Wire Marking Labels | Raptor Supplies Australia
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Wire Marking Labels

3M -

Sdr Wire Marker Labels, Preprinted

StyleModelBackground ColorColorPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A7000132530BlackBlackA$ 618.2150
A7000132531BlueBlueA$ 602.8250
A7000132532BrownBrownA$ 602.8250
A7100033542GrayGrayA$ 675.8050
A7000132533GreenGreenA$ 604.2150
B7100017358RedRedA$ 658.5750
C7100042492VioletVioletA$ 645.3550
D7000031519WhiteWhiteA$ 683.7650
E7000031764WhiteWhiteA$ 635.0550
D7000058264WhiteWhiteA$ 609.0850
D7000031527WhiteWhiteA$ 711.3750
D7000031516WhiteWhiteA$ 683.7650
FSDR-70-79WhiteWhiteA$ 657.1850
FSDR-60-69WhiteWhiteA$ 657.1850
FSDR-50-59WhiteWhiteA$ 574.8450
D7000031525WhiteWhiteA$ 715.0950
D7000031520WhiteWhiteA$ 711.6150
D7000031526WhiteWhiteA$ 686.7950
D7000031517WhiteWhiteA$ 657.1850
D7000031528WhiteWhiteA$ 686.7950
D7000031523WhiteWhiteA$ 683.7650
D7000031522WhiteWhiteA$ 686.7950
D7000031521WhiteWhiteA$ 676.0250
DSDR-(-)WhiteWhiteA$ 604.2150
D7000031518WhiteWhiteA$ 615.5950

Wire Marking Labels

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A44-103LabelA$ 290.365
B42-301RollA$ 152.981
B42-399RollA$ 116.611

Wire Marking Labels

StyleModelItemPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
ASCNC-15LabelA$ 176.3510
BPWM-12LabelA$ 92.7510
CTWM-0-9-PKWireA$ 156.2525
DTWM-10-PKWireA$ 157.1925
EWM-10-SC-PKWireA$ 163.8425
DTWM-12-PKWireA$ 149.3825
FAF-1-9-PKWireA$ 191.2525
GWM-HOT-PKWireA$ 144.5225
HWM-L1-PKWireA$ 154.5525
IWM-L2-PKWireA$ 156.0325
JWM-L3-PKWireA$ 152.5125
KWM-SPR-PKWireA$ 153.2425
LTWM-11-PKWireA$ 157.1925
MWM-1-6-PKWireA$ 145.1225
3M -

Wire Marker Tapes Refill Rolls

StyleModelLegendPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A7000058265L2A$ 609.0850
B7000058266L3A$ 609.0850
StyleModelBackground ColorColorItemLabel TypeLegend ColorMarker Attachment StyleMaterialTemp. RangePrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A7000058134-RedWire Marker Tape DispenserTape Not Included--Polypropylene-A$ 613.9510
A7000132529-RedWire Marker DispenserFilled with 10 Rolls of Different Colored TapeOne each of black, blue, brown, green, gray, orange, red, violet, white and yellowPre-printedPolypropylene dispenser filled with Polyester film tape32 Degrees to 120 Degrees FA$ 1578.9710
A7000031483-RedWire Marker Tape DispenserTape Not Included--Polypropylene-A$ 1666.0025
A7000031515Black, Blue, Brown, Gray, Green, Orange, Red, Violet, White, YellowBlack, Blue, Brown, Gray, Green, Orange, Red, Violet, White, YellowWire Marker Dispenser w/TapePreprinted--Polyester Film Tape40 Deg to 250 Deg FA$ 147.101
A7000006035WhiteWhiteDispenser TapeWire MarkerBlackSelf-Adhesive--40 Degrees to 250 Degrees FA$ 146.801
A7000058253WhiteRedWire Marker Dispenser w/TapeFilled with 10 Rolls of Numbered Tape-Self-AdhesivePolypropylene dispenser filled with Polyester film tape-40 Degrees to 250 Degrees FA$ 1810.9610
StyleModelTypePrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A7000132483PreprintedA$ 278.715
A7000132478PreprintedA$ 267.525
A7000132480PreprintedA$ 265.905
A7000132481PreprintedA$ 284.495
A7000132482PreprintedA$ 281.115
A7100041605PreprintedA$ 281.465
A7100041606PreprintedA$ 265.925
A7000148836PreprintedA$ 280.745
A7000132487PreprintedA$ 315.335
A7000132486PreprintedA$ 317.995
A7000132485PreprintedA$ 321.185
A7000132484PreprintedA$ 336.045
A7000132479PreprintedA$ 266.955
A7100072619Preprinted for Alarm SystemsA$ 355.215

Wire Marker Book

StyleModelMarkers Per CardPrice (inc. GST)
APWM-PK-8(6) 1 to 15, (4) 16 to 90, (2) A to Z,+,-,/,0A$ 102.43
BPWM-LC-35 Cards Each of 2 LegendsA$ 98.50
CPWM-PK-210A$ 96.31
BPWM-PK-310A$ 81.94
BPWM-PK-145A$ 80.49

Wire Marker Book

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)
A56252A$ 31.07
B56251A$ 33.13
C56253A$ 33.32
D56254A$ 30.25
E56250A$ 38.52

Wire and Cable Marker

StyleModelMarker Attachment StyleMarkers Per CardTemp. RangePrice (inc. GST)
APWS-PK-14Self-Adhesive180-40 Degrees F to 158 Degrees FA$ 114.67
BPWC-PK-1Self-Laminating120-40 Degrees to 158 Degrees FA$ 126.47
CPWC-PK-6Self-Laminating30-40 Degrees to 158 Degrees FA$ 122.16
DPWC-PK-3Self-Laminating60-40 Degrees to 158 Degrees FA$ 96.74

Clip Sleeve Wire Marker

StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
ASCN10-2A$ 160.9810
BSCN10-N-ZA$ 231.2413
CSCN10-1A$ 163.7810
BSCN10-A-MA$ 205.9613
DSCNC-10A$ 166.4210
3M -

SDR Dispenser

StyleModelColorPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A7000058254Black on WhiteA$ 13.061
B7000058256Black on WhiteA$ 12.871
C7000058258Black on WhiteA$ 12.731
D7000058260Black on WhiteA$ 13.381
E7000058261Black on WhiteA$ 12.611
F7000058262Black on WhiteA$ 12.341
G7000058263Black on WhiteA$ 13.361
H7000031761Black on WhiteA$ 129.2010
I7000031762Black on WhiteA$ 122.4210
J7000031763Black on WhiteA$ 122.4210
K7000058255Black on WhiteA$ 12.871
L7000058257Black on WhiteA$ 12.771
M7000058259Black on WhiteA$ 12.631
N7000031760RedA$ 117.3910
StyleModelMarkers Per CardPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
ASLFW-750-PK12A$ 153.1425
ASLFW-500-PK18A$ 157.7425

Preprinted Wire Marker

StyleModelBackground ColorColorMarker Attachment StyleMarkers Per CardMaterialTemp. RangeTypePrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
AAF-1-33-PKSilverBlack on SilverSelf-Adhesive33Aluminum Foil B184266 FConsecutively NumberedA$ 180.9325
BTMM-0-49-PKWhiteBlack on WhiteSelf-Adhesive150Glossy Vinyl Coated Polyester B702212 FConsecutively NumberedA$ 213.6625
CWM-MIN-PKWhiteBlack on WhiteRepositional Self-Adhesive36Vinyl Cloth B500175 FSolid SymbolA$ 150.3425
CWM-5-PKWhiteBlack on WhiteRepositional Self-Adhesive36Vinyl Cloth B500175 FSolid NumberA$ 138.4925
DWM-3-PKWhiteBlack on WhiteRepositional Self-Adhesive36Vinyl Cloth B500175 FSolid NumberA$ 144.1025
EWM-2-PKWhiteBlack on WhiteRepositional Self-Adhesive36Vinyl Cloth B500175 FSolid NumberA$ 146.2425
FWM-1-33-PKWhiteBlack on WhiteRepositional Self-Adhesive33Vinyl Cloth B500175 FConsecutively NumberedA$ 136.8125
CWM-125-149-PKWhiteBlack on WhiteRepositional Self-Adhesive25Vinyl Cloth B500175 FConsecutively NumberedA$ 172.0325
GTMM-50-99-PKWhiteBlack on WhiteSelf-Adhesive150Glossy Vinyl Coated Polyester B702212 FConsecutively NumberedA$ 188.1825
CWM-PLS-PKWhiteBlack on WhiteRepositional Self-Adhesive36Vinyl Cloth B500175 FSolid SymbolA$ 153.9625
CWM-A-Z-PKWhiteBlack on WhiteRepositional Self-Adhesive26Vinyl Cloth B500175 FConsecutively LetteredA$ 147.1925
CWM-0-PKWhiteBlack on WhiteRepositional Self-Adhesive36Vinyl Cloth B500175 FSolid NumberA$ 151.9325
HWM-9-PKWhiteBlack on WhiteRepositional Self-Adhesive36Vinyl Cloth B500175 FSolid NumberA$ 140.6025
IWM-8-PKWhiteBlack on WhiteRepositional Self-Adhesive36Vinyl Cloth B500175 FSolid NumberA$ 142.7425
JWM-7-PKWhiteBlack on WhiteRepositional Self-Adhesive36Vinyl Cloth B500175 FSolid NumberA$ 140.8825
KWM-67-99-PKWhiteBlack on WhiteRepositional Self-Adhesive33Vinyl Cloth B500175 FConsecutively NumberedA$ 179.5425
LWM-4-PKWhiteBlack on WhiteRepositional Self-Adhesive36Vinyl Cloth B500175 FSolid NumberA$ 143.6225
MWM-34-66-PKWhiteBlack on WhiteRepositional Self-Adhesive33Vinyl Cloth B500175 FConsecutively NumberedA$ 179.4825
NWM-1-PKWhiteBlack on WhiteRepositional Self-Adhesive36Vinyl Cloth B500175 FSolid NumberA$ 148.5025
CWM-100-124-PKWhiteBlack on WhiteRepositional Self-Adhesive25Vinyl Cloth B500175 FConsecutively NumberedA$ 186.5025
OWM-6-PKWhiteBlack on WhiteRepositional Self-Adhesive36Vinyl Cloth B500175 FSolid NumberA$ 132.3525

Wire Markers

StyleModelColorHeightLabel TypeLabels Per RollMarkers Per CardMaterialTemp. RangeTypePrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
ABM-30-390--------A$ 2204.651
BBM-15-390--------A$ 1954.681
CM6-30-390--------A$ 335.061
DM6-15-390--------A$ 303.131
ETHTEP175-593-.25BKBlack----Polyester--A$ 814.271
FTHTEP169-593-.25BKBlack----Polyester--A$ 990.901
GSLF-1-33-PKBlack on White-Self Laminating-33Vinyl Cloth B-292158 FConsecutively NumberedA$ 158.4425
HTHT-149-7566-10Clear----Polyester--A$ 469.861
ITHT-18-430-1.5-SCClear----Polyester--A$ 692.011
JTHT-17-7566-3Clear----Polyester--A$ 659.301
KTHT-147-7566-10Clear----Polyester--A$ 738.651
LTHT-7-7566-3Clear----Polyester--A$ 1080.521
MTHT-19-432-1Clear----Polyester--A$ 840.731
NTHT-39-7566-10Clear----Polyester--A$ 750.861
OTHTEP167U-593-.5GNGreen----Polyester--A$ 1520.171
PTHTEP168-593-.25GNGreen----Polyester--A$ 918.951
QTHTEP170-593-.25GNGreen----Polyester--A$ 1079.991
RTHTEP175-593-.25GNGreen----Polyester--A$ 792.801
STHTEP173-593-.25GNGreen----Polyester--A$ 675.251
TTHTEP172-593-.25GNGreen----Polyester--A$ 549.301
UTHTEP171-593-.25GNGreen----Polyester--A$ 512.611
VTHTEP176-593-.25GNGreen----Polyester--A$ 892.981
WTHTEP167U-593-.5RDRed----Polyester--A$ 1520.171
XTHTEP167-593-.25RDRed----Polyester--A$ 856.441
YTHTEP172-593-.25RDRed----Polyester--A$ 549.301
3M -

Preprinted Wire Marking Labels

StyleModelColorItemLabel TypeTemp. RangePrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A7010351115Black on WhiteWire Marker Tape RefillSDR Dispenser250 Degrees F (121 Degrees C)A$ 142.4610
B7000031535WhiteWire Marker TapePreprinted-40 to 250 FA$ 683.7650
StyleModelPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
A7000058802A$ 371.755
A7000133164A$ 387.595

Label, 3/16 x 1 Inch Size, 1 Inch Size, Polyimide, White, -94 Deg. to 572 Deg.F

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
M7-14-717CN2TCGA$ 743.211
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Wire Marker Tape Refill Roll, 10 Pk

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
7000058135AB9XCGA$ 1197.8810

Wire Marker Book Legend 0-9 45 Markers / Card

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
44-101AD3BECA$ 63.501
3M -

Write On Wire Marker Book, 5 Pk

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.
7000058803AB9LEMA$ 424.245

Label, 1/4 x 2 Inch Size, 2 Inch Size, Polyimide, White, -94 Deg. to 572 Deg.F

ModelItemPrice (inc. GST)Pkg. Qty.

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