", 1/2" ODF A$ 19.933

Access Valves, Brass Body

StyleModelConnectionConnection SizeItemPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
AA31728--ValveA$ 56.503
BA317241/4 OD1/4" ODS x 3/8" ODF 1/4 Access ValveA$ 17.703
BA317221/8 OD1/8" ODS x 1/4" ODF 1/4 Access ValveA$ 17.723
BA317263/8 OD3/8" ODS x 1/2" ODF 1/4 Access ValveA$ 17.823
BA317233/16 OD3/16" ODS x 1/4" ODF 1/4 Access ValveA$ 19.833

Access Valves, MNPT Tee Connection

StyleModelConnectionConnection SizeProd. DescriptionPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
AA315141/4 MPT1/4" SAE Branch, 1/4" SAE x 1/8" MPT RunMPT Run, with FlareA$ 41.933
BA314541/4 MPT1/4" MPT x 1/4" SAEMPT Tee On Branch, with FlareA$ 61.683
BA314521/8 MPT1/8" MPT x 1/4" SAEMPT Tee On Branch, with FlareA$ 42.263
AA315121/8 MPT1/8" MPT RunMPT Run, with FlareA$ 40.093
StyleModelConnectionConnection SizeLengthPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
AA313381/2 ODS1/2" OD2.125"A$ 65.653
AA313363/8 ODS3/8" OD2.125"A$ 64.363
AA313447/8 ODS7/8" OD3.5"A$ 30.431

Secure Seal Adapters

StyleModelAngleConnection SizeItemProd. DescriptionPrice (inc. GST)
A33112N-1/4" QC x 1/4" SAELine Piercing Charging Valve1/4 Quick Connect x 1/4 SAE, For Use with Kobra(TM) Hoses OnlyA$ 54.25
B33113N90°1/4" QC x 1/4" SAELine Piercing Charging Valve1/4 Quick Connect x 1/4 SAE 90 Degrees , For Use with Kobra(TM) Hoses OnlyA$ 54.25
C33116N90°5/16" QC x 1/4" SAEQuick Coupler, Low Loss-A$ 68.03
D33115NN/A5/16" QC x 1/4" SAEQuick Coupler, Low Loss-A$ 65.06

Hose Fittings

AF27LHose Adaptor
AF27RHose Adaptor
AF29LHose Adaptor
AF29RHose Adaptor
AF58LHose Adaptor
AF58RHose Adaptor
AF59LHose Adaptor
AF59RHose Adaptor
AFY10XAHose Adaptor
AFY11XAHose Adaptor
A9059Hose Nut
A9059-2Hose Nut

Copper Access Unions

StyleModelConnectionConnection SizeLengthOutside Dia.Price (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
AA31201-G1/2 ODS1/2" OD x 1/2" Slip Fit3"1/2"A$ 47.252
AA31199-G1/4 ODS1/4" OD x 1/4" Slip Fit2.375"1/4"A$ 33.582
AA31200-G3/8 ODS3/8" OD x 3/8" Slip Fit2.75"3/8"A$ 35.672
AA31202-G5/8 ODS5/8" OD x 5/8" Slip Fit3.25"5/8"A$ 50.182
BA312047/8 ODS7/8" OD x 7/8" Slip Fit3.75"-A$ 84.092

Refrigerant Ball Valves

StyleModelConnectionConnection SizePrice (inc. GST)
AV342011/2 ODF1/2" ODFA$ 167.40
AV342003/8 ODF3/8" ODFA$ 167.02
BV342025/8 ODF5/8" ODFA$ 163.29

Refrigeration Shutoff Valves

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AT-621G-201-003GA$ 29.80
BT-622G-201-103GA$ 28.43

Line Piercing Charging Valves

StyleModelConnectionConnection SizeMaterialPrice (inc. GST)
ABPV211/2, 5/81/2" and 5/8" ODAluminumA$ 8.08
BBPV311/4" Male Flare1/4", 5/16", and 3/8" ODZincA$ 9.58

Conversion Kits

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A14003203-003/UA$ 131.47
B394588A$ 45.08
CTP971A2102A$ 940.41
DTP972A2192A$ 849.92
EY8610U4001A$ 1111.15
FY8610U6006A$ 1116.33
G396025A$ 68.66
H396222A$ 68.58

Union Tee/one End Swagged

StyleModelConnectionConnection SizeInside Dia.ItemLengthOutside Dia.Price (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A4PDH71/21/2" OD x 1/2" Slip Fit1/2"1/2 Copper Access Tee3"1/2"A$ 23.352
B4PDH51/41/4" OD x 1/4" Slip Fit1/4"1/4 Copper Access Tee2.75"1/4"A$ 22.002
C4PDH63/83/8" OD x 3/8" Slip Fit3/8"3/8 Copper Access Tee2.75"3/8"A$ 25.172
D4PDH85/85/8" OD x 5/8" Slip Fit5/8"5/8 Copper Access Tee3.25"5/8"A$ 32.792

Valve Core Removal Tool

StyleModelItemProd. DescriptionTypePrice (inc. GST)
AA32525NTool1/4 Valve Core Remover with Access Port1/4 Valve Core Remover with PortA$ 207.03
BA32500N-GValve Core Remover ToolCore Remover, Allows Valve Core Replacement without Losing ChargeEvacuation and Core Removal with Core StorageA$ 132.41


JB Industries Ball Refrigeration Valves :

  • They offer a large port design that provides a straight-through flow with minimum pressure drop.
  • They include copper fittings to reduce installation time without disturbing the valve and its components.
  • They feature a patented stem seal design which ensures leak-free operation even under extreme temperature and pressure conditions as opposed to valves with bolted or screwed bonnets or flanges.

Parker Check Valves :

  • These valves are designed to prevent the backflow of refrigerant in the refrigeration system can cause damage to equipment.
  • They feature copper bodies with spring-loaded check balls for quick and easy mounting in any position.
  • They are ideal for use with all refrigerants, including CFC, HCFC and HFC.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are JB's valves made of?

JB ball valves feature a brass body construction that resists corrosion and offers durability as well as long-lasting performance.

What is the function of spring-loaded check valves?

When refrigerant flows through the valve in the correct direction, the pressure pushes the ball up against the spring, which allows the refrigerant to flow through the valve uninterrupted. However, if there is a pressure differential in the opposite direction, the spring pushes the check valve down onto the valve seat, preventing the refrigerant from flowing back through the valve.

What is a capillary tube?

Capillary tubes are located between the condenser and the evaporator in a refrigeration system. It controls the flow of refrigerant from the high-pressure side of the system to the low-pressure side, thus providing a pressure drop to help the refrigerant to evaporate and cool.

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