Weatherproof Boxes | Raptor Supplies Australia

Weatherproof Boxes


Stainless Steel Weatherproof Boxes

StyleModelBox TypeCapacityDepthHub SizeLengthNumber Of GangsNumber Of InletsWidthPrice (inc. GST)
AS60700FD00FD25.0 cu. in.2.5"3/4"5.28"112.83"A$ 796.54
BS60700FDCCFDCC25.0 cu. in.2.5"3/4"5.9"132.83"A$ 780.31
CS60700FDCDFDCD45.0 cu. in.2.5"3/4"5.98"224.66"A$ 899.97
DS61000FDCDFDCD45.0 cu. in.2.5"1"6.3"224.67"A$ 1117.24
ES60700FDCSFDCS25.0 cu. in.2.5"3/4"5.95"122.83"A$ 812.04
FS61000FDCSFDCS25.0 cu. in.2.5"1"6.3"122.83"A$ 1104.26
GS60700FDCTFDCT25.0 cu. in.2.5"3/4"5.9"133.5"A$ 849.64
GS60700FDX0FDX25.0 cu. in.2.5"3/4"5.9"144.12"A$ 965.65
AS60700FS00FS18.0 cu. in.1.8"3/4"5.28"112.83"A$ 843.58
HS60700FSCCFSCC18.0 cu. in.1.8"3/4"5.9"132.83"A$ 745.84
IS60700FSCTFSCT18.0 cu. in.1.8"3/4"5.9"133.5"A$ 784.01
GS60700FSX0FSX18.0 cu. in.1.8"3/4"5.9"144.12"A$ 922.91

Cast Device Box Aluminium

StyleModelBox TypeCapacityDepthHub SizeLengthMaterialNumber Of GangsTypePrice (inc. GST)
AFDC-1-100-ADeep25.0 Cu.In.2.69"1"4.56"Copperfree Aluminum1FDCA$ 228.18
BFS-2-75-AShallow32.0 Cu.In.2"3/4"4.63"Die Cast Copperfree Aluminum2FSA$ 247.63

Malleable Iron Weatherproof Boxes

StyleModelBox TypeCapacityDepthHub SizeLengthNumber Of GangsNumber Of InletsTypePrice (inc. GST)
AFDX-1-75Deep25.0 Cu.In.2.69"3/4"4.56"14FDXA$ 275.53
BFDCC-1-50Deep25.0 Cu.In.2.69"1/2"4.56"13FDCCA$ 210.56
AFDX-1-50Deep25.0 Cu.In.2.69"1/2"4.56"14FDXA$ 243.56
AFDX-1-100Deep25.0 Cu.In.2.69"1"4.56"14FDXA$ 321.91
CFDT-1-50Deep25.0 Cu.In.2.69"1/2"4.56"13FDTA$ 232.82
CFDT-1-100Deep25.0 Cu.In.2.69"1"4.56"13FDTA$ 285.01
DFDS-1-100Deep25.0 Cu.In.2.69"1"4.56"12FDSA$ 237.61
EFDS-2-75Deep45.0 Cu.In.2.69"3/4"4.63"22FDSA$ 410.88
BFDCC-1-100Deep25.0 Cu.In.2.69"1"4.56"13FDCCA$ 281.68
FFDC-2-100Deep45.0 Cu.In.2.69"1"4.63"22FDCA$ 348.40
GFD-2-100Deep45.0 Cu.In.2.69"1"4.63"21FDA$ 308.38
HFS-1D-50FS18.0 Cu.In.3.38"1/2"4.56"11FSA$ 202.33
IFS-1D-75FS18.0 Cu.In.3.38"3/4"4.56"11FSA$ 215.07
JFSC-1D-75FSC18.0 Cu.In.3.38"3/4"4.56"12FSCA$ 219.89
KFSC-1-75LShallow18.0 Cu.In.2"3/4"4.56"11FSCA$ 192.67
LFSC-2T-75Shallow40.0 Cu.In.2"3/4"4.56"22FSCA$ 295.50
MFSCD-1-50Shallow18.0 Cu.In.2"1/2"4.56"14FSCDA$ 239.86
NFSCT-1-100Shallow18.0 Cu.In.2"1"4.56"13FSCTA$ 281.06
LFSC-2T-50Shallow40.0 Cu.In.2"1/2"4.56"22FSCA$ 304.02
OFSC-2-75Shallow32.0 Cu.In.2"3/4"4.63"22FSCA$ 263.69
PFSLA-1-50Shallow18.0 Cu.In.2"1/2"4.56"13FSLAA$ 171.73
QFS-3-100Shallow40.0 Cu.In.2"1"4.56"31FSA$ 326.73
RFS-2T-75Shallow40.0 Cu.In.2"3/4"4.56"21FSA$ 306.22
RFS-2T-50Shallow40.0 Cu.In.2"1/2"4.56"21FSA$ 266.91
SFS-2-75Shallow32.0 Cu.In.2"3/4"4.63"21FSA$ 247.96

Valox Weatherproof Boxes

Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems weatherproof boxes are designed to withstand outdoor rigours and to prevent damage caused by the ingress of rain and dirt into an electrical circuit. They are constructed with non-metallic and non-conductive Valox that helps to resist impacts, as well as corrosion.These boxes feature deep, back-to-back device mounting for accommodating a wide variety of wiring devices. With a maximum volumetric capacity of 33 cu.inch, these portable outlet boxes are available in 3.18 & 4.2 inch depths.
Raptor Supplies also offers receptacle boxesfeaturing impact-resistant PBT (polybutylene terephthalate) construction.

StyleModelBox TypeCapacityDepthHub SizeTypePrice (inc. GST)
AHBLPOB1FSCC32.0 cu. in3.18"1"TemporaryA$ 178.21
BHBLPOB1DFSCC33.0 cu. in4.2"1"TemporaryA$ 210.27
CHBLPOB1DYOutlet1.0 cu. in4.2"3/4"Non-metallicA$ 210.27

Weatherproof PVC Box

StyleModelCapacityDepthHub SizeItemLengthNumber Of GangsNumber Of InletsWidthPrice (inc. GST)
A513354420.0 cu. in2.38"1/2"FSCC Box5.8"132.85"A$ 44.11
A513354620.0 cu. in2.38"1"FSCC Box5.8"132.85"A$ 54.08
A513354520.0 cu. in2"3/4"FSCC Box5.8"132.85"A$ 49.87
B513346321.0 cu. in2.38"1/2"FSC Box2.85"125.8"A$ 39.00
B513346421.0 cu. in2"3/4"FSC Box2.85"125.8"A$ 42.74
B513346521.0 cu. in2.38"1"FSC Box2.85"125.8"A$ 46.33
C513354021.8 cu. in2.62"1/2"FSS Box2.85"125.8"A$ 40.04
C513354321.8 cu. in2.63"1"FSS Box5.8"122.85"A$ 48.68
C513354221.8 cu. in2.62"3/4"FSS Box5.8"122.85"A$ 42.74
D513336422.5 cu. in2.38"3/4"FSE Box2.85"115.8"A$ 39.00
D513336322.5 cu. in2"1/2"FSE Box2.85"115.8"A$ 37.19
D513336522.5 cu. in2.38"1"FSE Box2.85"115.8"A$ 43.57
E513340035.3 cu. in2.38"1/2"FSCC Box5.8"234.8"A$ 56.52
E513340135.3 cu. in2.5"3/4"FSCC Box5.8"234.8"A$ 56.52
E513340235.3 cu. in2.38"1"FSCC Box5.8"234.8"A$ 56.52
F513337236.0 cu. in2.38"1"FSC Box4.8"225.8"A$ 50.14
F513337136.0 cu. in2.5"3/4"FSC Box4.8"225.8"A$ 50.14
F513337036.0 cu. in2.5"1/2"FSC Box4.8"225.8"A$ 47.73
G513339036.3 cu. in2.38"1/2"FSS Box5.8"224.8"A$ 50.14
G513339136.3 cu. in2.38"3/4"FSS Box5.8"224.8"A$ 50.14
G513339236.3 cu. in2.38"1"FSS Box5.8"224.8"A$ 46.20
H513338237.3 cu. in2.38"1"FSE Box4.8"215.8"A$ 51.32
H513338137.3 cu. in5.8"3/4"FSE Box4.8"215.8"A$ 49.18
H513338037.3 cu. in2.5"1/2"FSE Box4.8"215.8"A$ 49.18

Weatherproof Boxes

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
A5412-0Extension AdapterA$ 53.25
A5361-2Weatherproof BoxA$ 20.34
A5320-2Weatherproof BoxA$ 14.13

Weatherproof Boxes

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
APV1000FD3A$ 523.62
BPV0700FSC2A$ 548.26
CPV1000FSC32A$ 895.44
BPV0500FSC1A$ 518.24
DPV0700FD22A$ 823.40
EPV0700FSD212A$ 1249.47
CPV0700FSC222A$ 879.95
FPV0700FS22A$ 730.01
CPV0500FSC12A$ 853.97
GPV0500FS12A$ 782.26
GPV1000FS32A$ 851.10
HPV0700FSCC2A$ 736.32
IPV0700FDC2A$ 571.53
JPV0700FSS2A$ 727.45
GPV1000FS3A$ 535.99
KPV0700FSCA2A$ 763.50
GPV0700FS2A$ 433.53
APV0700FD2A$ 470.08
LPV0500FDCT1A$ 664.81
HPV0500FSCC1A$ 645.67
IPV0500FDC1A$ 587.91
GPV0500FS1A$ 431.10
APV0500FD1A$ 503.54
KPV0500FSCA1A$ 732.54
LPV1000FDCT3A$ 761.53

Weatherproof Boxes

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
APB3INDDevice BoxA$ 45.79
BFS-1Weatherproof Electrical BoxA$ 81.66

FSS/FSCC/FDCC Series Cast Device Boxes

StyleModelBox TypeCapacityDepthItemTypePrice (inc. GST)
AFSCC-1M---Device Box-A$ 99.88
BFSS-2---Device Box-A$ 106.53
BFSS-1M---Device Box-A$ 139.07
AFSCC-2M---Device Box-A$ 109.44
CFDCC-2---Device Box-A$ 126.39
DFDS-2MDeep28 Cu.In.2.69"Cast Device BoxFDSA$ 110.95
EFSS-2MShallow18 Cu.In.2"Cast Device BoxFSSA$ 103.54
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AFST-1MA$ 146.55
AFST-2A$ 122.17
AFST-2MA$ 126.95
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AFSX-1MA$ 198.49
AFSX-2MA$ 189.22

FSCA/FSCT Series Cast Device Boxes

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
AFSCA-2MA$ 121.40
BFSCT-1MA$ 172.39
AFSCA-1MA$ 158.47
BFSCT-2MA$ 162.07

FDC/FSOC Series Cast Device Boxes

StyleModelHub SizeItemPrice (inc. GST)
AFSOC-1-Device BoxA$ 129.72
BFDC-1-Device BoxA$ 126.89
BFDC-2-Device BoxA$ 108.19
BFDC-3M-Device BoxA$ 150.37
CFDC-1M1/2"Cast Device BoxA$ 103.20
DFDC-2M3/4"Cast Device BoxA$ 126.95

2FS/2FD Series Cast Device Boxes

StyleModelBox TypeItemLengthNumber Of InletsTypePrice (inc. GST)
A2FDC-2-Device Box---A$ 167.74
A2FS-1-Device Box---A$ 149.60
A2FDC-1-Device Box---A$ 161.71
B2FD-2-Device Box---A$ 164.98
B2FD-1-Device Box---A$ 154.73
A2FS-3-Device Box---A$ 286.30
A2FS-3M-Device Box---A$ 174.68
A2FSC-1-Device Box---A$ 129.09
B2FD-2M-Device Box---A$ 167.55
B2FD-1M-Device Box---A$ 197.10
A2FDC-1M-Device Box---A$ 199.36
A2FDC-2M-Device Box---A$ 185.44
A2FSC-1M-Device Box---A$ 165.00
C2FS-2MShallow Dead EndCast Device Box5.5"1FSA$ 159.64
D2FSC-2MShallow Feed ThruCast Device Box6.38"2FSCA$ 169.90

FS/FD/FSC Series Cast Device Boxes

StyleModelBox TypeCapacityColorDepthHub SizeItemLengthMaterialPrice (inc. GST)
AFSC-3M-----Device Box--A$ 133.75
BFD-2-----Device Box--A$ 100.00
CFS-3M-----Device Box--A$ 114.01
BFD-3-----Device Box--A$ 122.73
CFD-3M-----Device Box--A$ 130.55
BFD-1-----Device Box--A$ 108.19
DFD-2MDeep Dead End28 Cu.In.Silver2.88"3/4"Cast Device Box6.38"Malleable IronA$ 114.84
DFD-1MDeep Dead End28 Cu.In.Silver2.88"1/2"Cast Device Box5.5"Malleable IronA$ 126.27
EFS-3FS18.0 Cu.In.Metallic2"1"Device Box5.5"AluminumA$ 115.52
FFS-2FS18.0 Cu.In.Metallic2"3/4"Device Box5.5"AluminumA$ 87.20
GFS-1FS18.0 Cu.In.Metallic2"1/2"Flow Switch5.5"AluminumA$ 1311.90
HFSC-2FSC18.0 Cu.In.Metallic2"3/4"Device Box6.375"AluminumA$ 122.24
IFSC-3FSC18.0 Cu.In.Metallic2"1"Device Box6.375"AluminumA$ 146.75
HFSC-1FSC18.0 Cu.In.Metallic2"1/2"Device Box6.375"AluminumA$ 109.02
JFS-2MShallow Dead End18 Cu.In.Silver2"3/4"Cast Device Box5.5"Malleable IronA$ 84.75
JFS-1MShallow Dead End18 Cu.In.Silver2"1/2"Cast Device Box5.5"Malleable IronA$ 79.75
KFSC-2MShallow Feed Thru18 Cu.In.Silver2"3/4"Cast Device Box6.38"Malleable IronA$ 99.05
LFSC-1MShallow Feed Thru18 Cu.In.Silver2"1/2"Cast Device Box6.38"Malleable IronA$ 124.11

Single Gang Universal Weatherproof Box, 17.3 Cubic Inch, Pack Of 16

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
B1501SGRBK9CMEA$ 84.67
See Details

Two Gang Universal Weatherproof Box, 31 Cubic Inch

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
2IH7S2-2BK9VWUA$ 86.77
See Details

Two Gang Deep Universal Weatherproof Box, 42 Cubic Inch, Pack Of 5

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
2IHD5-1BK8WHMA$ 97.46
See Details

Two Gang Deep Universal Weatherproof Box, 36 Cubic Inch

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
2IHD5-3BK8WHEA$ 109.81
See Details

Three-Gang Airtight Device Box, Volume 48 Cubic Inch, Pack Of 40

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
3-FWSWBK8WYDA$ 67.92
See Details

Three Gang Drawn Style Device Box, 44.3 Cubic Inch, Pack Of 10

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)
3G4DV12-10RBK8WYBA$ 104.94
See Details

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