
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A8VX1000A$ 282.61
A8VX1060A$ 299.36
A8VX1120A$ 316.82
A8VX1180A$ 334.31
A8VX1900A$ 520.61
A8VX1400A$ 396.80
A8VX1320A$ 373.99
A8VX2000A$ 548.89
A8VX1500A$ 408.16
A8VX1250A$ 354.11
A8VX1600A$ 435.28
A8VX1700A$ 466.99

V-Belts, C Type

Dayton V-belts are also known as vee-belts, feature narrow sides that easily fit in pulleys with side guides. These v-belts convey force from motors to pulleys to power different parts including water pumps, compressors, paddles, rollers and fans. The V-shape of these belt allows them to fit securely in pulleys to prevent side drifting and stop the belt from turning over. Choose from a range of these V-belts, available in 116, 177, 184, 242 and 227 inch lengths.

StyleModelIndustry NumberOutside LengthPrice (inc. GST)
A4FH83C100104"A$ 112.09
A4FH84C105109"A$ 108.96
A4FH85C108112"A$ 123.38
A4FH86C109113"A$ 124.16
A4FH87C112116"A$ 123.42
A4FH88C115119"A$ 124.00
A4FH89C120124"A$ 136.24
A4FH90C124128"A$ 130.71
B4FH91C128132"A$ 136.34
B4FH92C136140"A$ 142.54
B4FH93C144148"A$ 151.46
B4FH94C150154"A$ 157.40
B4FH95C158162"A$ 167.06
B4FH96C162166"A$ 164.66
C4FH97C173177"A$ 181.85
C4FH98C180184"A$ 184.47
C4FH99C195199"A$ 235.19
C4FJ01C210214"A$ 215.35
C4FJ02C225227"A$ 236.15
C4FJ03C240242"A$ 229.66
C4FJ04C255257"A$ 260.58

5V Link V-Belts

StyleModelOutside LengthPrice (inc. GST)
A041702525ft.A$ 1407.73
A0417100100ft.A$ 4876.78
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A96880600A$ 311.87
A96881180A$ 448.33
A96881900A$ 727.28
A96881800A$ 687.15
A96881700A$ 647.09
A96881600A$ 608.63
A96881500A$ 549.07
A96881320A$ 502.26
A96881230A$ 653.66
A96881120A$ 425.19
A96881400A$ 529.90
A96881060A$ 402.15
A96881030A$ 390.32
A96881000A$ 378.99
A96880710A$ 264.94
A96880670A$ 249.57
A96880630A$ 234.06
A96881080A$ 571.89
A96882000A$ 767.17

Banded V-Belts, Type 5V

Dayton Type 5V banded V-belts are designed for use with multiple belt systems in places where shock loads, pulsation, or misalignment cause belts to whip, flip over, or jump off of the sheave. They are supplied with a top cover which secures the belt from coming in contact with oil and heat, as well as maintain the dimensional stability. These V-belts feature heavy-duty crosswise tensile cords which create a permanent connection between individual belts.

StyleModelIndustry NumberNumber Of RibsOutside LengthTop WidthPrice (inc. GST)
A13F9042/5V500250.75"1.25"A$ 148.27
A13F9052/5V530253.75"1.25"A$ 152.69
A13F9062/5V560256.75"1.25"A$ 143.62
A13F9072/5V600260.75"1.25"A$ 162.41
A13F9082/5V630263.75"1.25"A$ 151.67
A13F9092/5V670267.75"1.25"A$ 165.93
A13F9102/5V710271.75"1.25"A$ 167.69
A13F9112/5V750275.75"1.25"A$ 295.74
A13F9122/5V800280.75"1.25"A$ 311.91
A13F9132/5V850285.75"1.25"A$ 360.47
A13F9142/5V900290.75"1.25"A$ 348.81
A13F9152/5V950295.75"1.25"A$ 398.42
A13F9162/5V10002100.75"1.25"A$ 394.30
A13F9172/5V10602106.75"1.25"A$ 415.85
A13F9182/5V11202112.75"1.25"A$ 468.51
A13F9192/5V11802118.75"1.25"A$ 492.21
A13F9202/5V12502125.75"1.25"A$ 533.16
A13F9212/5V13202132.75"1.25"A$ 556.24
A13F9222/5V14002140.75"1.25"A$ 566.11
A13F9232/5V15002150.75"1.25"A$ 608.65
A13F9242/5V16002160.75"1.25"A$ 679.03
A13F9252/5V17002170.75"1.25"A$ 685.75
A13F9262/5V18002180.75"1.25"A$ 728.05
A13F9272/5V19002190.75"1.25"A$ 770.49
A13F9282/5V20002200.75"1.25"A$ 853.70

Multi Speed V-Belts

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A98040638A$ 310.51
B98000275A$ 552.29
B98000120A$ 461.26
A98000590A$ 586.04
A98000562A$ 786.13
A98000510A$ 1670.55
A98000544A$ 1245.47
B98000566A$ 1968.07
B98000567A$ 1684.09
A98000104A$ 1642.36
A98040845A$ 491.30
A98040780A$ 274.21
A98040784A$ 381.36
A98040854A$ 784.54
A98040868A$ 762.08
B98000431A$ 784.94


StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A3VX1120A$ 107.65
BC51A$ 73.78
CB173A$ 148.47
D84310A$ 33.91
E3V600A$ 47.15
D84980A$ 84.26
F3V630A$ 46.93
GB82A$ 78.38
D84420A$ 42.28
HA54A$ 34.93
GB98A$ 89.17
BC63A$ 87.67
I5V850A$ 139.41
J5L480A$ 33.54
D85320A$ 45.23
KCX85A$ 147.92
LC210A$ 269.18
D83280A$ 31.80
M5L340A$ 30.37
N5VX880A$ 166.61
O4L460A$ 25.81
HA27A$ 20.04
HA33A$ 25.25
D84610A$ 52.76
GB74A$ 71.93


StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
AAX21-2A$ 32.762
BB68-2A$ 83.482
B4L190-2A$ 15.192
B4L180-2A$ 15.192
B4L170-2A$ 15.192
BB93-2A$ 104.722
BB90-2A$ 111.642
BB88-2A$ 97.912
BB85-2A$ 103.922
BA40-2A$ 38.332
BB80-2A$ 98.742
BA35-2A$ 36.412
BB76-2A$ 93.102
BA27-2A$ 30.662
BA24-2A$ 30.552
B4L260-2A$ 15.192
BB64-2A$ 73.262
ABX63-2A$ 93.792
BB59-2A$ 69.152
ABX59-2A$ 86.282
BB54-2A$ 69.852
ABX54-2A$ 85.592
BB51-2A$ 63.692
ABX51-2A$ 81.492
BB48-2A$ 65.392

2L Type Cogged V Belts

StyleModelIndustry NumberOutside LengthPrice (inc. GST)
A13V7702L10010"A$ 9.39
A13V7712L11011"A$ 11.07
A13V7722L12012"A$ 14.10
A13V7732L13013"A$ 11.19
A13V7742L14014"A$ 14.45
A13V7752L15015"A$ 15.92
A13V7762L16016"A$ 16.15
B13V7772L17017"A$ 12.14
B13V7782L18018"A$ 13.08
B13V7792L19019"A$ 14.90
B13V7802L20020"A$ 15.21
B13V7812L24024"A$ 15.68
B13V7822L26026"A$ 15.88
B13V7832L28028"A$ 14.28
B13V7842L34034"A$ 14.12

5VX Type Cogged V Belts

StyleModelIndustry NumberOutside LengthPrice (inc. GST)
A2L4085VX45045"A$ 69.52
A2L4095VX47047"A$ 72.30
A2L4105VX49049"A$ 75.37
A2L4115VX50050"A$ 85.13
A2L4125VX51051"A$ 80.80
A2L4135VX53053"A$ 71.59
A2L4145VX54054"A$ 83.89
A2L4155VX55055"A$ 75.05
A2L4165VX56056"A$ 89.41
A2L4175VX57057"A$ 85.38
A2L4185VX58058"A$ 89.43
A2L4195VX59059"A$ 84.36
B2L4205VX60060"A$ 94.67
B2L4215VX61061"A$ 89.60
B2L4225VX63063"A$ 100.67
B2L4235VX65065"A$ 99.91
B2L4245VX66066"A$ 97.50
B2L4255VX67067"A$ 95.45
B2L4265VX68068"A$ 110.25
B2L4275VX69069"A$ 92.60
B2L4285VX71071"A$ 106.83
B2L4295VX73073"A$ 107.20
B2L4305VX74074"A$ 109.06
B2L4315VX75075"A$ 105.89
B2L4325VX78078"A$ 120.70

Banded V-Belts, Type 3V

Dayton Type 3V banded V-belts are designed for use with multiple belt systems in places where shock loads, pulsation or misalignment cause belts to whip, flip over, or jump off of the sheave. They are integrated with a top cover which secures the belt from coming in contact with oil and heat, as well as helps maintain the dimensional stability. These V-belts feature heavy-duty crosswise tensile cords that create a permanent connection between the individual belts. They are available in 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 number of ribs.

StyleModelIndustry NumberNumber Of RibsOutside LengthTop WidthPrice (inc. GST)
A11X8982/3V400240.625"3/4"A$ 44.90
A11X8992/3V425243.125"3/4"A$ 48.09
A11X9012/3V450245.625"3/4"A$ 50.53
B11X9022/3V475248.125"3/4"A$ 58.71
A11X9032/3V500250.625"3/4"A$ 56.12
A11X9042/3V530253.625"3/4"A$ 59.33
A11X9052/3V560256.625"3/4"A$ 61.72
A11X9062/3V600260.625"3/4"A$ 72.81
A11X9072/3V630263.625"3/4"A$ 69.27
A11X9082/3V670267.625"3/4"A$ 120.60
A11X9092/3V710271.625"3/4"A$ 78.42
A11X9102/3V750275.625"3/4"A$ 82.25
A11X9112/3V800280.625"3/4"A$ 87.08
A11X9122/3V850285.625"3/4"A$ 92.26
A11X9132/3V900290.625"3/4"A$ 99.42
A11X9142/3V950295.625"3/4"A$ 108.46
A11X9152/3V10002100.625"3/4"A$ 111.76
A11X9162/3V10602106.625"3/4"A$ 118.31
A11X9172/3V11202112.625"3/4"A$ 125.00
A11X9182/3V11802118.625"3/4"A$ 131.69
A11X9192/3V12502125.625"3/4"A$ 234.69
A11X9202/3V13202132.625"3/4"A$ 257.86
A11X9212/3V14002140.625"3/4"A$ 259.50
C11X9223/3V400340.625"1.125"A$ 72.81
C11X9233/3V425343.125"1.125"A$ 70.15

Type C Banded V Belts

Dayton banded V belts are used with multiple belt systems for power transmission operations. These belts are suited for applications prone to vibrations, speed fluctuations & misalignment and feature transverse tensile cords for creating a permanent connection between individual belts. They have reinforced tie band construction for withstanding stress at high RPMs and fabric top cover for maintaining dimensional stability & protecting the belt against heat & abrasive oils. Choose from a wide range of these banded V belts, available in 2, 3, 4 & 5 rib options.

StyleModelIndustry NumberNumber Of RibsOutside LengthThicknessTop WidthPrice (inc. GST)
A13W3822/C85289.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 273.39
A13W3832/C90294.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 336.55
A13W3842/C1002104.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 266.70
A13W3852/C1052109.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 319.11
A13W3862/C1082112.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 286.61
A13W3872/C1092113.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 364.95
A13W3882/C1122116.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 350.12
A13W3892/C1202124.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 422.99
A13W3902/C1232127.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 313.51
A13W3912/C1242128.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 428.78
A13W3922/C1262130.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 332.89
A13W3932/C1282132.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 450.09
A13W3942/C1362140.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 460.98
A13W3952/C1442148.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 436.95
A13W3962/C1582162.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 458.99
A13W3972/C1622166.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 468.92
A13W3982/C1732177.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 501.85
A13W3992/C1802184.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 513.39
A13W4012/C1952199.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 584.61
A13W4022/C2102214.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 605.17
A13W4032/C2252227.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 669.00
A13W4042/C2302232.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 607.79
A13W4052/C2402242.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 707.89
A13W4062/C2552257.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 756.35
A13W4072/C2702272.875"2/3"1.75"A$ 797.69

Type B Power Transmission V Belts

Dayton V belts are ideal for transferring force from motors to pulleys for power transmission applications in automotive, manufacturing and metalworking facilities. These V belts feature rubber construction with in built polyester cords for long term durability and static conductive design for dissipating accumulated electrostatic charge. They have a protective fabric cover for resistance against damage from oil & heat. Choose from a wide variety of these single rib, power transmission belts, available in 28 - 473 inch outside lengths.

StyleModelIndustry NumberMaterialOutside LengthPrice (inc. GST)
A3GWH5B25Natural/Synthetic Rubber Blend28"A$ 21.26
A3GWH7B27Natural/Synthetic Rubber Blend30"A$ 23.99
A6L207B28Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords31"A$ 26.85
A6L208B29Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords32"A$ 27.22
A1A103B30Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords33"A$ 27.30
A6L209B31Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords34"A$ 28.26
A6A153B32Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords35"A$ 28.69
A1A099B33Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords36"A$ 29.14
A6A154B34Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords37"A$ 30.64
A3X634B35Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords38"A$ 30.08
A6A155B36Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords39"A$ 31.17
A6L210B37Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords40"A$ 32.29
A3X635B38Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords41"A$ 33.38
A6L211B39Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords42"A$ 35.57
A3X698B40Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords43"A$ 34.48
A6A156B41Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords44"A$ 35.57
A3X636B42Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords45"A$ 36.67
A1A107B43Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords46"A$ 37.06
A6X571B44Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords47"A$ 38.15
A1A094B45Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords48"A$ 38.50
A3X637B46Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords49"A$ 39.95
A1A106B47Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords50"A$ 40.71
A3X474B48Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords51"A$ 41.44
A1A097B49Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords52"A$ 42.16
A3X475B50Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords53"A$ 41.81

Banded V-Belts, Type 8V

Dayton Type 8V banded V-belts comprise two or more single V-belts, held together by a heavy-duty backing, which then dispense the stress equally across the belts. These V-belts feature heavy-duty crosswise tensile cords to establish a permanent connection between individual belts. They further come with a top cover to protect the belt from coming in contact with oil and heat, as well as maintain the dimensional stability.

StyleModelIndustry NumberNumber Of RibsOutside LengthTop WidthPrice (inc. GST)
A13G0802/8V10002101"2"A$ 766.23
A13G0812/8V10602107"2"A$ 829.04
A13G0822/8V11202113"2"A$ 902.61
A13G0832/8V11802119"2"A$ 951.73
A13G0842/8V12502126"2"A$ 1007.44
A13G0852/8V13202133"2"A$ 1011.88
A13G0862/8V14002141"2"A$ 1094.23
A13G0872/8V15002151"2"A$ 1118.15
A13G0882/8V16002161"2"A$ 1286.97
A13G0892/8V17002171"2"A$ 1314.88
A13G0902/8V18002181"2"A$ 1453.37
A13G0912/8V19002191"2"A$ 1466.04
A13G0922/8V20002201"2"A$ 1617.75
A13G0932/8V21202213"2"A$ 1637.86
A13G0942/8V22402225"2"A$ 1790.15
A13G0952/8V23602237"2"A$ 1815.95
A13G0962/8V25002251"2"A$ 1879.48
A13G0972/8V26502266"2"A$ 2131.67
A13G0982/8V28002281"2"A$ 2257.28
A13G0992/8V30002301"2"A$ 2417.32
A13G1012/8V31502316"2"A$ 2535.44
A13G1022/8V33502336"2"A$ 2696.85
A13G1032/8V35502356"2"A$ 2865.73
A13G1042/8V37502376"2"A$ 2757.41
A13G1052/8V40002401"2"A$ 3242.49

Banded V-Belts, Type B

Dayton Type B banded V-belts are designed for use with multiple belt systems in places where shock loads, pulsation, or misalignment cause the belts to whip, flip over, or jump off of the sheave. These V-belts come equipped with a top cover to prevent the belt from coming in contact with oil and heat, as well as, maintain the dimensional stability. They also feature heavy-duty crosswise tensile cords to establish a permanent connection between individual belts. Choose from a wide range of these banded V-belts available in 3, 4, 5 and 6 number of ribs.

StyleModelIndustry NumberNumber Of RibsOutside LengthTop WidthPrice (inc. GST)
A13G8752/B46249.75"1 1/3"A$ 78.65
B3HEX52/B48251.75"1 1/3"A$ 92.54
A13G8762/B50253.75"1 1/3"A$ 88.98
A13G8772/B51254.75"1 1/3"A$ 88.63
A13G8782/B52255.75"1 1/3"A$ 102.37
A13G8792/B53256.75"1 1/3"A$ 104.15
A13G8802/B54257.75"1 1/3"A$ 96.21
A13G8812/B55258.75"1 1/3"A$ 119.19
A13G8822/B56259.75"1 1/3"A$ 121.05
A13G8832/B57260.75"1 1/3"A$ 100.18
A13G8842/B58261.75"1 1/3"A$ 100.89
A13G8852/B59262.75"1 1/3"A$ 103.39
A13G8862/B60263.75"1 1/3"A$ 103.27
A13G8872/B61264.75"1 1/3"A$ 107.42
B3HEZ22/B62265.75"1 1/3"A$ 139.33
A13G8882/B63266.75"1 1/3"A$ 111.43
A13G8892/B64267.75"1 1/3"A$ 113.83
A13G8902/B65268.75"1 1/3"A$ 115.44
A13G8912/B66269.75"1 1/3"A$ 116.22
A13G8922/B67270.75"1 1/3"A$ 117.84
A13G8932/B68271.75"1 1/3"A$ 120.23
B3HFC42/B70273.75"1 1/3"A$ 114.69
A13G8942/B71274.75"1 1/3"A$ 121.69
B3HEY92/B72275.75"1 1/3"A$ 118.94
B3HFA72/B73276.75"1 1/3"A$ 121.30

3V Link V-Belt

StyleModelOutside LengthPrice (inc. GST)
A040702525ft.A$ 1317.79
A0407100100ft.A$ 4427.67

Type 3L FHP V Belts

Dayton V belts are ideal for transferring force from motors to pulleys for power transmission applications in automotive, manufacturing and metalworking facilities. These V belts feature static conductive rubber construction for dissipating accumulated electrostatic charge and have a protective fabric cover for resistance against damage from oil & heat. Choose from a wide variety of these single rib, power transmission belts, available in 10 - 74 inch outside lengths.

StyleModelIndustry NumberMaterialOutside LengthPrice (inc. GST)
A3GWD23L110Natural/Synthetic Rubber Blend10"A$ 10.50
A3GWD33L120Natural/Synthetic Rubber Blend12"A$ 14.73
A3GWD43L130Natural/Synthetic Rubber Blend13"A$ 12.54
A3GWD53L140Natural/Synthetic Rubber Blend14"A$ 12.57
A3L1503L150Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords15"A$ 12.93
A3L1603L160Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords16"A$ 13.00
A3L1703L170Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords17"A$ 13.06
A3L1803L180Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords18"A$ 12.36
A3L1903L190Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords19"A$ 13.00
A3L2003L200Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords20"A$ 12.89
A3L2103L210Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords21"A$ 12.52
A3L2203L220Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords22"A$ 12.38
A3L2303L230Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords23"A$ 12.16
A3L2403L240Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords24"A$ 12.79
A3L2503L250Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords25"A$ 13.22
A3L2603L260Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords26"A$ 15.35
B3L2703L270Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords27"A$ 13.94
B3L2803L280Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords28"A$ 12.85
B3L2903L290Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords29"A$ 14.06
B3L3003L300Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords30"A$ 13.17
B3L3103L310Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords31"A$ 14.88
B3L3203L320Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords32"A$ 13.98
B3L3303L330Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords33"A$ 14.92
B3L3403L340Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords34"A$ 13.64
B3L3503L350Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords35"A$ 15.18

Type CX Power Transmission V Belts

Dayton banded V belts are used with multiple belt systems for power transmission operations. These belts are ideal for applications prone to vibrations, speed fluctuations & misalignment and selected models feature transverse tensile cords for creating a permanent connection between individual belts. They have reinforced tie band construction for withstanding stress at high RPMs and a fabric top cover for maintaining dimensional stability & protecting the belt against heat & abrasive oils. Choose from a wide range of these single rib V belts, available in 55 - 242 inch outside lengths.

StyleModelConstructionIndustry NumberMaterialOutside LengthPrice (inc. GST)
A3GXC9CoggedCX111Chloroprene Rubber Blend115"A$ 185.05
A3GXD1CoggedCX115Chloroprene Rubber Blend119"A$ 158.50
B3GXD2CoggedCX123Chloroprene Rubber Blend127"A$ 144.07
B3GXD3CoggedCX133Chloroprene Rubber Blend137"A$ 154.59
C3GXD5CoggedCX190Chloroprene Rubber Blend194"A$ 258.31
D3GXD6CoggedCX225Chloroprene Rubber Blend227"A$ 290.36
A4FJ50Raw Edge, CoggedCX96Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords100"A$ 137.42
A4FJ44Raw Edge, CoggedCX60Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords64"A$ 87.88
E4FJ40Raw Edge, CoggedCX210Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords214"A$ 311.56
E4FJ41Raw Edge, CoggedCX240Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords242"A$ 346.45
A4FJ43Raw Edge, CoggedCX51Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords55"A$ 74.19
A4FJ48Raw Edge, CoggedCX85Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords89"A$ 118.33
A4FJ45Raw Edge, CoggedCX68Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords72"A$ 102.30
A4FJ46Raw Edge, CoggedCX75Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords79"A$ 107.83
A4FJ47Raw Edge, CoggedCX81Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords85"A$ 114.17
E4FJ38Raw Edge, CoggedCX180Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords184"A$ 271.06
A4FJ49Raw Edge, CoggedCX90Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords94"A$ 160.73
E4FJ39Raw Edge, CoggedCX195Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords199"A$ 277.79
E4FJ34Raw Edge, CoggedCX150Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords154"A$ 254.42
E4FJ37Raw Edge, CoggedCX173Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords177"A$ 224.87
E4FJ36Raw Edge, CoggedCX162Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords166"A$ 219.84
E4FJ35Raw Edge, CoggedCX158Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords162"A$ 276.26
B4FJ33Raw Edge, CoggedCX144Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords148"A$ 244.95
B4FJ32Raw Edge, CoggedCX136Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords140"A$ 219.24
B4FJ31Raw Edge, CoggedCX128Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords132"A$ 200.29

Type 3VX Power Transmission V Belts

Dayton V belts are used with multiple belt systems for power transmission operations. These belts are ideal for applications prone to vibrations, speed fluctuations & misalignment and selected models feature transverse tensile cords for creating a permanent connection between individual belts. They have reinforced tie band construction for withstanding stress at high RPMs and fabric top cover for maintaining dimensional stability & protecting the belt against heat & abrasive oils. Choose from a wide range of these single rib V belts, available in 25 - 140 inch outside lengths.

StyleModelIndustry NumberMaterialOutside LengthPrice (inc. GST)
A13W5353VX235Natural/Synthetic Rubber Blend23.5"A$ 15.39
B2L3773VX250Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords25"A$ 21.35
B2L3783VX265Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords26.5"A$ 25.64
B2L3793VX280Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords28"A$ 24.48
B2L3803VX300Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords30"A$ 25.09
B2L3813VX315Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords31.5"A$ 26.87
B2L3823VX335Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords33.5"A$ 28.51
B2L3833VX355Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords35.5"A$ 30.29
A13W5363VX360Natural/Synthetic Rubber Blend36"A$ 18.87
B2L3843VX375Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords37.5"A$ 32.36
B2L3853VX400Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords40"A$ 32.58
B2L3863VX425Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords42.5"A$ 35.98
B2L3873VX450Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords45"A$ 37.14
B2L3883VX475Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords47.5"A$ 38.45
B2L3893VX500Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords50"A$ 40.38
B2L3903VX530Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords53"A$ 42.18
C2L3913VX560Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords56"A$ 43.08
C2L3923VX600Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords60"A$ 44.66
C2L3933VX630Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords63"A$ 38.70
C2L3943VX670Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords67"A$ 49.28
C2L3953VX710Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords71"A$ 49.50
C2L3963VX750Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords75"A$ 54.50
C2L3973VX800Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords80"A$ 58.06
D13W5373VX830Natural/Synthetic Rubber Blend83"A$ 54.21
C2L3983VX850Rubber Body w/Polyester Cords85"A$ 45.99

Type C Power Transmission V Belts

Dayton V belts are ideal for transferring force from motors to pulleys for power transmission applications in automotive, manufacturing and metalworking facilities. These V belts feature static conductive rubber construction for maximum traction & load distribution while dissipating accumulated electrostatic charge. They have a protective outer fabric cover for resistance against damage from oil & heat. Choose from a wide variety of these single rib, power transmission belts, available in 42 - 482 inch outside lengths.

StyleModelIndustry NumberOutside LengthPrice (inc. GST)
A3GWL3C3842"A$ 41.71
A3GWL4C4246"A$ 44.31
B13V821C4852"A$ 55.26
C13V822C5054"A$ 53.37
A3GWL5C5357"A$ 39.38
C13V823C5458"A$ 57.20
C13V824C5660"A$ 43.94
C13V825C5761"A$ 64.01
C13V826C5862"A$ 51.20
C13V827C5963"A$ 45.90
A3GWL6C6266"A$ 65.16
C13V828C6367"A$ 70.13
A3GWL7C6468"A$ 68.05
C13V829C8084"A$ 80.80
C13V830C8488"A$ 64.24
C13V831C8791"A$ 97.23
C13V832C8993"A$ 77.67
C13V833C9195"A$ 73.94
C13V834C9498"A$ 96.10
C13V835C9599"A$ 100.05
C13V836C101105"A$ 111.04
D3GWP2C103107"A$ 114.24
D3GWP3C104108"A$ 65.71
D3GWP4C106110"A$ 109.32
D3GWP5C107111"A$ 108.38

Single Rib V Belts

Dayton V belts are ideal for transferring force from motors to pulleys for power transmission applications in automotive, manufacturing and metalworking facilities. These V belts fit into single groove pulleys and feature static conductive rubber construction for dissipating accumulated electrostatic charge. They have a fabric cover that provides resistance against damage from oil, heat & harsh industrial conditions. Choose from a wide variety of these single rib, power transmission belts, available in 50 - 355 inch outside lengths.

StyleModelIndustry NumberOutside LengthPrice (inc. GST)
A13V7355V50050"A$ 74.37
A13V7365V53053"A$ 77.52
A13V7375V56056"A$ 74.96
A13V7385V60060"A$ 77.01
A13V7395V63063"A$ 89.53
A13V7405V67067"A$ 91.87
A13V7415V71071"A$ 104.60
A13V7425V75075"A$ 97.74
A13V7435V80080"A$ 104.23
A13V7445V85085"A$ 111.53
A13V7455V90090"A$ 132.61
B13V7465V95095"A$ 131.45
B13V7475V1000100"A$ 139.20
B13V7485V1060106"A$ 148.56
B13V7495V1120112"A$ 154.22
B13V7505V1180118"A$ 159.69
B13V7515V1250125"A$ 173.83
B13V7525V1320132"A$ 178.42
B13V7535V1400140"A$ 197.55
B13V7545V1500150"A$ 212.30
B13V7555V1600160"A$ 218.98
B13V7565V1700170"A$ 233.10
B13V7575V1800180"A$ 273.78
B13V7585V1900190"A$ 275.19
B13V7595V2000200"A$ 270.61


Raptor Supplies offers a wide range of heat-resistive and static conductive V-belts from Dayton, Fenner Drives, Gates, Ingersoll-Rand and Speedaire. These V-belts are designed to facilitate power transmission from engine to different components, such as air conditioning compressors, water pumps, fans, power steering systems and alternators. They feature cogged construction to easily flex around the drive sheaves and raw-edge design for aggressive gripping with less belt slippage. They are made up of rubber with fibres embedded in it for high strength and also contain load-bearing cords (or tension members) to maximise the load-bearing capacity of the belt. The advantage of having V shape is that it allows the belt to fit securely in the pulley while also avoiding side drift and preventing the belt from turning over. These belts do not require lubrication and can dampen vibration between the driving and the driven machines. We also offer banded V-belts featuring multiple grooves to replace single V-belts in heavy-duty applications where extreme shock loads with inconsistent load tension are present.

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