What items are compatible with these tee joints?
These tee joints allow the free flow of acids, alcohols, lubricants, pharmaceuticals, gases, fuels, coolants, oils, dairy, food, solvents, wooden chips, glass, steam, water and air.
How are the genders of tee joints different?
Tee-joints can be either male or female. Generally, male ends of the tee joint have external threading and diameters less than the internal diameters of pipe / tubing. In contrast, female ends of tee joints have internal threading and diameters greater than that of the pipe / tubing.
What does pipe schedule mean?
Pipe schedule, generally marked on the pipe's outer surface, refers to the pipe's wall thickness. Higher the schedule number, the thicker the walls and the smaller the internal diameter (ID). Pipes having high schedule or thick walls can handle high pressures. But users should keep in mind that thick walls can restrict the flow. Pipes having low schedule & thin walls allow more flow in low-pressure settings.