Speed Reducers And Gear Drives

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
ANH8240094.00A$ 2090.20
ANH8240274.00A$ 2090.20
ANH8240049.00A$ 2090.20
ANH8240057.00A$ 2090.20
ANH8240059.00A$ 2090.20
ANH8240054.00A$ 2090.20
ANH8240056.00A$ 2090.20
ANH8240087.00A$ 2090.20
ANH8240051.00A$ 2090.20
ANH8240053.00A$ 2090.20
ANH8240055.00A$ 2090.20
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
ANH8210088.00A$ 1663.20
ANH8210087.00A$ 1663.20
ANH8210053.00A$ 1663.20
ANH8210089.00A$ 1663.20
ANH8210085.00A$ 1663.20
ANH8210051.00A$ 1663.20
ANH8210060.00A$ 1663.20
ANH8210049.00A$ 1663.20
ANH8210056.00A$ 1663.20
ANH8210057.00A$ 1663.20
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
ANH8180087.00A$ 1558.16
ANH8180519.16A$ 2168.46
ANH8180071.00A$ 1074.44
ANH8180046.00A$ 1558.16
ANH8180026.00A$ 1466.48
ANH8180082.00A$ 1558.16
ANH8180073.00A$ 1558.16
ANH8180003.00A$ 1383.78
ANH8180568.16A$ 2168.46
ANH8180134.00A$ 1636.38
ANH8180060.00A$ 1558.16
ANH8180503.12A$ 1270.76
ANH8180169.00A$ 1636.38
ANH8180521.16A$ 2168.46
ANH8180129.00A$ 1558.16
ANH8180048.00A$ 1558.16
ANH8180135.00A$ 1636.38
ANH8180536.16A$ 2168.46
ANH8180546.14A$ 2168.46
ANH8180517.16A$ 2168.46
ANH8180542.14A$ 1422.08
ANH8180120.00A$ 1558.16
ANH8180511.16A$ 1935.93
ANH8180131.00A$ 1558.16
ANH8180541.10A$ 1422.08
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AEL8240044.00A$ 2747.67
AEL8240120.00A$ 2747.67
AEL8240043.00A$ 2747.67
AEL8240079.00A$ 2747.67
AEL8240073.00A$ 2747.67
AEL8240077.00A$ 2747.67
AEL8240040.00A$ 2747.67
AEL8240038.00A$ 2747.67
AEL8240048.00A$ 2747.67
AEL8240254.00A$ 2747.67
AEL8240084.00A$ 2747.67
AEL8240255.00A$ 2747.67
AEL8240111.00A$ 2747.67
AEL8240074.00A$ 2747.67
AEL8240118.00A$ 2747.67
AEL8240076.00A$ 2747.67
AEL8240257.00A$ 2747.67
AEL8240262.00A$ 2747.67
AEL8240259.00A$ 2747.67
AEL8240081.00A$ 2747.67
AEL8240045.00A$ 2747.67
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AEL8210076.00A$ 2302.27
AEL8210047.00A$ 2302.27
AEL8210084.00A$ 2302.27
AEL8210042.00A$ 2302.27
AEL8210039.00A$ 2302.27
AEL8210074.00A$ 2302.27
AEL8210040.00A$ 2302.27
AEL8210037.00A$ 2302.27
AEL8210038.00A$ 2302.27
AEL8210045.00A$ 2302.27
AEL8210046.00A$ 2302.27
AEL8210082.00A$ 2302.27
AEL8210041.00A$ 2102.94
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AGR8150104.00A$ 1607.84
AGR8150099.00A$ 1607.84
AGR8150102.00A$ 1607.84
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AEL8520131.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520161.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520134.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520081.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520162.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520057.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520165.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520214.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520201.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520080.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520063.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520215.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520058.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520213.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520062.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520038.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520130.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520040.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520170.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520124.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520163.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520182.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520160.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520186.00A$ 15427.43
AEL8520059.00A$ 15427.43
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AGR8130007.00A$ 1206.40
AGR8130004.00A$ 1206.40
AGR8130011.00A$ 1206.40
AGR8130009.00A$ 1206.40
AGR8130006.00A$ 1206.40
AGR8130008.00A$ 1206.40
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AGR8520305.00A$ 8783.81
AGR8520342.00A$ 8783.81
AGR8520377.00A$ 8783.81
AGR8520275.00A$ 8783.81
AGR8520310.00A$ 7313.27
AGR8520339.00A$ 8783.81
AGR8520374.00A$ 8783.81
AGR8520311.00A$ 8783.81
AGR8520308.00A$ 8023.32
AGR8520375.00A$ 7313.27
AGR8520306.00A$ 8783.81
AGR8520338.00A$ 8023.32
AGR8520272.00A$ 8783.81
AGR8520341.00A$ 8783.81
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AGRL8213019.00A$ 2296.33
AGRL8213020.00A$ 2296.33
AGRL8213016.00A$ 2296.33
AGRL8213013.00A$ 1563.44
AGRL8213021.00A$ 2296.33
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AGRL8210127.00A$ 1544.74
AGRL8210122.00A$ 1855.37
AGRL8210157.00A$ 1855.37
AGRL8210131.00A$ 1855.37
AGRL8210128.00A$ 1544.74
AGRL8210126.00A$ 1855.37
AGRL8210161.00A$ 1855.37
AGRL8210162.00A$ 1855.37
AGRL8210166.00A$ 1855.37
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AGRG8320183.00A$ 3743.99
AGRG8320160.00A$ 3117.19
AGRG8320157.00A$ 3743.99
AGRG8320304.00A$ 3743.99
AGRG8320136.00A$ 3419.84
AGRG8320307.00A$ 3743.99
AGRG8320131.00A$ 3743.99
AGRG8320281.00A$ 3743.99
AGRG8320153.00A$ 3743.99
AGRG8320309.00A$ 3743.99
AGRG8320260.00A$ 3412.66
AGRG8320178.00A$ 3117.19
AGRG8320301.00A$ 3743.99
AGRG8320282.00A$ 3743.99
AGRG8320133.00A$ 3743.99
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AGRG8260164.00A$ 2169.94
AGRG8260233.00A$ 2606.23
AGRG8260231.00A$ 2606.23
AGRG8260163.00A$ 2169.94
AGRG8260200.00A$ 2606.23
AGRG8260198.00A$ 2606.23
AGRG8260229.00A$ 2606.23
AGRG8260157.00A$ 2606.23
AGRG8260167.00A$ 2606.23
AGRG8260193.00A$ 2606.23
AGRG8260166.00A$ 2169.94
AGRG8260165.00A$ 2606.23
AGRG8260234.00A$ 2606.23
AGRG8260236.00A$ 2606.23
AGRG8260161.00A$ 2169.94
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AGRG8213917.20A$ 2952.51
AGRG8212518.20A$ 3479.66
AGRG8213839.00A$ 2149.73
AGRG8213804.00A$ 2149.73
AGRG8213054.00A$ 2049.93
AGRG8213019.00A$ 2296.33
AGRG8212536.19A$ 1965.05
AGRG8212305.00A$ 1669.56
AGRG8212068.00A$ 3034.01
AGRG8210555.20A$ 2539.68
AGRG8210547.23A$ 2418.73
AGRG8210520.20A$ 2539.68
AGRG8210516.16A$ 2539.68
AGRG8210012.00A$ 1570.41
AGRG8212533.16A$ 2654.54
AGRG8210559.23A$ 1731.45
AGRG8214017.00A$ 2202.15
AGRG8210096.00A$ 1264.07
AGRG8212538.23A$ 3479.66
AGRG8212532.23A$ 3479.66
AGRG8210550.23A$ 2114.49
AGRG8210550.18A$ 2539.68
AGRG8210539.24A$ 1731.45
AGRG8210528.16A$ 2539.68
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AGRG8213022.00A$ 2296.33
AGRG8213016.00A$ 2296.33
AGRG8213020.00A$ 2296.33
AGRG8213018.00A$ 2296.33
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AGRG8210163.00A$ 1855.37
AGRG8210166.00A$ 1855.37
AGRG8210235.00A$ 1855.37
AGRG8210158.00A$ 1855.37
AGRG8210167.00A$ 1855.37
AGRG8210162.00A$ 1855.37
AGRG8210132.00A$ 1855.37
AGRG8210131.00A$ 1855.37
AGRG8210127.00A$ 1544.74
AGRG8210124.00A$ 1544.74
AGRG8210157.00A$ 1855.37
AGRG8210123.00A$ 1544.74
AGRG8210160.00A$ 1855.37
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AGR8600238.00A$ 14462.20
AGR8600275.00A$ 14462.20
AGR8600269.00A$ 14462.20
AGR8600270.00A$ 14462.20
AGR8600201.00A$ 14462.20
AGR8600204.00A$ 14462.20
AGR8600237.00A$ 14462.20
AGR8600274.00A$ 14462.20
AGR8600303.00A$ 14462.20
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AGR8600035.00A$ 14462.20
AGR8600056.00A$ 14462.20
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AGR8424037.00A$ 5309.11
AGR8424097.00A$ 5309.11
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AGRL8320184.00A$ 3743.99
AGRL8320180.00A$ 3743.99
AGRL8320177.00A$ 3743.99
AGRL8320134.00A$ 3743.99
AGRL8320157.00A$ 3743.99
AGRL8320135.00A$ 3743.99
AGRL8320153.00A$ 3743.99
AGRL8320178.00A$ 3743.99
AGRL8320281.00A$ 3743.99
AGRL8320160.00A$ 3743.99
AGRL8320259.00A$ 3743.99
AGRL8320131.00A$ 3743.99
AGRL8320302.00A$ 3743.99
AGRL8320154.00A$ 3743.99
AGRL8320179.00A$ 3743.99
AGRL8320182.00A$ 3743.99
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AGR8420307.00A$ 4816.06
AGR8420236.00A$ 5784.46
AGR8420267.00A$ 5784.46
AGR8420235.00A$ 5784.46
AGR8420337.00A$ 5784.46
AGR8420276.00A$ 5784.46
AGR8420272.00A$ 5784.46
AGR8420373.00A$ 5784.46
AGR8420274.00A$ 4816.06
AGR8420340.00A$ 5784.46
AGR8420238.00A$ 5784.46
AGR8420269.00A$ 5784.46
AGR8420302.00A$ 5784.46
AGR8420273.00A$ 5784.46
AGR8420343.00A$ 5784.46
AGR8420237.00A$ 5784.46
AGR8420301.00A$ 5784.46
AGR8420303.00A$ 5784.46
AGR8420311.00A$ 3940.25
AGR8420310.00A$ 5784.46
AGR8420348.00A$ 5784.46
AGR8420338.00A$ 5784.46

Speed Reducers And Gear Drives

Speed gears & gear drives (or gearboxes) are used for adjusting the speed and direction of rotation for applications in conveyor belts, automotive engines and earth moving equipment. Raptor Supplies offers a wide range of comprehensive speed reducers & gear drives from Bison, Boston Gear, Dayton, Hub City, Nord Drivesystems and Winsmith. Featuring standard steel / 8620 steel / hardened and ground steel gear construction for high core strength & wear resistance, these devices can work with input speeds up to 1800 rpm and are also capable of absorbing impact and shock loads. Dayton C-face / indirect-drive speed reducers are ideal for low-speed high-torque applications in constrained spaces and feature doweled and precision-bored housing and cover for accurate gear alignment. All these gears and pinions are heat treated for maximum efficiency under rated torque and come with a powdered epoxy paint finish that is more durable than conventional coatings and highly resistant to impacts & abrasions.
For heavy-duty power transmission applications in presses, conveyors and other industrial machineries, Boston Gear speed reducers and gearboxes are best suited because of their optimal geometry, sturdy body & precise shaft alignment capacity. These units are offered in bore diameters up to 1.938 inches and cast iron and stainless-steel material options. A wide variety of these speed reducers & gearboxes are available in parallel, inline and right angle shaft orientations, on Raptor Supplies.

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