Frequently Asked Questions
What are wheel chocks made of?
Wheel chocks are generally made of metal, plastic or rubber. Metal chocks are more durable and damage resistant, but they are heavier and may be difficult to move. Rubber or plastic wheel chocks, on the other hand, are more lightweight & easier to handle while being resistant to damage.
How to choose the right wheel chock for a vehicle?
The size of a wheel chock depends on the size & weight class of the vehicle. Users should select a suitable wheel chock that is large enough to offer proper support & stability but not too large to handle or store. Generally, the chosen wheel chocks should be slightly larger than the width of the wheels / tires.
How to clean & maintain wheel chocks?
Wheel chocks can be cleaned easily by wiping them down using a damp cloth or sponge. Users can use mild detergent or soaps for stubborn dirt or grime, but they should avoid using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals. The wheel chocks should be stored in an easily accessible area for quick use in case of an emergency. The stored location should also be cool, clean & dry to prevent the wheel chock's surface from cracking & fading. Selected wheel chocks may need periodic refinishing or painting for retaining their appearance & durability.